




  • jQuery Event Menthods

    ...r() and mouseleave() methods the first function is executed when the mouse enters enters the html element, and the second function is executed when the mouse leaves the html element eg: $(p).hover(...

    khlbat 評論0 收藏0
  • 獨家解析Javascript原型繼承 - 之函數原型和AOP

    ...能的新的foo函數 foo = foo.before(function() { console.log(foo enters) }).after(function(){ console.log(foo exits) }); foo(); // foo enters // foo runs // foo exits 由此,可把函數調用和通用的log能功能掛接(hook)起來了。...

    ispring 評論0 收藏0
  • 174. Dungeon Game

    ....Any room can contain threats or power-ups, even the first room the knight enters and the bottom-right room where the princess is imprisoned. 解答:這一題最重要的是把 : 所剩血量 = 初始化血量+走這一步消耗的血量 >= 1 這句話讀懂。那么我們假設...

    wanglu1209 評論0 收藏0
  • [Leetcode] Dungeon Game 地牢游戲

    ... Any room can contain threats or power-ups, even the first room the knight enters and the bottom-right room where the princess is imprisoned. 動態規劃 復雜度 時間 O(N) 空間 O(N) 遞歸棧 思路 騎士向右或者向下走,如果血量小于0就死掉了,...

    taoszu 評論0 收藏0
  • angular1學習筆記,view model 的同步過程

    ...nt to detect the following: // !!!1. scope value is a // !!! 2. user enters b // !!!3. ng-change kicks in and reverts scope value to a // -> scope value did not change since the last dig...

    Forelax 評論0 收藏0
  • Function Definition, This and Bind in JavaScript

    ....3 Entering Function Code The following steps are performed when control enters the execution context for function code contained in function object F, a caller provided thisArg, and a caller p...

    siberiawolf 評論0 收藏0
  • 給angular的repeat列表的行操作加上動效遇到的問題總結

    ... defer.promise; }; ng-repeat進行數據更新是會調用$animate服務的enters,leave和move方法,所以,要自己控制動效就要重寫對應的方法。重寫的時候要用$animate添加,直接在dom上設置有問題。(這一段的angular的邏輯比較底層,沒有太看明白...

    incredible 評論0 收藏0
  • 給angular的repeat列表的行操作加上動效遇到的問題總結

    ... defer.promise; }; ng-repeat進行數據更新是會調用$animate服務的enters,leave和move方法,所以,要自己控制動效就要重寫對應的方法。重寫的時候要用$animate添加,直接在dom上設置有問題。(這一段的angular的邏輯比較底層,沒有太看明白...

    未東興 評論0 收藏0
  • 根治JavaScript中的this-ECMAScript規范解讀

    ...定。 進入函數代碼 The following steps are performed when control enters the execution context for function code contained in function object F, a caller provided thisArg, and a caller provided argumentsLis...

    notebin 評論0 收藏0
  • ES規范解讀之作用域

    ...variable object。 活動對象(activation object) 原文:When control enters an execution context for function code, an object called the activation object is created and associated with the execution context. ...

    周國輝 評論0 收藏0
  • 使用Prometheus+Alertmanager告警JVM異常情況

    ...alertmanager-config/*.tmpl # The root route on which each incoming alert enters. route: # The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example, # multiple alerts coming in for...

    lushan 評論0 收藏0
  • Java? 教程(Map接口)

    ..., setal, slate, stale, steal, stela, taels, tales, teals, tesla] 8: [enters, nester, renest, rentes, resent, tenser, ternes, treens] 8: [arles, earls, lares, laser, lears, rales, reals, ...

    Kahn 評論0 收藏0
  • React 單元測試策略及落地

    ... should only save the three recommended products and show ads when user enters the product detail page given the user is not a VIP `, () => { const action = { payload: { userId: 233 } } c...

    nifhlheimr 評論0 收藏0


