...起研討一下,理清這個問題 :) 看一下匯編 ... 0x009b 00155 (main.go:11) LEAQ type.map[int32]string(SB), AX 0x00a2 00162 (main.go:11) PCDATA $2, $0 0x00a2 00162 (main.go:11) MOVQ AX, (...
...ase(main):003:0> scan tsdb ROW COLUMN+CELL x00x00x01Ux9CxAEPx00x column=t:qx80,timestamp=1436350142588, value=x17 00x01x00x00x01x00x00x 02x00x00x02 1 r...
...ile.flush() file.seek(0) strBin = file.read() print(strBin) # bmuyucoderx00x00x00xe2x07x00x00 content = struct.unpack(4s5si, strBin) print(content) # (bmuyu, bcoder, 2018) 上述代碼的含義就是,以二進制格式打開一個文件...
...第一個元素的長度是四個字節. 也就是說, 該部分的值是 0x000001. 高位 低位 00 00 00 01 x2[0] = 2 我們知道, x2是一個 Int8視圖, 所有第一個元素的長度是一個字節, 也就是說, 該部分的值是 0x02. 瞧, 現在 x1[0] 應該變成什么樣? 是 0x000...
...FODION.SEABASE.MYTABLE ROW COLUMN+CELL x80x00x00x01 column=#1:x01, timestamp=1475979256797, value=x80x00x00x01 x80x00x00x01 column...
... byte buffer, initialized to NUL bytes >>> print sizeof(p), repr(p.raw) 3 x00x00x00 >>> p = create_string_buffer(Hello) # create a buffer containing a NUL terminated string >>> print sizeof(p)...
0x00 django -- creating your first django project 1.preparatory work python3: we will use python 3.5 to develop this project pycharm: install pycharm professional on your computer--->Pycharm downlo...