檢查是否只有2個中文字符,例如 "提交", 檢查到則會變更state中的屬性,再次渲染時就會變為 "提 交"
源碼注釋import * as React from "react"; import { findDOMNode } from "react-dom"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import classNames from "classnames"; import omit from "omit.js"; import Icon from "../icon"; import Group from "./button-group"; //2個中文字符 const rxTwoCNChar = /^[u4e00-u9fa5]{2}$/; const isTwoCNChar = rxTwoCNChar.test.bind(rxTwoCNChar); function isString(str: any) { return typeof str === "string"; } // Insert one space between two chinese characters automatically. function insertSpace(child: React.ReactChild, needInserted: boolean) { // Check the child if is undefined or null. if (child == null) { return; } const SPACE = needInserted ? " " : ""; // strictNullChecks oops. // child是react的組件并且組件的子元素只有2個中文字符 // 如果是點擊,child是一個obj,里面type為"span" if (typeof child !== "string" && typeof child !== "number" && isString(child.type) && isTwoCNChar(child.props.children)) { // 克隆組件(element,[props],[...children]) // 也可以寫成 //{child.props.children.split("").join(SPACE)} return React.cloneElement(child, {}, child.props.children.split("").join(SPACE)); } // child是字符串 if (typeof child === "string") { // child只有2個中文字符 if (isTwoCNChar(child)) { child = child.split("").join(SPACE); } return {child}; } return child; } export type ButtonType = "default" | "primary" | "ghost" | "dashed" | "danger"; export type ButtonShape = "circle" | "circle-outline"; export type ButtonSize = "small" | "default" | "large"; export interface BaseButtonProps { type?: ButtonType; htmlType?: string; icon?: string; shape?: ButtonShape; size?: ButtonSize; loading?: boolean | { delay?: number }; prefixCls?: string; className?: string; ghost?: boolean; } export type AnchorButtonProps = BaseButtonProps & React.AnchorHTMLAttributes; export type NativeButtonProps = BaseButtonProps & React.ButtonHTMLAttributes ; export type ButtonProps = AnchorButtonProps | NativeButtonProps; export default class Button extends React.Component { static Group: typeof Group; static __ANT_BUTTON = true; static defaultProps = { prefixCls: "ant-btn", loading: false, ghost: false, }; static propTypes = { type: PropTypes.string, shape: PropTypes.oneOf(["circle", "circle-outline"]), size: PropTypes.oneOf(["large", "default", "small"]), htmlType: PropTypes.oneOf(["submit", "button", "reset"]), onClick: PropTypes.func, loading: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.object]), className: PropTypes.string, icon: PropTypes.string, }; timeout: number; delayTimeout: number; constructor(props: ButtonProps) { super(props); this.state = { loading: props.loading, clicked: false, hasTwoCNChar: false, }; } //每次創建時 componentDidMount() { //判斷子元素是否只有2個字符,并且更改state this.fixTwoCNChar(); } //每次prop改變 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: ButtonProps) { const currentLoading = this.props.loading; const loading = nextProps.loading; //如果傳了loading if (currentLoading) { //先清空之前loading的計時器 clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout); } //loading不為布爾值,并且存在delay屬性(自定義loadidng延遲) if (typeof loading !== "boolean" && loading && loading.delay) { this.delayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this.setState({ loading }), loading.delay); } else { //未自定義loading延遲 this.setState({ loading }); } } //每次更新render后,檢查是否2中文字符 componentDidUpdate() { this.fixTwoCNChar(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } if (this.delayTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout); } } //判斷子元素是否只有2個字符,并且將判斷結果給state.hasTwoCNChar fixTwoCNChar() { // Fix for HOC usage like //返回已經裝在的DOM(這里可能是或者
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