ws-http 簡單輕量的HTTP 客戶端工具庫(An Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library) 可用于 HTTP API 測試,支持 ssl,basic auth,代理,自定義請求頭,以及常用HTTP 請求方法.(An HTTP API testing framework, written in PHP using curl. Supports ssl, basic auth, passing custom request headers, and most HTTP request methods.
--- https://github.com/toohamster...
PHP 5.4+
安裝(Installation) 使用 (Using) Composer在composer.json文件中新增如下行(To install ws-http with Composer, just add the following to your composer.json file):
{ "require": { "toohamster/ws-http": "*" } }
或者手動運行命令(or by running the following command):
php composer require toohamster/ws-httpHttp Request 使用(Http Request Usage) 創建一個請求(Creating a Request)
$httpRequest = WsHttpRequest::create();支持的方法(Support Method)
// set config $httpRequest->jsonOpts($assoc = false, $depth = 512, $options = 0); $httpRequest->verifyPeer($enabled); $httpRequest->verifyHost($enabled); $httpRequest->verifyFile($file); $httpRequest->getVerifyFile(); $httpRequest->timeout($seconds); $httpRequest->defaultHeaders($headers); $httpRequest->defaultHeader($name, $value); $httpRequest->clearDefaultHeaders(); $httpRequest->curlOpts($options); $httpRequest->curlOpt($name, $value); $httpRequest->clearCurlOpts(); $httpRequest->cookie($cookie); $httpRequest->cookieFile($cookieFile); $httpRequest->auth($username = "", $password = "", $method = CURLAUTH_BASIC); $httpRequest->proxy($address, $port = 1080, $type = CURLPROXY_HTTP, $tunnel = false); $httpRequest->proxyAuth($username = "", $password = "", $method = CURLAUTH_BASIC); // http call $httpRequest->get($url, $headers = [], $parameters = null); $httpRequest->head($url, $headers = [], $parameters = null); $httpRequest->options($url, $headers = [], $parameters = null); $httpRequest->connect($url, $headers = [], $parameters = null); $httpRequest->post($url, $headers = [], $body = null); $httpRequest->delete($url, $headers = [], $body = null); $httpRequest->put($url, $headers = [], $body = null); $httpRequest->patch($url, $headers = [], $body = null); $httpRequest->trace($url, $headers = [], $body = null);
此處給出一些簡單的實例(Let"s look at a working example):
$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $query = array("foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world"); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $query); $response->code; // 請求響應碼(HTTP Status code) $response->curl_info; // curl信息(HTTP Curl info) $response->headers; // 響應頭(Headers) $response->body; // 處理后的響應消息體(Parsed body) $response->raw_body; // 原始響應消息體(Unparsed body)JSON 請求(Requests) (application/json)
$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $data = array("name" => "ahmad", "company" => "mashape"); $body = WsHttpRequestBody::json($data); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);
Content-Type 會自動設置成(headers will be automatically set to) application/json
表單請求(Form Requests) (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $data = array("name" => "ahmad", "company" => "mashape"); $body = WsHttpRequestBody::form($data); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);
Content-Type 會自動設置成(headers will be automatically set to) application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Multipart Requests (multipart/form-data)$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $data = array("name" => "ahmad", "company" => "mashape"); $body = WsHttpRequestBody::multipart($data); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);
Content-Type 會自動設置成(headers will be automatically set to) multipart/form-data.
文件上傳(Multipart File Upload)$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $data = array("name" => "ahmad", "company" => "mashape"); $files = array("bio" => "/path/to/bio.txt", "avatar" => "/path/to/avatar.jpg"); $body = WsHttpRequestBody::multipart($data, $files); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);
$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json"); $body = array( "name" => "ahmad", "company" => "mashape" "bio" => WsHttpRequestBody::file("/path/to/bio.txt", "text/plain"), "avatar" => WsHttpRequestBody::file("/path/to/my_avatar.jpg", "text/plain", "avatar.jpg") ); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);自定義消息體(Custom Body)
可以使用WsHttpRequestBody類提供的方法來生成消息體或使用PHP自帶的序列化函數來生成消息體(Sending a custom body such rather than using the WsHttpRequestBody helpers is also possible, for example, using a serialize body string with a custom Content-Type):
$headers = array("Accept" => "application/json", "Content-Type" => "application/x-php-serialized"); $body = serialize((array("foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world")); $response = $httpRequest->post("http://mockbin.com/request", $headers, $body);授權校驗(Authentication)
$httpRequest->auth($username, $password, $method);// default is CURLAUTH_BASIC
支持的方法(Supported Methods)
Method | Description |
CURLAUTH_BASIC | HTTP Basic authentication. |
CURLAUTH_DIGEST | HTTP Digest authentication. as defined in RFC 2617 |
CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE | HTTP Digest authentication with an IE flavor. The IE flavor is simply that libcurl will use a special "quirk" that IE is known to have used before version 7 and that some servers require the client to use. |
CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE | HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication. as defined in RFC 4559 |
CURLAUTH_NTLM | HTTP NTLM authentication. A proprietary protocol invented and used by Microsoft. |
CURLAUTH_NTLM_WB | NTLM delegating to winbind helper. Authentication is performed by a separate binary application. see libcurl docs for more info |
CURLAUTH_ANY | This is a convenience macro that sets all bits and thus makes libcurl pick any it finds suitable. libcurl will automatically select the one it finds most secure. |
CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE | This is a convenience macro that sets all bits except Basic and thus makes libcurl pick any it finds suitable. libcurl will automatically select the one it finds most secure. |
CURLAUTH_ONLY | This is a meta symbol. OR this value together with a single specific auth value to force libcurl to probe for un-restricted auth and if not, only that single auth algorithm is acceptable. |
// custom auth method $httpRequest->proxyAuth("username", "password", CURLAUTH_DIGEST);Cookies
$cookieFile 參數必須是可讀取的文件路徑(must be a correct path with write permission).
請求對象(Request Object)$httpRequest->get($url, $headers = array(), $parameters = null) $httpRequest->post($url, $headers = array(), $body = null) $httpRequest->put($url, $headers = array(), $body = null) $httpRequest->patch($url, $headers = array(), $body = null) $httpRequest->delete($url, $headers = array(), $body = null)
url - 請求地址(Endpoint, address, or uri to be acted upon and requested information from)
headers - 請求頭(Request Headers as associative array or object)
body - 請求消息體(Request Body as associative array or object)
可以使用標準的HTTP方法,也可以使用自定義的HTTP方法(You can send a request with any standard or custom HTTP Method):
$httpRequest->send(WsHttpMethod::LINK, $url, $headers = array(), $body); $httpRequest->send("CHECKOUT", $url, $headers = array(), $body);響應對象(Response Object)
code - 請求響應碼(HTTP Status code)
curl_info - HTTP curl信息(HTTP Curl info)
headers - 響應頭(HTTP Response Headers)
body - 處理后的響應消息體(Parsed body)
raw_body - 原始響應消息體(Unparsed body)
高級設置(Advanced Configuration) 自定義json_decode選項(Custom JSON Decode Flags)$httpRequest->jsonOpts(true, 512, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK & JSON_FORCE_OBJECT & JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);超時設置(Timeout)
$httpRequest->timeout(5); // 5s timeout代理(Proxy)
check the cURL docs for more info.
// quick setup with default port: 1080 $httpRequest->proxy(""); // custom port and proxy type $httpRequest->proxy("", 8080, CURLPROXY_HTTP); // enable tunneling $httpRequest->proxy("", 8080, CURLPROXY_HTTP, true);
// basic auth $httpRequest->proxyAuth("username", "password", CURLAUTH_DIGEST);缺省請求頭 (Default Request Headers)
$httpRequest->defaultHeader("Header1", "Value1"); $httpRequest->defaultHeader("Header2", "Value2");
批量配置(You can set default headers in bulk by passing an array):
$httpRequest->defaultHeaders(array( "Header1" => "Value1", "Header2" => "Value2" ));
清除配置(You can clear the default headers anytime with):
$httpRequest->clearDefaultHeaders();缺省Curl選項 (Default cURL Options)
You can set default cURL options that will be sent on every request:
$httpRequest->curlOpt(CURLOPT_COOKIE, "foo=bar");
批量配置(You can set options bulk by passing an array):
$httpRequest->curlOpts(array( CURLOPT_COOKIE => "foo=bar" ));
清除配置(You can clear the default options anytime with):
$httpRequest->clearCurlOpts();SSL validation
$httpRequest->verifyPeer(false); // Disables SSL cert validation
By default is true.
Http Watcher 使用(Http Watcher Usage) 支持的方法(Support Method)$watcher = WsHttpWatcher::create($httpResponse); $watcher->assertStatusCode($assertedStatusCode); $watcher->assertTotalTimeLessThan($assertedTime); $watcher->assertHeadersExist(array $assertedHeaders = []); $watcher->assertHeaders(array $assertedHeaders = []); $watcher->assertBody($assertedBody, $useRegularExpression = false); $watcher->assertBodyJson($asserted, $onNotEqualVarExport = false); $watcher->assertBodyJsonFile($assertedJsonFile, $onNotEqualPrintJson = false);
$httpRequest = WsHttpRequest::create(); $httpResponse = $httpRequest->get("https://api.github.com"); $watcher = WsHttpWatcher::create($httpResponse); $watcher ->assertStatusCode(200) ->assertHeadersExist(array( "X-GitHub-Request-Id", "ETag" )) ->assertHeaders(array( "Server" => "GitHub.com" )) ->assertBody("IS_VALID_JSON") ->assertTotalTimeLessThan(2);
$httpRequest = WsHttpRequest::create(); $httpResponse = $httpRequest->get("https://freegeoip.net/json/"); $watcher = WsHttpWatcher::create($httpResponse); $watcher ->assertStatusCode(200) ->assertHeadersExist(array( "Content-Length" )) ->assertHeaders(array( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*" )) ->assertBodyJsonFile(dirname(__DIR__) . "/tests/Ws/Http/_json/freegeoip.net.json");查看所有例子(See the full examples) https://github.com/toohamster...
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