數據集鏈接 ,下載數據集后,解壓提取dgk_shooter_min.conv文件,最好進行轉碼操作。建議用記事本打開后將其另存為,選擇編碼為utf-8后進行保存。
#coding=utf-8 #(1)數據預處理 import os import random from io import open conv_path = "dgk_shooter_min.conv.txt" #判斷數據集是否存在? if not os.path.exists(conv_path): print("數據集不存在") exit() # 數據集格式 """ E M 畹/華/吾/侄/ M 你/接/到/這/封/信/的/時/候/ M 不/知/道/大/伯/還/在/不/在/人/世/了/ E M 咱/們/梅/家/從/你/爺/爺/起/ M 就/一/直/小/心/翼/翼/地/唱/戲/ M 侍/奉/宮/廷/侍/奉/百/姓/ M 從/來/不/曾/遭/此/大/禍/ M 太/后/的/萬/壽/節/誰/敢/不/穿/紅/ M 就/你/膽/兒/大/ M 唉/這/我/舅/母/出/殯/ M 我/不/敢/穿/紅/啊/ M 唉/呦/唉/呦/爺/ M 您/打/得/好/我/該/打/ M 就/因/為/沒/穿/紅/讓/人/賞/咱/一/紙/枷/鎖/ M 爺/您/別/給/我/戴/這/紙/枷/鎖/呀/ E M 您/多/打/我/幾/下/不/就/得/了/嗎/ M 走/ M 這/是/哪/一/出/啊/…/ / /這/是/ M 撕/破/一/點/就/弄/死/你/ M 唉/ M 記/著/唱/戲/的/再/紅/ M 還/是/讓/人/瞧/不/起/ M 大/伯/不/想/讓/你/挨/了/打/ M 還/得/跟/人/家/說/打/得/好/ M 大/伯/不/想/讓/你/再/戴/上/那/紙/枷/鎖/ M 畹/華/開/開/門/哪/ E ... """ # 我首先使用文本編輯器sublime把dgk_shooter_min.conv文件編碼轉為UTF-8,一下子省了不少麻煩 convs = [] # 對話集合 with open(conv_path, encoding="utf8") as f: one_conv = [] # 一次完整對話 for line in f: line = line.strip(" ").replace("/", "")#將分隔符去掉 if line == "": continue if line[0] == "E": if one_conv: convs.append(one_conv) one_conv = [] elif line[0] == "M": one_conv.append(line.split(" ")[1]) #將對話轉成utf-8格式,并將其保存在dgk_shooter_min.conv文件中 print(convs[:3]) # 個人感覺對白數據集有點不給力啊 #[ ["畹華吾侄", "你接到這封信的時候", "不知道大伯還在不在人世了"], # ["咱們梅家從你爺爺起", "就一直小心翼翼地唱戲", "侍奉宮廷侍奉百姓", "從來不曾遭此大禍", "太后的萬壽節誰敢不穿紅", "就你膽兒大", "唉這我舅母出殯", "我不敢穿紅啊", "唉呦唉呦爺", "您打得好我該打", "就因為沒穿紅讓人賞咱一紙枷鎖", "爺您別給我戴這紙枷鎖呀"], # ["您多打我幾下不就得了嗎", "走", "這是哪一出啊 ", "撕破一點就弄死你", "唉", "記著唱戲的再紅", "還是讓人瞧不起", "大伯不想讓你挨了打", "還得跟人家說打得好", "大伯不想讓你再戴上那紙枷鎖", "畹華開開門哪"], ....] # 把對話分成問與答 ask = [] # 問 response = [] # 答 for conv in convs: if len(conv) == 1: continue if len(conv) % 2 != 0: # 奇數對話數, 轉為偶數對話 conv = conv[:-1] for i in range(len(conv)): if i % 2 == 0: ask.append(conv[i])#偶數對,填寫問題 else: response.append(conv[i])#回答 print(len(ask), len(response)) print(ask[:3]) print(response[:3]) #["畹華吾侄", "咱們梅家從你爺爺起", "侍奉宮廷侍奉百姓"] #["你接到這封信的時候", "就一直小心翼翼地唱戲", "從來不曾遭此大禍"] def convert_seq2seq_files(questions, answers, TESTSET_SIZE=8000): # 創建文件 train_enc = open("train.enc", "w",encoding="utf-8") # 問 train_dec = open("train.dec", "w",encoding="utf-8") # 答 test_enc = open("test.enc", "w",encoding="utf-8") # 問 test_dec = open("test.dec", "w",encoding="utf-8") # 答 # 選擇8000數據作為測試數據 test_index = random.sample([i for i in range(len(questions))], TESTSET_SIZE) for i in range(len(questions)): if i in test_index:#創建測試文件 test_enc.write(questions[i] + " ") test_dec.write(answers[i] + " ") else:#創建訓練文件 train_enc.write(questions[i] + " ") train_dec.write(answers[i] + " ") if i % 1000 == 0:#表示處理了多少個i print(len(range(len(questions))), "處理進度:", i) train_enc.close() train_dec.close() test_enc.close() test_dec.close() convert_seq2seq_files(ask, response) # 生成的*.enc文件保存了問題 # 生成的*.dec文件保存了回答
爺爺您戲改得真好 您怎么不進去呀 王老板 見過 地球再也無法承受人類的數量 我現在是和摩蘭達說話嗎? 我們不是告訴他們應該想什么
這回跟您可真是一棵菜了 我等人拿鑰匙呢 唉 什么事 我們發現了一個新的太陽系 不是 我們僅僅是想告訴他們應該怎么想
#coding=utf-8 #(2)創建詞匯表 # 前一步生成的問答文件路徑 train_encode_file = "train.enc" train_decode_file = "train.dec" test_encode_file = "test.enc" test_decode_file = "test.dec" print("開始創建詞匯表...") # 特殊標記,用來填充標記對話 PAD = "__PAD__" GO = "__GO__" EOS = "__EOS__" # 對話結束 UNK = "__UNK__" # 標記未出現在詞匯表中的字符 START_VOCABULART = [PAD, GO, EOS, UNK] PAD_ID = 0 GO_ID = 1 EOS_ID = 2 UNK_ID = 3 # 參看tensorflow.models.rnn.translate.data_utils vocabulary_size = 5000 # 生成詞匯表文件 def gen_vocabulary_file(input_file, output_file): vocabulary = {} with open(input_file, encoding="utf8") as f: counter = 0 for line in f: counter += 1 tokens = [word for word in line.strip()] for word in tokens: if word in vocabulary: vocabulary[word] += 1 else: vocabulary[word] = 1 vocabulary_list = START_VOCABULART + sorted(vocabulary, key=vocabulary.get, reverse=True) # 取前5000個常用漢字, 應該差不多夠用了(額, 好多無用字符, 最好整理一下. 我就不整理了) if len(vocabulary_list) > 5000: vocabulary_list = vocabulary_list[:5000] print(input_file + " 詞匯表大小:", len(vocabulary_list)) with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as ff: for word in vocabulary_list: ff.write(word + " ") gen_vocabulary_file(train_encode_file, "train_encode_vocabulary") gen_vocabulary_file(train_decode_file, "train_decode_vocabulary") train_encode_vocabulary_file = "train_encode_vocabulary" train_decode_vocabulary_file = "train_decode_vocabulary" print("對話轉向量...") # 把對話字符串轉為向量形式 def convert_to_vector(input_file, vocabulary_file, output_file): tmp_vocab = [] with open(vocabulary_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: tmp_vocab.extend(f.readlines()) tmp_vocab = [line.strip() for line in tmp_vocab] vocab = dict([(x, y) for (y, x) in enumerate(tmp_vocab)]) # {"碩": 3142, "v": 577, "I": 4789, "ue796": 4515, "拖": 1333, "疤": 2201 ...} output_f = open(output_file, "w") with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: line_vec = [] for words in line.strip(): line_vec.append(vocab.get(words, UNK_ID)) output_f.write(" ".join([str(num) for num in line_vec]) + " ") output_f.close() convert_to_vector(train_encode_file, train_encode_vocabulary_file, "train_encode.vec") convert_to_vector(train_decode_file, train_decode_vocabulary_file, "train_decode.vec") convert_to_vector(test_encode_file, train_encode_vocabulary_file, "test_encode.vec") convert_to_vector(test_decode_file, train_decode_vocabulary_file, "test_decode.vec")
__PAD__ __GO__ __EOS__ __UNK__ 我 的 你 是 , 不 了 們
6 269 31 13 1022 157 5 60 190 28 14 226 92 113 2047 2047 98 909 724 137 22 9 644 1331 278 63 1685 28 6 1363 118 63 4 9 652 514 824 88 433 131 51 24 4 127 131 1093 433 94 81 4 884 13 840 3435 1010 366
# 讀取*encode.vec和*decode.vec數據(數據還不算太多, 一次讀入到內存) def read_data(source_path, target_path, max_size=None): data_set = [[] for _ in buckets]#生成了[[],[],[],[]],即當值與參數不一樣 with tf.gfile.GFile(source_path, mode="r") as source_file:#以讀格式打開源文件(source_file) with tf.gfile.GFile(target_path, mode="r") as target_file:#以讀格式打開目標文件 source, target = source_file.readline(), target_file.readline()#只讀取一行 counter = 0#計數器為0 while source and target and ( not max_size or counter < max_size):#當讀入的還存在時 counter += 1 source_ids = [int(x) for x in source.split()]#source的目標序列號,默認分隔符為空格,組成了一個源序列 target_ids = [int(x) for x in target.split()]#target組成一個目標序列,為目標序列 target_ids.append(EOS_ID)#加上結束標記的序列號 for bucket_id, (source_size, target_size) in enumerate(buckets):#enumerate()遍歷序列中的元素和其下標 if len(source_ids) < source_size and len(target_ids) < target_size:#判斷是否超越了最大長度 data_set[bucket_id].append([source_ids, target_ids])#讀取到數據集文件中區 break#一次即可,跳出當前循環 source, target = source_file.readline(), target_file.readline()#讀取了下一行 return data_set
model = seq2seq_model.Seq2SeqModel(source_vocab_size=vocabulary_encode_size, target_vocab_size=vocabulary_decode_size, buckets=buckets, size=layer_size, num_layers=num_layers, max_gradient_norm=5.0, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=0.5, learning_rate_decay_factor=0.97, forward_only=False)
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # 恢復前一次訓練 ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(".") if ckpt != None: print(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) model.saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) train_set = read_data(train_encode_vec, train_decode_vec) test_set = read_data(test_encode_vec, test_decode_vec) train_bucket_sizes = [len(train_set[b]) for b in range(len(buckets))]#分別計算出訓練集中的長度【1,2,3,4】 train_total_size = float(sum(train_bucket_sizes))#訓練實例總數 train_buckets_scale = [sum(train_bucket_sizes[:i + 1]) / train_total_size for i in range(len(train_bucket_sizes))]#計算了之前所有的數的首戰百分比 loss = 0.0#損失置位0 total_step = 0 previous_losses = [] # 一直訓練,每過一段時間保存一次模型 while True: random_number_01 = np.random.random_sample()#每一次循環結果不一樣 #選出最小的大于隨機采樣的值的索引號 bucket_id = min([i for i in range(len(train_buckets_scale)) if train_buckets_scale[i] > random_number_01]) encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(train_set, bucket_id) #get_batch()函數首先獲取bucket的encoder_size與decoder_size _, step_loss, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, False)#損失 loss += step_loss / 500 total_step += 1 print(total_step) if total_step % 500 == 0: print(model.global_step.eval(), model.learning_rate.eval(), loss) # 如果模型沒有得到提升,減小learning rate if len(previous_losses) > 2 and loss > max(previous_losses[-3:]):#即損失比以前的大則降低學習率 sess.run(model.learning_rate_decay_op) previous_losses.append(loss) # 保存模型 checkpoint_path = "./chatbot_seq2seq.ckpt" model.saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step) #返回路徑checkpoint_file = "%s-%s" % (save_path, "{:08d}".format(global_step)) loss = 0.0#置當前損失為0 # 使用測試數據評估模型 for bucket_id in range(len(buckets)): if len(test_set[bucket_id]) == 0: continue #獲取當前bucket的encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(test_set, bucket_id) #計算bucket_id的損失權重 _, eval_loss, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, True) eval_ppx = math.exp(eval_loss) if eval_loss < 300 else float("inf") print(bucket_id, eval_ppx)#輸出的是bucket_id與eval_ppx
#coding=utf-8 #(4)使用訓練好的模型 import tensorflow as tf # 0.12 # from tensorflow.models.rnn.translate import seq2seq_model from tensorflow.models.tutorials.rnn.chatbot import seq2seq_model#注意 seq2seq_model這個需要自己去下載,根據自己的路徑進行導入 # 本人將seq2seq_model模塊下載后 復制到tensorflow/models/tutorials/rnn/chatbot/路徑下,所以才這樣進行導入 import os import numpy as np PAD_ID = 0 GO_ID = 1 EOS_ID = 2 UNK_ID = 3 tf.reset_default_graph() #詞匯表路徑path train_encode_vocabulary = "train_encode_vocabulary" train_decode_vocabulary = "train_decode_vocabulary" #讀取詞匯表 def read_vocabulary(input_file): tmp_vocab = [] with open(input_file, "r",encoding="utf-8") as f: tmp_vocab.extend(f.readlines())#打開的文件全部讀入input_file中 tmp_vocab = [line.strip() for line in tmp_vocab]#轉換成列表 vocab = dict([(x, y) for (y, x) in enumerate(tmp_vocab)]) return vocab, tmp_vocab#返回字典,列表 vocab_en, _, = read_vocabulary(train_encode_vocabulary)#得到詞匯字典 _, vocab_de, = read_vocabulary(train_decode_vocabulary)#得到詞匯列表 # 詞匯表大小5000 vocabulary_encode_size = 5000 vocabulary_decode_size = 5000 buckets = [(5, 10), (10, 15), (20, 25), (40, 50)] layer_size = 256 # 每層大小 num_layers = 3 # 層數 batch_size = 1 model = seq2seq_model.Seq2SeqModel(source_vocab_size=vocabulary_encode_size, target_vocab_size=vocabulary_decode_size, buckets=buckets, size=layer_size, num_layers=num_layers, max_gradient_norm=5.0, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=0.5, learning_rate_decay_factor=0.99, forward_only=True) #模型說明:源,目標詞匯尺寸=vocabulary_encode(decode)_size;batch_size:訓練期間使用的批次的大小;#forward_only:僅前向不傳遞誤差 model.batch_size = 1#batch_size=1 with tf.Session() as sess:#打開作為一次會話 # 恢復前一次訓練 ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(".")#從檢查點文件中返回一個狀態(ckpt) #如果ckpt存在,輸出模型路徑 if ckpt != None: print(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) model.saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)#儲存模型參數 else: print("沒找到模型") #測試該模型的能力 while True: input_string = input("me > ") # 退出 if input_string == "quit": exit() input_string_vec = []#輸入字符串向量化 for words in input_string.strip(): input_string_vec.append(vocab_en.get(words, UNK_ID))#get()函數:如果words在詞表中,返回索引號;否則,返回UNK_ID bucket_id = min([b for b in range(len(buckets)) if buckets[b][0] > len(input_string_vec)])#保留最小的大于輸入的bucket的id encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch({bucket_id: [(input_string_vec, [])]}, bucket_id) #get_batch(A,B):兩個參數,A為大小為len(buckets)的元組,返回了指定bucket_id的encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs,target_weights _, _, output_logits = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, True) #得到其輸出 outputs = [int(np.argmax(logit, axis=1)) for logit in output_logits]#求得最大的預測范圍列表 if EOS_ID in outputs:#如果EOS_ID在輸出內部,則輸出列表為[,,,,:End] outputs = outputs[:outputs.index(EOS_ID)] response = "".join([tf.compat.as_str(vocab_de[output]) for output in outputs])#轉為解碼詞匯分別添加到回復中 print("AI--PigPig > " + response)#輸出回復
訓練10000步后開始變得可愛了 ^_^
摘要:集成項目鏈接通過上一節的學習我們已經可以訓練得到一只傲嬌的聊天了。本章將介紹項目關于的集成問題,在集成之后,我們的可以通過應用與大家日常互撩。由于只是一個小測試,所以不考慮性能方面的問題,在下一章我們將重點處理效率難關,集成。 集成Netty 項目github鏈接 通過上一節的學習我們已經可以訓練得到一只傲嬌的聊天AI_PigPig了。 showImg(https://segmentf...
摘要:集成項目鏈接通過上一節的學習我們已經可以訓練得到一只傲嬌的聊天了。本章將介紹項目關于的集成問題,在集成之后,我們的可以通過應用與大家日常互撩。由于只是一個小測試,所以不考慮性能方面的問題,在下一章我們將重點處理效率難關,集成。 集成Netty 項目github鏈接 通過上一節的學習我們已經可以訓練得到一只傲嬌的聊天AI_PigPig了。 showImg(https://segmentf...
摘要:引入項目鏈接在集成之后,為了提高效率,我打算將消息存儲在緩存系統中,本節將介紹在項目中的引入,以及前端界面的開發。引入后,完整代碼鏈接。 引入Redis 項目github鏈接 在集成Netty之后,為了提高效率,我打算將消息存儲在Redis緩存系統中,本節將介紹Redis在項目中的引入,以及前端界面的開發。 引入Redis后,完整代碼鏈接。 想要直接得到訓練了13000步的聊天機器人可...
摘要:代碼詳解完整代碼鏈接,文件內。處理完畢后生成的文件保存了問題文件保存了回答。將回答向量文件中的每一行默認以空格為分隔符,構成一個目標序列。對文件中的每一行都進行處理與添加后,將得到的返回。 Chapter1.代碼詳解 完整代碼github鏈接,Untitled.ipynb文件內。【里面的測試是還沒訓練完的時候測試的,今晚會更新訓練完成后的測試結果】修復了網上一些代碼的bug,解決了由于...
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