UI5 UI5使用Association和Aggregation描述控件之間的關系。 Aggregation:parent和子控件在lifecycle上存在依賴關系: When a ManagedObject is destroyed, all aggregated objects are destroyed as well and the object itself is removed fro...
UI5 UI5使用Association和Aggregation描述控件之間的關系。 Aggregation:parent和子控件在lifecycle上存在依賴關系: When a ManagedObject is destroyed, all aggregated objects are destroyed as well and the object itself is removed fro...
UI5 UI5使用Association和Aggregation描述控件之間的關系。 Aggregation:parent和子控件在lifecycle上存在依賴關系: When a ManagedObject is destroyed, all aggregated objects are destroyed as well and the object itself is removed fro...
...AP = { number: :xh, name: :xm, age: :nj } LOCAL_TO_REMOTE_ASSOCIATION_MAP = { klass: { association_field_name: :name, remote_field_name: :bjmc } } def impo...
...觀察下圖stat列值為E0001的行項目也出現在了結果集里。 Association的測試結果同Left Outer Join一致。 Association的底層實現實際上和Left Outer Join一致。有兩種辦法來驗證這個結論。 方法1 在ABAP Development Studio里預覽一個含有association實...
...觀察下圖stat列值為E0001的行項目也出現在了結果集里。 Association的測試結果同Left Outer Join一致。 Association的底層實現實際上和Left Outer Join一致。有兩種辦法來驗證這個結論。 方法1 在ABAP Development Studio里預覽一個含有association實...