kubernetes version: v1.3.0
type KubeletConfig struct { Address net.IP AllowPrivileged bool ... DockerClient dockertools.DockerInterface RuntimeCgroups string DockerExecHandler dockertools.ExecHandler ... }
type KubeletServer struct { componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration AuthPath util.StringFlag // Deprecated -- use KubeConfig instead KubeConfig util.StringFlag APIServerList []string RunOnce bool // Insert a probability of random errors during calls to the master. ChaosChance float64 // Crash immediately, rather than eating panics. ReallyCrashForTesting bool SystemReserved config.ConfigurationMap KubeReserved config.ConfigurationMap } type KubeletConfiguration struct { // config is the path to the config file or directory of files Config string `json:"config"` ... DockerEndpoint string `json:"dockerEndpoint"` ...
func UnsecuredKubeletConfig(s *options.KubeletServer) (*KubeletConfig, error) { hostNetworkSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(strings.Split(s.HostNetworkSources, ",")) if err != nil { return nil, err } ... return &KubeletConfig{ Address: net.ParseIP(s.Address), AllowPrivileged: s.AllowPrivileged, ... DockerClient: dockertools.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration), // TODO(random-liu): Set RuntimeRequestTimeout for rkt. ... }
接著繼續查看dockertools.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration)。
func ConnectToDockerOrDie(dockerEndpoint string, requestTimeout time.Duration) DockerInterface { if dockerEndpoint == "fake://" { return NewFakeDockerClient() } client, err := getDockerClient(dockerEndpoint) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Couldn"t connect to docker: %v", err) } glog.Infof("Start docker client with request timeout=%v", requestTimeout) return newKubeDockerClient(client, requestTimeout) }
getDockerClient --> dockerapi.NewEnvClient() --> NewClient().
func NewClient(host string, version string, client *http.Client, httpHeaders map[string]string) (*Client, error) { proto, addr, basePath, err := ParseHost(host) if err != nil { return nil, err } transport, err := transport.NewTransportWithHTTP(proto, addr, client) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Client{ proto: proto, addr: addr, basePath: basePath, transport: transport, version: version, customHTTPHeaders: httpHeaders, }, nil }
type Client struct { // proto holds the client protocol i.e. unix. proto string // addr holds the client address. addr string // basePath holds the path to prepend to the requests. basePath string // transport is the interface to send request with, it implements transport.Client. transport transport.Client // version of the server to talk to. version string // custom http headers configured by users. customHTTPHeaders map[string]string }
type kubeDockerClient struct { // timeout is the timeout of short running docker operations. timeout time.Duration client *dockerapi.Client }
type DockerInterface interface { ListContainers(options dockertypes.ContainerListOptions) ([]dockertypes.Container, error) InspectContainer(id string) (*dockertypes.ContainerJSON, error) CreateContainer(dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig) (*dockertypes.ContainerCreateResponse, error) StartContainer(id string) error StopContainer(id string, timeout int) error RemoveContainer(id string, opts dockertypes.ContainerRemoveOptions) error InspectImage(image string) (*dockertypes.ImageInspect, error) ListImages(opts dockertypes.ImageListOptions) ([]dockertypes.Image, error) PullImage(image string, auth dockertypes.AuthConfig, opts dockertypes.ImagePullOptions) error RemoveImage(image string, opts dockertypes.ImageRemoveOptions) ([]dockertypes.ImageDelete, error) ImageHistory(id string) ([]dockertypes.ImageHistory, error) Logs(string, dockertypes.ContainerLogsOptions, StreamOptions) error Version() (*dockertypes.Version, error) Info() (*dockertypes.Info, error) CreateExec(string, dockertypes.ExecConfig) (*dockertypes.ContainerExecCreateResponse, error) StartExec(string, dockertypes.ExecStartCheck, StreamOptions) error InspectExec(id string) (*dockertypes.ContainerExecInspect, error) AttachToContainer(string, dockertypes.ContainerAttachOptions, StreamOptions) error }
DockeClient接口分析源碼目錄: pkg/kubelet/dockertools/kube_docker_client.go
func (d *kubeDockerClient) ListContainers(options dockertypes.ContainerListOptions) ([]dockertypes.Container, error) { ctx, cancel := d.getTimeoutContext() defer cancel() containers, err := d.client.ContainerList(ctx, options) if ctxErr := contextError(ctx); ctxErr != nil { return nil, ctxErr } if err != nil { return nil, err } return containers, nil }
該ListContainers()接口的關鍵就是調用了d.client.ContainerList(ctx, options).
Client結構所在文件: vendor/github.com/docker/engine-api/client/client.go
Client package結構:
操作docker API的接口都封裝在這些文件中,有空可以深入了解下,這里就不一一介紹了,我們繼續回到d.client.ContainerList(ctx, options),實現如下:
func (cli *Client) ContainerList(ctx context.Context, options types.ContainerListOptions) ([]types.Container, error) { query := url.Values{} if options.All { query.Set("all", "1") } if options.Limit != -1 { query.Set("limit", strconv.Itoa(options.Limit)) } if options.Since != "" { query.Set("since", options.Since) } if options.Before != "" { query.Set("before", options.Before) } if options.Size { query.Set("size", "1") } if options.Filter.Len() > 0 { filterJSON, err := filters.ToParamWithVersion(cli.version, options.Filter) if err != nil { return nil, err } query.Set("filters", filterJSON) } resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/json", query, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } var containers []types.Container err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&containers) ensureReaderClosed(resp) return containers, err }
func (cli *Client) get(ctx context.Context, path string, query url.Values, headers map[string][]string) (*serverResponse, error) { return cli.sendRequest(ctx, "GET", path, query, nil, headers) } func (cli *Client) sendRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, query url.Values, obj interface{}, headers map[string][]string) (*serverResponse, error) { var body io.Reader if obj != nil { var err error body, err = encodeData(obj) if err != nil { return nil, err } if headers == nil { headers = make(map[string][]string) } headers["Content-Type"] = []string{"application/json"} } return cli.sendClientRequest(ctx, method, path, query, body, headers) } func (cli *Client) sendClientRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, query url.Values, body io.Reader, headers map[string][]string) (*serverResponse, error) { serverResp := &serverResponse{ body: nil, statusCode: -1, } ... req, err := cli.newRequest(method, path, query, body, headers) if cli.proto == "unix" || cli.proto == "npipe" { // For local communications, it doesn"t matter what the host is. We just // need a valid and meaningful host name. (See #189) req.Host = "docker" } req.URL.Host = cli.addr req.URL.Scheme = cli.transport.Scheme() if expectedPayload && req.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "" { req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "text/plain") } resp, err := cancellable.Do(ctx, cli.transport, req) if resp != nil { serverResp.statusCode = resp.StatusCode } ... if serverResp.statusCode < 200 || serverResp.statusCode >= 400 { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return serverResp, err } if len(body) == 0 { return serverResp, fmt.Errorf("Error: request returned %s for API route and version %s, check if the server supports the requested API version", http.StatusText(serverResp.statusCode), req.URL) } return serverResp, fmt.Errorf("Error response from daemon: %s", bytes.TrimSpace(body)) } serverResp.body = resp.Body serverResp.header = resp.Header return serverResp, nil } func Do(ctx context.Context, client transport.Sender, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { ... result := make(chan responseAndError, 1) go func() { resp, err := client.Do(req) testHookDoReturned() result <- responseAndError{resp, err} }() var resp *http.Response select { case <-ctx.Done(): testHookContextDoneBeforeHeaders() cancel() // Clean up after the goroutine calling client.Do: go func() { if r := <-result; r.resp != nil && r.resp.Body != nil { testHookDidBodyClose() r.resp.Body.Close() } }() return nil, ctx.Err() case r := <-result: var err error resp, err = r.resp, r.err if err != nil { return resp, err } } ... return resp, nil }
type apiTransport struct { *http.Client *tlsInfo transport *http.Transport }
學習源碼的過程中,可以看到很多經典的實現,比如上面介紹的cancellable.Do()接口實現,golang非常推崇的"協程+channel"的方式,通過select case的方式循環等待協程處理的結果,確實很方便。
摘要:源碼版本簡介在急群眾,在每個節點上都會啟動一個服務進程。該進程用于處理節點下發到本節點的任務,管理及中的容器。每個進程會在上注冊節點自身信息,定期向節點匯報節點資源的使用情況,并通過監控容器和節點資源。最后運行健康檢測服務。 源碼版本 kubernetes version: v1.3.0 簡介 在Kubernetes急群眾,在每個Node節點上都會啟動一個kubelet服務進程。該進程...
摘要:顧名思義就是管理磁盤空間的,實際它的實現較為簡單,就是給所在的節點預留磁盤空間的,當該節點磁盤空間低于該值時,將拒絕的創建。其實就是中的接口該接口很簡單,就是分別調用實現的兩個接口,然后判斷磁盤空間是否夠用。 源碼版本 kubernetes version: v1.3.0 簡介 前一節介紹了Garbage Collection,涉及到的策略基本與磁盤資源有關。對于k8s集群如何高效的利...
摘要:源碼版本介紹在分析啟動流程時,老是會碰到各類,這里單獨提出來做下較詳細的分析。主要由兩部分組成使用指定的回收策略,刪除那些已經結束的所有的生命周期管理就是通過來實現的,其實該也是依賴了。相關配置該值表示磁盤占用率達到該值后會觸發。 源碼版本 kubernetes version: v1.3.0 kubelet GC介紹 在分析kubelet啟動流程時,老是會碰到各類GC,這里單獨提出來...
摘要:引言能夠支持,可以快速幾乎無障礙的拉起一套環境,這對剛入門的小白來說簡直是一大利器。本文就分析一下關于無法訪問問題。檢查一下有問題的節點的系統,果然會發現安裝了服務服務名為。 引言 Rancher能夠支持Kubernetes,可以快速幾乎無障礙的拉起一套K8s環境,這對剛入門K8s的小白來說簡直是一大利器。當然由于系統特性五花八門,系統內置軟件也相互影響,所以有時候伙伴們會碰到比較難纏...
摘要:引言能夠支持,可以快速幾乎無障礙的拉起一套環境,這對剛入門的小白來說簡直是一大利器。本文就分析一下關于無法訪問問題。檢查一下有問題的節點的系統,果然會發現安裝了服務服務名為。 引言 Rancher能夠支持Kubernetes,可以快速幾乎無障礙的拉起一套K8s環境,這對剛入門K8s的小白來說簡直是一大利器。當然由于系統特性五花八門,系統內置軟件也相互影響,所以有時候伙伴們會碰到比較難纏...
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