原文出處:《Karolina Szczur: The State of the Web》
The Internet is growing exponentially, and so is the Web platform we create. Often though we fail to reflect on the greater picture of connectivity and contexts the audience of our work might find themselves in. Even a short glance at the state of the World Wide Web shows that we haven’t been building with empathy, situation variability awareness, let alone performance in mind.
So, what is the state of the Web today?
Only 46% of 7.4 billion people on this planet have access to the Internet. The average network speed caps at unimpressive 7Mb/s. More importantly, 93% of Internet users are going online through mobile devices?—?it becomes inexcusable to not cater to handhelds. Often data is more expensive than we’d assume?—?it could take anywhere from an hour to 13 hours to purchase 500MB packet (Germany versus Brazil; for more intriguing stats on connectivity head to Ben Schwarz’s Beyond the Bubble: The Real World Performance).
Our websites aren’t in a perfect shape either?—?the average site is the size of original Doom game (approx. 3 MB) (please note that for statistical accuracy medians should be used, read Ilya Grigorik’s excellent The “Average Page” is a myth. Median site size is currently at 1.4MB). Images can easily account for 1.7 MB of bandwidth and JavaScript averages at 400KB. This isn’t a problem specific to the Web platform only. Native applications aren’t better; remember that time you had to download 200 MB to get unspecified bug fixes?
而且,我們搭建的網站也并不完善——平均一個網站(計算首屏加載)的大小和國外經典桌面游戲Doom game1的大小差不多(大約3MB)(注意這里計算出的平均值,參考Ilya Grigorik’s excellent The “Average Page” is a myth,目前一般網站首屏加載大約要1.4MB),其中加載圖片需要1.7MB,javascript需要400KB。不僅在pc端有這個問題,手機原生應用也好不到哪去,還記得你必須花200MB流量來更新app修復未知缺陷嗎?
As technologists often we find ourselves in the position of privilege. With up-to-date, high-end laptops, phones and fast cable Internet connection, it becomes all to easy to forget this isn’t the case for everyone (actually, it’s true for very few).
If we’re building the web platform from the standpoint of privilege and lack of empathy, it results in exclusionary, subpar experiences.
How can we do better by designing and developing with performance in mind?
Optimising all assets
One of the most powerful, but under-utilised ways to significantly improve performance starts with understanding how the browser analyses and serves assets. It turns out that browsers are pretty great at discovering resources while parsing and determining their priority on the fly. Here’s where the critical request comes in.
A request is critical if it contains assets that are necessary to render the content within the users’ viewport.
For most sites, it’d be HTML, necessary CSS, a logo, a web font and maybe an image. It turns out that in many cases, dozens of other, irrelevant at the time assets are requested instead (JavaScript, tracking codes, ads, etc.). Luckily, we’re able to control this behaviour by carefully picking crucial resources and adjusting their priority.
要想顯著地提升性能,最有效但也容易被忽視的方法就是了解瀏覽器如何解析資源。已被證明,瀏覽器善于查找資源并且解析后快速確定資源加載的優先級順序。那么什么資源優先級高呢?這里有關于critical request的來源:
With we’re able to manually force assets’ priority to High ensuring that desired content will be rendered on time. This technique can yield significant improvements in Time to Interactive metric, making optimal user experience possible.
Critical requests still seem like a black box for many, and the lack of shareable materials doesn’t help to change that. Fortunately, Ben Schwarz published an incredibly comprehensive and approachable article on the subject?—?The Critical Request. Additionally, check Addy’s Preload, Prefetch and Priorities in Chrome.
關鍵性請求對于大多數人來說似乎還是個盲區,可共享資源的缺乏也沒有改變這一點。幸好,本·施瓦茨(Ben Schwarz)發表了一篇關于關鍵性請求的文章,文章非常全面且易懂。另外,Addy也有一篇文章《在Chrome中的預加載,預取和優先級》。
General performance checklist
Cache aggressively
Enable compression
Prioritise critical assets
Use content delivery networks
優化圖片Optimising images
Images often account for most of a web page’s transferred payload, which is why imagery optimisation can yield the biggest performance improvements. There are many existing strategies and tools to aid us in removing extra bytes, but the first question to ask is: “Is this image essential to convey the message and effect I’m after?”. If it’s possible to eliminate it, not only we’re saving bandwidth, but also requests.
In some cases, similar results can be achieved with different technologies. CSS has a range of properties for art direction, such as shadows, gradients, animations or shapes allowing us to swap assets for appropriately styled DOM elements.
Choosing the right format
If it’s not possible to remove an asset, it’s important to determine what format will be appropriate. The initial choice falls between vector and raster graphics:
Vector: resolution independent, usually significantly smaller in size. Perfect for logos, iconography and simple assets comprising of basic shapes (lines, polygons, circles and points).
Raster: offers much more detailed results. Ideal for photographs.
After making this decision, there are a fair bit of formats to choose from: JPEG, GIF, PNG–8, PNG–24, or newest formats such as WEBP or JPEG-XR. With such an abundance of options, how do we ensure we’re picking the right one? Here’s a basic way of finding the best format to go with:
JPEG: imagery with many colours (e.g. photos)
PNG–8: imagery with a few colours
PNG–24: imagery with partial transparency
GIF: animated imagery
決定好之后,我們可以選擇幾種格式:JPEG, GIF, PNG–8, PNG–24,或最新格式,如WEBP或JPEG-XR。有了這么多的選擇,我們如何確保我們選擇了合適的格式?這是找到最佳格式的基本方法:
GIF: 動圖
Photoshop can optimise each of these on export through various settings such as decreasing quality, reducing noise or number of colours. Ensure that designers are aware of performance practices and can prepare the right type of asset with the right optimisation presets. If you’d like to know more how to develop images, head to Lara Hogan’s invaluable Designing for Performance.
Photoshop可以通過各種設置,例如降低畫質,降低噪點或減少顏色數量來優化圖片。確保設計師了解性能實踐,并可以使用正確的優化方式來提供恰當格式的資源。如果您想了解如何優化圖片,請前往Lara Hogan’s invaluable Designing for Performance。
Experimenting with new formats
There are a few newer players in the spectrum of image formats, namely WebP, JPEG 2000 and JPEG-XR. All of them are developed by browser vendors: WebP by Google, JPEG 2000 by Apple and JPEG-XR by Microsoft.
圖像格式有幾個較新的玩家,即WebP,JPEG 2000和JPEG-XR。所有這些都是由瀏覽器供應商開發的:Google的WebP,Apple的JPEG 2000和Microsoft的JPEG-XR。
WebP is easily the most popular contender, supporting both lossless and lossy compression, which makes it incredibly versatile. Lossless WebP is 26% smaller than PNGs and 25–34% smaller than JPGs. With 74% browser support it can safely be used with fallback, introducing up to 1/3 savings in transferred bytes. JPGs and PNGs can be converted to WebP in Photoshop and other image processing apps as well as through command line interfaces (brew install webp).
WebP是最受歡迎的競爭者,支持無損和失真壓縮,這使得它非常通用。無損WebP比PNG小26%,比JPG小25-34%。有了74%的瀏覽器支持,它可以安全地用于回退,最多可節省1/3的傳輸字節。JPG和PNG圖片可以在Photoshop或其他圖像處理應用程序以及命令行界面(brew install webp)中轉換為WebP。
If you’d like to explore (minor) visual differences between these formats I recommend this nifty demo on Github.
Optimising with tools and algorithms
Even using incredibly efficient image formats doesn’t warrant skipping post-processing optimisation. This step is crucial.
If you’ve chosen SVGs, which are usually relatively small in size, they too have to be compressed. SVGO is a command line tool that can swiftly optimise SVGs through stripping unnecessary metadata. Alternatively, use SVGOMG by Jake Archibald if you prefer a web interface or are limited by your operating system. Because SVG is an XML-based format, it can also be subject to GZIP compression on the server side.
如果你選擇了通常尺寸相對較小的SVG,那么也需要被壓縮。SVGO是一個命令行工具,可以通過剝離不必要的元數據來快速優化SVG。或者,如果你喜歡Web界面或受操作系統的限制,請使用Jake Archibald的SVGOMG。因為SVG是基于XML的格式,它也可以在服務器端進行GZIP壓縮。
ImageOptim is an excellent choice for most of the other image types. Comprising of pngcrush, pngquant, MozJPEG, Google Zopfli and more, it bundles a bunch of great tools in a comprehensive, Open Source package. Available as a Mac OS app, command line interface and Sketch plugin, ImageOptim can be easily implemented into an existing workflow. For those on Linux or Windows, most of the CLIs ImageOptim relies on can be used on your platform.
ImageOptim是大多數其他圖像類型的絕佳選擇。包括pngcrush,pngquant,MozJPEG,Google Zopfli等,它在一個開源包中捆綁了一堆很棒的工具。作為Mac OS應用程序,命令行界面和Sketch插件,ImageOptim可以輕松地應用到現有的工作流程中。對于那些在Linux或Windows上,大多數ImageOptim的CLI也可以使用。
If you’re inclined to try emerging encoders, earlier this year, Google released Guetzli?—?an Open Source algorithm stemming from their learnings with WebP and Zopfli. Guetzli is supposed to produce up to 35% smaller JPEGs than any other available method of compression. The only downside: slow processing times (a minute of CPU per megapixel).
如果你想嘗試新興的編碼器,Google今年早些時候發布了Guetzli - 源自WebP和Zopfli的開源算法。 Guetzli應該比任何其他可用的壓縮方法產生比35%更小的JPEG。唯一的缺點:處理時間慢(CPU每百萬像素一分鐘)。
When choosing tools make sure they produce desired results and fit into teams’ workflow. Ideally, automate the process of optimisation, so no imagery slips through the cracks unoptimised.
Responsible and responsive imagery
A decade ago we might have gotten away with one resolution to serve all, but the landscape of ever-changing, responsive web is very different today. That’s why we have to take extra care in implementing visual resources we’ve so carefully optimised and ensuring they cater for the variety of viewports and devices. Fortunately, thanks to Responsive Images Community Group we’re perfectly equipped to do so with picture element and srcset attribute (both have 85%+ support).
十年前,我們可能已經拋棄了一次性解決所有問題的觀念,如今的不斷發展的響應式網絡更需如此。這就是為什么我們在渲染我們精心優化過的視覺資源時必須特別小心,并確保它們適應各種視口和設備。幸運的是,感謝Responsive Images社區小組,我們完全可以使用圖片元素和srcset屬性(都有85%+支持)。
The srcset attribute
Srcset works best in the resolution switching scenario—when we want to display imagery based on users’ screen density and size. Based on a set of predefined rules in srcset and sizes attributes the browser will pick the best image to serve accordingly to the viewport. This technique can bring great bandwidth and request savings, especially for the mobile audience.
Srcset在分辨率切換方案中效果最佳 - 當我們要根據用戶的屏幕分辨率和大小顯示圖像時。基于srcset和size屬性中的一組預定義規則,瀏覽器將選擇最佳圖像,以便相應地提供給視口。這種技術可以帶來很大的帶寬,需謹慎使用,特別是針對移動用戶。
The picture element
Picture element and the media attribute are designed to make art direction easy. By providing different sources for varying conditions (tested via media-queries), we’re able always able to keep the most important elements of imagery in the spotlight, no matter the resolution.
Make sure to read Jason Grigsby’s Responsive Images 101 guide for a thorough explanation of both approaches.
圖片放到CDN務必閱讀Jason Grigsby的Responsive Images 101指南,以便徹底理解這兩種方法。
Delivery with image CDNs
The last step of our journey to performant visuals is delivery. All assets can benefit from using a content delivery network, but there are specific tools targeting imagery, such as Cloudinary or imgx. The benefit of using those services goes further than reducing traffic on your servers and significantly decreasing response latency.
CDNs can take out a lot of complexity from serving responsive, optimised assets on image-heavy sites. The offerings differ (and so does the pricing) but most handle resizing, cropping and determining which format is best to serve to your customers based on devices and browsers. Even more than that?—?they compress, detect pixel density, watermark, recognise faces and allow post-processing. With these powerful features and ability to append parameters to URLs serving user-centric imagery becomes a breeze.
CDN在圖像重磅的網站上響應和優化資源會加重復雜度。資源不同(花費也是如此),但是大多數處理器可以根據設備和瀏覽器調整合適的大小,裁剪并確定最合適的格式。而且 - 它們可以進行壓縮,檢測像素密度,水印,識別面部并允許后處理。借助這些強大的功能和將參數附加到以用戶為中心的圖像的URL的功能變得輕而易舉。
Image performance checklist
Choose the right format
Use vector wherever possible
Reduce the quality if change is unnoticeable
Experiment with new formats
Optimise with tools and algorithms
Learn about srcset and picture
Use an image CDN
優化網頁字體Optimising web fonts
The ability to use custom fonts is an incredibly powerful design tool. But with power comes a lot of responsibility. With whooping 68% of websites leveraging web fonts this type of asset is one of the biggest performance offenders (easily averaging 100KB, depending on the number of variants and typefaces).
Even when weight isn’t the most major issue, Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) is. FOIT occurs when web fonts are still loading or failed to be fetched, which results in an empty page and thus, inaccessible content. It might be worth it to carefully examine whether we need web fonts in the first place. If so, there are a few strategies to help us mitigate the negative effect on performance.
Choosing the right format
There are four web font formats: EOT, TTF, WOFF and more recent WOFF2. TTF and WOFF are most widely adopted, boasting over 90% browser support. Depending on the support you’re targeting it’s most likely safe to serve WOFF2 and fall back to WOFF for older browsers. The advantage of using WOFF2 is a set of custom preprocessing and compression algorithms (like Brotli) resulting in approx. 30% file-size reduction and improved parsing capabilities.
有四種網絡字體格式:EOT,TTF,WOFF和近期的WOFF2。 TTF和WOFF被廣泛采用,擁有超過90%的瀏覽器支持。根據你的項目,盡可能穩定地支持WOFF2,并在舊版瀏覽器上使用WOFF。使用WOFF2的優點是其有一套定制的預處理和壓縮算法(如Brotli),能縮小大約30%的文件大小和提升解析功能。
When defining the sources of web fonts in @font-face use the format() hint to specify which format should be utilised.
If you’re using Google Fonts or Typekit to serve your fonts, both of these tools have implemented a few strategies to mitigate their performance footprint. Typekit now serves all kits asynchronously, preventing FOIT as well as allows for extended cache period of 10 days for their JavaScript kit code (instead of default 10 minutes). Google Fonts automatically serves the smallest file, based on the capabilities of the users’ device.
如果你使用Google Fonts或Typekit來作為字體,這兩種字體都實施了一些策略來減輕其性能消耗。 Typekit現在可以異步地為所有工具包提供服務,保護FOIT以及允許其JavaScript代碼延長10天的緩存時間(而不是默認10分鐘)。 Google Fonts可以根據用戶設備的性能自動提供最小的文件。
Audit font selection
No matter whether self-hosting or not, the number of typefaces, font weights and styles will significantly affect your performance budgets.
Ideally, we can get away with one typeface featuring normal and bold stylistic variants. If you’re not sure how to make font selection choices refer to Lara Hogan’s Weighing Aesthetics and Performance.
理想情況下,我們可以避免使用正常或加粗格式上變體的字體。如果不確定如何選擇字體,請參考Lara Hogan的衡量美與性能。
Use Unicode-range subsetting
Unicode-range subsetting allows splitting large fonts into smaller sets. It’s a relatively advanced strategy but might bring significant savings especially when targeting Asian languages (did you know Chinese fonts average at 20,000 glyphs?). The first step is to limit the font to the necessary language set, such as Latin, Greek or Cyrillic. If a web font is required only for logotype usage, it’s worth it to use Unicode-range descriptor to pick specific characters.
The Filament Group released an Open Source command-line utility, glyph hanger that can generate a list of necessary glyphs based on files or URLs. Alternatively, the web-based Font Squirrel Web Font Generator offers advanced subsetting and optimisation options. If using Google Fonts or Typekit choosing a language subset is built into the typeface picker interface, making basic subsetting easier.
Filament團隊發布了一個開源命令行工具,可以根據文件或URL生成必需字形列表。或者,基于Web的Font Squirrel和Font Generator提供的高級字集和優化選項。如果在字體選擇器界面中內置了Google Fonts或Typekit,則使用基本字集更容易。
Establish a font loading strategy
Fonts are render-blocking?—?because the browser has to build both the DOM and CSSOM first; web fonts won’t be downloaded before they’re used in a CSS selector that matches an existing node. This behaviour significantly delays text rendering, often causing the Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) mentioned before. FOIT is even more pronounced on slower networks and mobile devices.
由于瀏覽器必須首先構建DOM和CSSOM,之后再渲染字體;在解析到應用了web fonts的CSS選擇器之前,不會下載web fonts。這種行為有明顯的延遲文本現象,特別是前面提到的Flash隱藏文本(FOIT)。在較慢的網絡和移動設備上,FOIT延遲更加明顯。
Implementing a font loading strategy prevents users from not being able to access your content. Often, opting for Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) is the easiest and most effective solution.
實施字體加載策略可防止用戶無法訪問您的內容。通常,選擇Flash的Unstyled Text(FOUT)是最簡單和最有效的解決方案。
font-display is a new CSS property providing a non-JavaScript reliant solution. Unfortunately, it has partial support (Chrome and Opera only) and is currently under development in Firefox and WebKit. Still, it can and should be used in combination with other font loading mechanisms.
font-display property in action
Luckily, Typekit’s Web Font Loader and Bram Stein’s Font Face Observer can help manage font loading behaviour. Additionally, Zach Leatherman, an expert on web font performance, published A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which will aid in choosing the right approach for your project.
幸運的是,Typekit的Web Font Loader和Bram Stein的Font Face Observer可以幫助管理字體加載行為。此外,網頁字體性能專家Zach Leatherman發布了“字體加載策略綜合指南”,這將有助于為你的項目對web fonts的選擇。
Web font performance checklist
Chose the right format
Audit the font selection
Use Unicode-range subsetting
Establish a font loading strategy
優化JavaScriptOptimising JavaScript
At the moment, the average size of JavaScript bundle is 446 KB, which already makes it second biggest type of an asset size-wise (following images).
目前,JavaScript軟件包的平均大小為446 KB,占用資源的比例已經達到第二(僅次于圖片)。
監控JavaScript的傳輸What we might not realise is that there’s a much more sinister performance bottleneck hidden behind our beloved JavaScript.
Monitor how much JavaScript is delivered
Optimising delivery is only one step in combating web page bloat. After JavaScript is downloaded, it has to be parsed, compiled and run by the browser. A quick look at a few popular sites and it becomes obvious that gzipped JS becomes at least three times bigger after unpacking. Effectively, we are sending giant blobs of code down the wire.
Parse times for 1MB of JavaScript on different devices. Image courtesy of Addy Osmani and his JavaScript Start-up Performance article.
在不同的設備上多次解析1MB的JavaScript。圖片由Addy Osmani和他的JavaScript Start-up Performance文章提供。
Analysing parse and compile times becomes crucial to understanding when apps are ready to be interacted with. These timings vary significantly based the hardware capabilities of users’ device. Parse and compile can easily be 2–5x times higher on lower end mobiles. Addy’s research confirms that on an average phone an app will take 16 seconds to reach an interactive state, compared to 8 seconds on a desktop. It’s crucial to analyse these metrics, and fortunately, we can do so through Chrome DevTools.
apps在解析和編譯后是否可用,分析其中的耗時至關重要。所耗時間因用戶設備的硬件功能而異。在低端手機解析和編譯比高端手機上慢2-5倍。Addy的研究證實,在一般手機上,一個應用程序將需要16秒才能正常使用,而在桌面上為8秒。分析這些指標至關重要,幸運的是,我們可以通過Chrome DevTools來實現。
Investigating parse and compile in Chrome Dev Tools
Make sure to read Addy Osmani’s detailed write-up on JavaScript Start-up Performance.
請務必閱讀Addy Osmani對JavaScript性能優化的詳細說明。
Get rid of unnecessary dependencies
The way modern package managers work can easily obscure the number and the size of dependencies. webpack-bundle-analyzer and Bundle Buddy are great, visual tools helping identify code duplication, biggest performance offenders and outdated, unnecessary dependencies.
現代軟件包管理器的工作方式可以輕而易舉地掩蓋依賴包的數量和大小。webpack-bundle-analyzer和Bundle Buddy是很好的可視化工具,幫助識別重復代碼,最大的性能阻礙和過時的、不必要的依賴。
Webpack bundle analyzer in action.
使用中的Webpack bundle analyzer
We can make imported package cost even more visible with Import Cost extension in VS Code and Atom.
通過導入VS Code和Atom中的擴展,我們可以使包引入成本更加明顯。
Import Code VS Code extension.
Implement code splitting
Whenever possible, we should only serve the necessary assets to create the desired user experience. Sending a full bundle.js file to the user, including code handling interactions they might never see is less than optimal (imagine downloading JavaScript handling an entire app when visiting a landing page). Similarly, we shouldn’t be universally serving code targeting specific browsers or user agents.
Webpack, one of the most popular module bundlers, comes with code splitting support. Most straightforward code splitting can be implemented per page (home.js for a landing page, contact.js for a contact page, etc.), but Webpack offers few advanced strategies like dynamic imports or lazy loading that might be worth looking into as well.
Consider framework alternatives
JavaScript front-end frameworks are constantly on the rise. According to the State of JavaScript 2016 survey React is the most popular option. Carefully auditing architecture choices though might show that you’d be better off with a much more lightweight alternative such as Preact (note that Preact isn’t trying to be a full React reimplementation, just a highly performant, less featured virtual DOM library). Similarly, we can swap bigger libraries for smaller altrnatives?—?moment.js for date-fns (or in particular case of moment.js remove unused locales).
JavaScript前端框架不斷增加。根據2016年對JavaScript的調查,React是最受歡迎的選擇。仔細考慮架構選擇,雖然你可能會使用更為輕量級的替代方案(例如Preact)(請注意,Preact不會是一個完整的React重新實現,只是一個高性能,功能較差的虛擬DOM庫)。類似地,我們可以用較小的庫來替代 - 例如用于date-fns的moment.js(或者是刪除moment.js未使用的部分)。
Before starting a new project, it’s worthwhile to determine what kind of features are necessary and pick the most performant framework for your needs and goals. Sometimes that might mean opting for writing more vanilla JavaScript instead.
JavaScript performance checklist
Monitor how much JavaScript is delivered
Get rid of unnecessary dependencies
Implement code splitting
Consider framework alternatives
跟蹤性能優化之路Tracking performance and the road forward
We’ve talked about several strategies that in most cases will yield positive changes to the user experience of products we’re building. Performance can be a tricky beast though, and it’s necessary to track the long-term results of our tweaks.
User-centric performance metrics
Great performance metrics aim to be as close to portraying user experience as possible. Long established onLoad, onContentLoaded or SpeedIndex tell us very little about how soon sites can be interacted with. When focusing only on the delivery of assets, it’s not easy to quantify perceived performance. Fortunately, there are a few timings that paint quite a comprehensive picture of how soon content is both visible and interactive.
Those metrics are First Paint, First Meaningful Paint, Visually Complete and Time to Interactive.
First Paint: the browser changed from a white screen to the first visual change.
First Meaningful Paint: text, images and major items are viewable.
Visually Complete: all content in the viewport is visible.
Time to Interactive: all content in the viewport is visible and ready to interact with (no major main thread JavaScript activity).
These timings directly correspond to what the users see therefore make excellent candidates for tracking. If possible, record all, otherwise pick one or two to have a better understanding of perceived performance. It’s worth keeping an eye on other metrics as well, especially the number of bytes (optimised and unpacked) we’re sending.
Setting performance budgets
All of these figures might quickly become confusing and cumbersome to understand. Without actionable goals and targets, it’s easy to lose track of what we’re trying to achieve. A good few years ago Tim Kadlec wrote about the concept of performance budgets.
所有這些數字可能會很快會使理解變得混亂和麻煩。沒有可操作的目標和場景,很容易偏離我們正在實現的內容。幾年前,Tim Kadlec寫了關于性能預算的概念。
Unfortunately, there’s no magical formula for setting them. Often performance budgets boil down to competitive analysis and product goals, which are unique to each business.
When setting budgets, it’s important to aim for a noticeable difference, which usually equals to at least 20% improvement. Experiment and iterate on your budgets, leveraging Lara Hogan’s Approach New Designs with a Performance Budget as a reference.
設定預算時,重要的是要達到明顯的效果,通常至少改善20%。實踐和迭代您的預算,利用Lara Hogan新設計的方法,作為性能預算參考。
Try out Performance Budget Calculator or Browser Calories Chrome extension to aid in creating budgets.
Continuous monitoring
Monitoring performance shouldn’t be manual. There are quite a few powerful tools offering comprehensive reporting.
Google Lighthouse is an Open Source project auditing performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more. It’s possible to use Lighthouse in the command line or as just recently, directly in Chrome Developer Tools.
Google Lighthouse是一個審核性能,可訪問性,漸進式網絡應用程序等的開源項目。可以在命令行中或直接在Chrome Developer Tools中使用Lighthouse。
Lighthouse performing a performance audit.
For continuous tracking opt-in for Calibre that offers performance budgets, device emulation, distributed monitoring and many other features that are impossible to get without carefully building your own performance suite.
Comprehensive performance tracking in Calibre.
Wherever you’re tracking, make sure to make the data transparent and accessible to the entire team, or in smaller organisations, the whole business.
Performance is a shared responsibility, which spans further than developer teams?—?we’re all accountable for the user experience we’re creating, no matter role or title.
It’s incredibly important to advocate for speed and establish collaboration processes to catch possible bottlenecks as early as product decisions or design phases.
Building performance awareness and empathy
Caring about performance isn’t only a business goal (but if you need to sell it through sales statistics do so with PWA Stats). It’s about fundamental empathy and putting the best interest of the users first.
As technologists, it’s our responsibility not to hijack attention and time people could be happily spending elsewhere. Our objective is to build tools that are conscious of time and human focus.
Advocating for performance awareness should be everyone’s goal. Let’s build a better, more mindful future for all of us with performance and empathy in mind.
摘要:從現狀談及性能優化原文出處性能優化指南如今網絡發展迅猛,這對我們構建的互聯網平臺要求也更高。這就說明,我們在開發時,并沒有站在用戶的角度上換位思考,更別談性能優化。因此,我們可通過區分關鍵資源并調整加載的優先級來實現性能優化。 從web現狀談及性能優化 原文出處:《Karolina Szczur: The State of the Web》 性能優化指南The Internet is ...
摘要:從現狀談及性能優化原文出處性能優化指南如今網絡發展迅猛,這對我們構建的互聯網平臺要求也更高。這就說明,我們在開發時,并沒有站在用戶的角度上換位思考,更別談性能優化。因此,我們可通過區分關鍵資源并調整加載的優先級來實現性能優化。 從web現狀談及性能優化 原文出處:《Karolina Szczur: The State of the Web》 性能優化指南The Internet is ...
摘要:的網站仍然使用有漏洞庫上周發布了開源社區安全現狀報告,發現隨著開源社區的日漸活躍,開源代碼中包含的安全漏洞以及影響的范圍也在不斷擴大。與應用安全是流行的服務端框架,本文即是介紹如何使用以及其他的框架來增強應用的安全性。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000012181337?w=1240&h=826); 前端每周清單專注...
摘要:前端每周清單第期現狀分析與優化策略單元測試爬蟲作者王下邀月熊編輯徐川前端每周清單專注前端領域內容,以對外文資料的搜集為主,幫助開發者了解一周前端熱點分為新聞熱點開發教程工程實踐深度閱讀開源項目巔峰人生等欄目。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000011008022); 前端每周清單第 29 期:Web 現狀分析與優化策略...
摘要:感謝王下邀月熊分享的前端每周清單,為方便大家閱讀,特整理一份索引。王下邀月熊大大也于年月日整理了自己的前端每周清單系列,并以年月為單位進行分類,具體內容看這里前端每周清單年度總結與盤點。 感謝 王下邀月熊_Chevalier 分享的前端每周清單,為方便大家閱讀,特整理一份索引。 王下邀月熊大大也于 2018 年 3 月 31 日整理了自己的前端每周清單系列,并以年/月為單位進行分類,具...
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