????????所謂字母算式,就是用字母表示的算式,規則是相同字母對應相同數字,不同字母對應不同數字,并且第一位字母的對應數字不能是 0。
????????譬如給定算式 We * love = CodeIQ,則可以對應填上下面這些數字以使之成立。
????????W = 7, e = 4, l = 3, o = 8, v = 0, C = 2, d = 1, I = 9, Q = 6
????????這樣一來,我們就能得到 74 * 3804 = 281496 這樣的等式。使這個字母算式成立的解法只有這一種。
? ? ? ? 本題解著眼于通用的解決方案,即不僅限于以上表達式,而是任意的字符串表達式(前提式的確能夠代表合法的算法,比如說運算符不能連續出現,等等)。
????????Step1: 從輸入字符串中提取出表示數字(即除運算符和等號外)(不重復, or unique)字符集合
????????Step2: 遍歷以上所有字符與數字(0~9)的映射方式,假定有k個字符,則有P(10,k)中排列,每一種排列對應一種映射方式
????????????Step2-2 判斷所得到的字符串算式是否是合法的
????????????Step2-3 分別評估字符串算式的LHS(Left-hand-side:左手邊表達式)和RHS(Right-hand-side:右手邊表達式)并判斷是否相等
????????在Step2中用python itertools模塊中的permutation()生成所有的組合。
????????在 Step2-2中判斷字符串表達式是否合法依據的規則是多位數字的操作數的第一個字母不能為0。首先基于‘=’的位置分割得到LHS和RHS。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Sun Sep 5 08:39:27 2021@author: chenxy"""import sysimport timeimport datetimeimport math# import randomfrom typing import List# from queue import Queue# from collections import dequeimport itertools as itclass Solution: def stringEquation(self, strEqu:str): """ strEqu: Equation in the form of string with character representing digit, assuming case insensitive. Also it is assumed that only integer division is considered :ret: The total number of IP satisfying the requirement """ # Step1: extract the alphabeta characters from the string equation s = strEqu.upper() # Transfer to all uppercase for the convenience of processing cLst = [] for k in range(len(s)): if s[k].isalpha() and s[k] not in cLst: cLst.append(s[k]) if s[k] == "=": equalSignIndex = k # print(cLst) nums = 0 mapping = [] for p in it.permutations([k for k in range(10)], len(cLst)): # print(p) # Substitute c<->digit mapping back to the input string equation # left-hand-side expression, before "=" lhs = s[0:equalSignIndex] for k in range(len(cLst)): lhs = lhs.replace(cLst[k], str(p[k])) # right-hand-side expression, after "=" rhs = s[equalSignIndex+1:] for k in range(len(cLst)): rhs = rhs.replace(cLst[k], str(p[k])) # print(lhs, rhs) if len(rhs) > 1 and rhs[0] == "0" : # The first digit must be non-zero in multi-digit case # print("1") continue if len(lhs) > 1 and lhs[0] == "0" and lhs[1].isdigit(): # print("2") continue if not lhs[-1].isdigit(): # print("3", lhs, lhs[-1].isdigit() ) continue lhs_valid = True for k in range(len(lhs)-2): if (not lhs[k].isdigit()) and lhs[k+1]=="0" and lhs[k+2].isdigit(): # print("invalid lhs:", lhs) lhs_valid = False break if not lhs_valid: continue # print("valid:", lhs, rhs, eval(lhs), eval(rhs)) if eval(lhs) == eval(rhs): nums = nums + 1 mapping.append((cLst,p,lhs+"="+rhs)) return nums, mapping
if __name__ == "__main__": sln = Solution() tStart = time.time() strEqu = "A*B=C" nums, mapping = sln.stringEquation(strEqu) tCost = time.time() - tStart print("nums={0}, tCost = {1:6.3f}(sec)".format(nums,tCost)) for item in mapping: print("/t",item) tStart = time.time() strEqu = "We*love=CodeIQ" nums, mapping = sln.stringEquation(strEqu) tCost = time.time() - tStart print("nums={0}, tCost = {1:6.3f}(sec)".format(nums,tCost)) for item in mapping: print("/t",item) tStart = time.time() strEqu = "READ+WRITE+TALK=SKILL" nums, mapping = sln.stringEquation(strEqu) tCost = time.time() - tStart print("nums={0}, tCost = {1:6.3f}(sec)".format(nums,tCost)) for item in mapping: print("/t",item)
nums=10, tCost = 46.159(sec)
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (1, 6, 3, 2, 4, 9, 7, 8, 0, 5), "1632+41976+7380=50988")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (2, 5, 4, 3, 7, 0, 6, 9, 1, 8), "2543+72065+6491=81099")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (4, 9, 0, 5, 2, 6, 8, 1, 7, 3), "4905+24689+8017=37611")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (5, 0, 9, 4, 7, 3, 1, 6, 2, 8), "5094+75310+1962=82366")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (5, 0, 9, 6, 3, 7, 1, 8, 2, 4), "5096+35710+1982=42788")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (5, 1, 8, 0, 6, 9, 2, 4, 3, 7), "5180+65921+2843=73944")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (5, 2, 7, 0, 8, 1, 3, 6, 4, 9), "5270+85132+3764=94166")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (7, 0, 9, 2, 3, 5, 1, 8, 6, 4), "7092+37510+1986=46588")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (7, 0, 9, 2, 4, 3, 1, 8, 6, 5), "7092+47310+1986=56388")
?? ? (["R", "E", "A", "D", "W", "I", "T", "L", "K", "S"], (9, 7, 2, 8, 1, 4, 6, 0, 5, 3), "9728+19467+6205=35400")
? ? ? ? 以上雖然得出的正確的結果,但是運行速度有點衰,需要考慮進一步的優化。
? ? ? ? 上一篇:Q12: 平方根數字
? ? ? ? 下一篇:Q14: 國名接龍
摘要:所幸,滿足平方根前十位數字正好讓的數字全部出現的數是存在的。上一篇斐波那契數列下一篇滿足字母算式的解法本系列總目錄參見程序員的算法趣題詳細分析和全解 目錄 1. 問題描述 2. 解題分析 3. 代碼及測試 1. 問題描述 ????????求在計算平方根的時候,最早讓0~9的數字全部出現的最...
摘要:能以最少交換次數到達升序有序排列記為的數列記為就等價于從代表的節點在這張圖中到達對應的節點的最短路徑長度。上一篇質數矩陣質數矩陣下一篇唯一的序列本系列總目錄參見程序員的算法趣題詳細分析和全解程序員的算法趣題詳細分析和全解 目錄 1. 問題描述 2. 解題分析 3. 代碼及測試 4. 后記 ...
摘要:中的統一的終點是全白狀態。比如說,的第個數恰好是,它可以由根據題設規則重排而得。上一篇填充白色填充白色下一篇優雅的地址本系列總目錄參見程序員的算法趣題詳細分析和全解程序員的算法趣題詳細分析和全解 目錄 1. 問題描述 2. 解題分析 2.1??Naive Approach--正向全量搜索 ...
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