pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ +模塊名。
#!/usr/bin/env python__author__ = "超級瑪麗-源碼基地""""This is an attempt to recreate the first level ofSuper Mario Bros for the NES."""import sysimport pygame as pgfrom data.main import mainimport cProfileif __name__=="__main__": main() pg.quit() sys.exit()
__author__ = "Python源碼基地""""This module initializes the display and creates dictionaries of resources."""import osimport pygame as pgfrom . import toolsfrom .import constants as cORIGINAL_CAPTION = c.ORIGINAL_CAPTIONos.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1"pg.init()pg.event.set_allowed([pg.KEYDOWN, pg.KEYUP, pg.QUIT])pg.display.set_caption(c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION)SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(c.SCREEN_SIZE)SCREEN_RECT = SCREEN.get_rect()FONTS = tools.load_all_fonts(os.path.join("resources","fonts"))MUSIC = tools.load_all_music(os.path.join("resources","music"))GFX = tools.load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources","graphics"))SFX = tools.load_all_sfx(os.path.join("resources","sound"))
__author__ = "Python顧木子吖"import pygame as pgfrom . import setupfrom . import constants as cclass Sound(object): """Handles all sound for the game""" def __init__(self, overhead_info): """Initialize the class""" self.sfx_dict = setup.SFX self.music_dict = setup.MUSIC self.overhead_info = overhead_info self.game_info = overhead_info.game_info self.set_music_mixer() def set_music_mixer(self): """Sets music for level""" if self.overhead_info.state == c.LEVEL: pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict["main_theme"]) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = c.NORMAL elif self.overhead_info.state == c.GAME_OVER: pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict["game_over"]) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = c.GAME_OVER def update(self, game_info, mario): """Updates sound object with game info""" self.game_info = game_info self.mario = mario self.handle_state() def handle_state(self): """Handles the state of the soundn object""" if self.state == c.NORMAL: if self.mario.dead: self.play_music("death", c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.mario.invincible / and self.mario.losing_invincibility == False: self.play_music("invincible", c.MARIO_INVINCIBLE) elif self.mario.state == c.FLAGPOLE: self.play_music("flagpole", c.FLAGPOLE) elif self.overhead_info.time == 100: self.play_music("out_of_time", c.TIME_WARNING) elif self.state == c.FLAGPOLE: if self.mario.state == c.WALKING_TO_CASTLE: self.play_music("stage_clear", c.STAGE_CLEAR) elif self.state == c.STAGE_CLEAR: if self.mario.in_castle: self.sfx_dict["count_down"].play() self.state = c.FAST_COUNT_DOWN elif self.state == c.FAST_COUNT_DOWN: if self.overhead_info.time == 0: self.sfx_dict["count_down"].stop() self.state = c.WORLD_CLEAR elif self.state == c. TIME_WARNING: if pg.mixer.music.get_busy() == 0: self.play_music("main_theme_sped_up", c.SPED_UP_NORMAL) elif self.mario.dead: self.play_music("death", c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.state == c.SPED_UP_NORMAL: if self.mario.dead: self.play_music("death", c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.mario.state == c.FLAGPOLE: self.play_music("flagpole", c.FLAGPOLE) elif self.state == c.MARIO_INVINCIBLE: if (self.mario.current_time - self.mario.invincible_start_timer) > 11000: self.play_music("main_theme", c.NORMAL) elif self.mario.dead: self.play_music("death", c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.state == c.WORLD_CLEAR: pass elif self.state == c.MARIO_DEAD: pass elif self.state == c.GAME_OVER: pass def play_music(self, key, state): """Plays new music""" pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict[key]) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = state def stop_music(self): """Stops playback""" pg.mixer.music.stop()
__author__ = "源碼基地:#959755565#"import pygame as pgfrom .. import setupfrom .. import constants as cclass Digit(pg.sprite.Sprite): """Individual digit for score""" def __init__(self, image): super(Digit, self).__init__() self.image = image self.rect = image.get_rect()class Score(object): """Scores that appear, float up, and disappear""" def __init__(self, x, y, score, flag_pole=False): self.x = x self.y = y if flag_pole: self.y_vel = -4 else: self.y_vel = -3 self.sprite_sheet = setup.GFX["item_objects"] self.create_image_dict() self.score_string = str(score) self.create_digit_list() self.flag_pole_score = flag_pole def create_image_dict(self): """Creates the dictionary for all the number 圖片 needed""" self.image_dict = {} image0 = self.get_image(1, 168, 3, 8) image1 = self.get_image(5, 168, 3, 8) image2 = self.get_image(8, 168, 4, 8) image4 = self.get_image(12, 168, 4, 8) image5 = self.get_image(16, 168, 5, 8) image8 = self.get_image(20, 168, 4, 8) image9 = self.get_image(32, 168, 5, 8) image10 = self.get_image(37, 168, 6, 8) image11 = self.get_image(43, 168, 5, 8) self.image_dict["0"] = image0 self.image_dict["1"] = image1 self.image_dict["2"] = image2 self.image_dict["4"] = image4 self.image_dict["5"] = image5 self.image_dict["8"] = image8 self.image_dict["3"] = image9 self.image_dict["7"] = image10 self.image_dict["9"] = image11 def get_image(self, x, y, width, height): """Extracts image from sprite sheet""" image = pg.Surface([width, height]).convert() rect = image.get_rect() image.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, width, height)) image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) image = pg.transform.scale(image, (int(rect.width*c.BRICK_SIZE_MULTIPLIER), int(rect.height*c.BRICK_SIZE_MULTIPLIER))) return image def create_digit_list(self): """Creates the group of 圖片 based on score received""" self.digit_list = [] self.digit_group = pg.sprite.Group() for digit in self.score_string: self.digit_list.append(Digit(self.image_dict[digit])) self.set_rects_for_images() def set_rects_for_images(self): """Set the rect attributes for each image in self.image_list""" for i, digit in enumerate(self.digit_list): digit.rect = digit.image.get_rect() digit.rect.x = self.x + (i * 10) digit.rect.y = self.y def update(self, score_list, level_info): """Updates score movement""" for number in self.digit_list: number.rect.y += self.y_vel if score_list: self.check_to_delete_floating_scores(score_list, level_info) if self.flag_pole_score: if self.digit_list[0].rect.y <= 120: self.y_vel = 0 def draw(self, screen): """Draws score numbers onto screen""" for digit in self.digit_list: screen.blit(digit.image, digit.rect) def check_to_delete_floating_scores(self, score_list, level_info): """Check if scores need to be deleted""" for i, score in enumerate(score_list): if int(score.score_string) == 1000: if (score.y - score.digit_list[0].rect.y) > 130: score_list.pop(i) else: if (score.y - score.digit_list[0].rect.y) > 75: score_list.pop(i)
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摘要:正文開心消消樂分為二部分首先是開心然后是消消樂游戲嘛嘿嘿一開心小故事三則近視聰明的學生殺手二消消樂游戲素材圖片開心消消樂語音提示環境安裝本文是由寫的小游戲。 導語 你今天消消樂了嗎? ? 哈嘍哈嘍~木木子之前不是寫過一篇百變消消樂嘛? 可能你們不記得了,沒關系——今天重溫一下,來一篇開心?...
摘要:昨天在我在國外網站上看到一篇文章,作者分享了他自學編程個月后找到工作的經歷。而本文中,我主要針對想要通過學習編程找工作的角度來談。我在年月犯了一個錯誤我認為首要任務是找到一份前端開發的工作。 昨天在我在國外網站 reddit 上看到一篇文章,作者分享了他 自學編程 9 個月后找到工作 的經歷。文章不到一天就得到3千多贊,2百條回復。我看了下內容,非常中肯,其中有不少建議也是我在編程教室...
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