let interval = setInterval(() => { let {staticTime} = this.state; staticTime = staticTime - 1; if (staticTime <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); this.setState({ tip:"支付超時", staticTime:0 }); return; } let minutes = parseInt(staticTime/60); let Seconds = staticTime%60; let tip = "訂單已提交,請在"+minutes+"分"+Seconds+"秒內完成支付"; this.setState({ tip:tip, staticTime:staticTime }); }, 1000); 后來測試發現鎖屏或者把頁面留在后臺,計算就不對,于是把代碼進行了如下改造。 let interval = setInterval(() => { let {backGroundTime, staticTime} = this.state; this.setState({ backGroundTime:0 }); staticTime = staticTime - backGroundTime - 1; if (staticTime <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); this.setState({ tip:"支付超時", staticTime:0, }); return; } let minutes = parseInt(staticTime/60); let Seconds = staticTime%60; let tip = "訂單已提交,請在"+minutes+"分"+Seconds+"秒內完成支付"; this.setState({ tip:tip, staticTime:staticTime, }); }, 1000); this.listenPageShowHideHandle(); //計算頁面在后臺的時間
listenPageShowHideHandle = () =>{
let {backGroundTime} = this.state; let start, end; let self = this; document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() { if(document.visibilityState == "hidden"){ start = new Date().getTime(); }else if(document.visibilityState == "visible"){ end = new Date().getTime(); backGroundTime = Math.floor((end - start)/1000); self.setState({backGroundTime}); console.log("時間差:", backGroundTime); } console.log( document.visibilityState ); });
改造之后發先問題依然存在。原因是: You cannot continue to run javascript while the iPhone is sleeping using setTimeout(), however.When the phone is put to sleep, Safari will kill any running javascript processes using setTimeout(). Check out this answer here for some reasons why this is done. **解決方案:** 訂單生成的時候我們記錄下這個時間為A, 時間間隔為B(3分鐘內需要付款,B為3*60*1000),C為現在的時間。我們使用setInterval 每個1秒讀取一下時間。那么倒計時時間 == A+B-C,代碼如下 let interval = setInterval(()=>{ let {orderTime, staticTime} = this.state; let nowTime = Date.now(); let sub = Math.floor((orderTime + staticTime - nowTime)/1000); console.log("sub",sub); if(sub<=0){ clearInterval(interval); this.setState({ tip:"支付超時", isFalse:true }); return; } let minutes = parseInt(sub/60); let Seconds = sub%60; let tip = "訂單已提交,請在"+minutes+"分"+Seconds+"秒內完成支付"; console.log(tip); this.setState({ tip:tip, isFalse:false }); },1000);
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摘要:微信小程序中的每一個頁面的路徑頁面名都需要寫在的中,且中的第一個頁面是小程序的首頁。真機運行截圖運行于,微信版本功能能夠計算里程時間實時獲取跑步路徑有些粗糙思路主要使用了微信小程序的獲取位置和地圖組件。 首發地址 一、準備工作 1、注冊一個小程序賬號,得用一個沒注冊過公眾號的郵箱注冊。2、注冊過程中需要很多認證,有很多認證,比較繁瑣,如果暫時只是開發測試,不進行提審、發布的話,只要完成...
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