原文地址:Design Patterns in PHP
descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.
Creational Patterns Singleton(單例模式)單例模式是最常見的模式之一,在Web應用的開發中,常常用于允許在運行時為某個特定的類創建一個可訪問的實例。
mix = "test"; $secondProduct->mix = "example"; print_r($firstProduct->mix); // example print_r($secondProduct->mix); // example
a[] = 1; SecondProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 2; FirstProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 3; SecondProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 4; print_r(FirstProduct::getInstance()->a); // array(1, 3) print_r(SecondProduct::getInstance()->a); // array(2, 4)Registry
getProduct(); $factory = new SecondFactory(); $secondProduct = $factory->getProduct(); print_r($firstProduct->getName()); // The first product print_r($secondProduct->getName()); // Second productAbstractFactory(抽象工廠模式)有些情況下我們需要根據不同的選擇邏輯提供不同的構造工廠,而對于多個工廠而言需要一個統一的抽象工廠:
getProduct(); Config::$factory = 2; $secondProduct = AbstractFactory::getFactory()->getProduct(); print_r($firstProduct->getName()); // The first product from the first factory print_r($secondProduct->getName()); // Second product from second factoryObject pool(對象池)對象池可以用于構造并且存放一系列的對象并在需要時獲取調用:
id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Factory { protected static $products = array(); public static function pushProduct(Product $product) { self::$products[$product->getId()] = $product; } public static function getProduct($id) { return isset(self::$products[$id]) ? self::$products[$id] : null; } public static function removeProduct($id) { if (array_key_exists($id, self::$products)) { unset(self::$products[$id]); } } } Factory::pushProduct(new Product("first")); Factory::pushProduct(new Product("second")); print_r(Factory::getProduct("first")->getId()); // first print_r(Factory::getProduct("second")->getId()); // secondLazy Initialization(延遲初始化)對于某個變量的延遲初始化也是常常被用到的,對于一個類而言往往并不知道它的哪個功能會被用到,而部分功能往往是僅僅被需要使用一次。
firstProduct) { $this->firstProduct = new FirstProduct(); } return $this->firstProduct; } public function getSecondProduct() { if (!$this->secondProduct) { $this->secondProduct = new SecondProduct(); } return $this->secondProduct; } } class FirstProduct implements Product { public function getName() { return "The first product"; } } class SecondProduct implements Product { public function getName() { return "Second product"; } } $factory = new Factory(); print_r($factory->getFirstProduct()->getName()); // The first product print_r($factory->getSecondProduct()->getName()); // Second product print_r($factory->getFirstProduct()->getName()); // The first productPrototype(原型模式)有些時候,部分對象需要被初始化多次。而特別是在如果初始化需要耗費大量時間與資源的時候進行預初始化并且存儲下這些對象。
product = $product; } public function getProduct() { return clone $this->product; } } class SomeProduct implements Product { public $name; } $prototypeFactory = new Factory(new SomeProduct()); $firstProduct = $prototypeFactory->getProduct(); $firstProduct->name = "The first product"; $secondProduct = $prototypeFactory->getProduct(); $secondProduct->name = "Second product"; print_r($firstProduct->name); // The first product print_r($secondProduct->name); // Second productBuilder(構造者)構造者模式主要在于創建一些復雜的對象:
name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } } abstract class Builder { protected $product; final public function getProduct() { return $this->product; } public function buildProduct() { $this->product = new Product(); } } class FirstBuilder extends Builder { public function buildProduct() { parent::buildProduct(); $this->product->setName("The product of the first builder"); } } class SecondBuilder extends Builder { public function buildProduct() { parent::buildProduct(); $this->product->setName("The product of second builder"); } } class Factory { private $builder; public function __construct(Builder $builder) { $this->builder = $builder; $this->builder->buildProduct(); } public function getProduct() { return $this->builder->getProduct(); } } $firstDirector = new Factory(new FirstBuilder()); $secondDirector = new Factory(new SecondBuilder()); print_r($firstDirector->getProduct()->getName()); // The product of the first builder print_r($secondDirector->getProduct()->getName()); // The product of second builderStructural Patterns Decorator(裝飾器模式)裝飾器模式允許我們根據運行時不同的情景動態地為某個對象調用前后添加不同的行為動作。
_html = "Adapter(適配器模式)__text__
"; } public function set($html) { $this->_html = $html; } public function render() { echo $this->_html; } } class Template2 extends HtmlTemplate { protected $_element; public function __construct($s) { $this->_element = $s; $this->set("" . $this->_html . "
"); } public function __call($name, $args) { $this->_element->$name($args[0]); } } class Template3 extends HtmlTemplate { protected $_element; public function __construct($s) { $this->_element = $s; $this->set("" . $this->_html . ""); } public function __call($name, $args) { $this->_element->$name($args[0]); } }這種模式允許使用不同的接口重構某個類,可以允許使用不同的調用方式進行調用:
author = $author_in; $this->title = $title_in; } function getAuthor() { return $this->author; } function getTitle() { return $this->title; } } class BookAdapter { private $book; function __construct(SimpleBook $book_in) { $this->book = $book_in; } function getAuthorAndTitle() { return $this->book->getTitle()." by ".$this->book->getAuthor(); } } // Usage $book = new SimpleBook("Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides", "Design Patterns"); $bookAdapter = new BookAdapter($book); echo "Author and Title: ".$bookAdapter->getAuthorAndTitle(); function echo $line_in) { echo $line_in."Behavioral Patterns Strategy(策略模式)
"; }測試模式主要為了讓客戶類能夠更好地使用某些算法而不需要知道其具體的實現。
_observers as $obs) $obs->onChanged($this, $name); } public function addObserver($observer) { $this->_observers []= $observer; } } class CustomerListLogger implements Observer { public function onChanged($sender, $args) { echo( ""$args" Customer has been added to the list " ); } } $ul = new UserList(); $ul->addObserver( new CustomerListLogger() ); $ul->addCustomer( "Jack" );Chain of responsibility(責任鏈模式)這種模式有另一種稱呼:控制鏈模式。它主要由一系列對于某些命令的處理器構成,每個查詢會在處理器構成的責任鏈中傳遞,在每個交匯點由處理器判斷是否需要對它們進行響應與處理。每次的處理程序會在有處理器處理這些請求時暫停。
_commands[]= $cmd; } public function runCommand($name, $args) { foreach($this->_commands as $cmd) { if ($cmd->onCommand($name, $args)) return; } } } class CustCommand implements Command { public function onCommand($name, $args) { if ($name != "addCustomer") return false; echo("This is CustomerCommand handling "addCustomer" "); return true; } } class MailCommand implements Command { public function onCommand($name, $args) { if ($name != "mail") return false; echo("This is MailCommand handling "mail" "); return true; } } $cc = new CommandChain(); $cc->addCommand( new CustCommand()); $cc->addCommand( new MailCommand()); $cc->runCommand("addCustomer", null); $cc->runCommand("mail", null);
摘要:我們今天也來做一個萬能遙控器設計模式適配器模式將一個類的接口轉換成客戶希望的另外一個接口。今天要介紹的仍然是創建型設計模式的一種建造者模式。設計模式的理論知識固然重要,但 計算機程序的思維邏輯 (54) - 剖析 Collections - 設計模式 上節我們提到,類 Collections 中大概有兩類功能,第一類是對容器接口對象進行操作,第二類是返回一個容器接口對象,上節我們介紹了...
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