We"re going to create a simple API to allow admin users to view and edit the users and groups in the system.
Project setupCreate a new Django project named tutorial, then start a new app called quickstart.
# Create the project directory $ mkdir tutorial; cd tutorial # Create a virtualenv to isolate our package dependencies locally $ virtualenv env $ source -p /usr/bin/python3 env/bin/activate # Install Django and Django REST framework into the virtualenv pip install django pip install djangorestframework # Set up a new project with a single application django-admin.py startproject tutorial . # Note the trailing "." character cd tutorial django-admin.py startapp quickstart cd ..
Now sync your database for the first time:
python manage.py migrate
We"ll also create an initial user named admin with a password of password123. We"ll authenticate as that user later in our example.
python manage.py createsuperuser
Once you"ve set up a database and initial user created and ready to go, open up the app"s directory and we"ll get coding...
SerializersFirst up we"re going to define some serializers. Let"s create a new module named tutorial/quickstart/serializers.py that we"ll use for our data representations.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from rest_framework import serializers class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ("url", "username", "email", "groups") class GroupSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Group fields = ("url", "name")
Notice that we"re using hyperlinked relations in this case, with HyperlinkedModelSerializer. You can also use primary key and various other relationships, but hyperlinking is good RESTful design.
ViewsRight, we"d better write some views then. Open tutorial/quickstart/views.py and get typing.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from rest_framework import viewsets from tutorial.quickstart.serializers import UserSerializer, GroupSerializer class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited. """ queryset = User.objects.all().order_by("-date_joined") serializer_class = UserSerializer class GroupViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows groups to be viewed or edited. """ queryset = Group.objects.all() serializer_class = GroupSerializer
Rather than write multiple views we"re grouping together all the common behavior into classes called ViewSets.
We can easily break these down into individual views if we need to, but using viewsets keeps the view logic nicely organized as well as being very concise.
URLSOkay, now let"s wire up the API URLs. On to tutorial/urls.py...
from django.conf.urls import url, include from rest_framework import routers from tutorial.quickstart import views router = routers.DefaultRouter() router.register(r"users", views.UserViewSet) router.register(r"groups", views.GroupViewSet) # Wire up our API using automatic URL routing. # Additionally, we include login URLs for the browsable API. urlpatterns = [ url(r"^", include(router.urls)), url(r"^api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls", namespace="rest_framework")) ]
Because we"re using viewsets instead of views, we can automatically generate the URL conf for our API, by simply registering the viewsets with a router class.
Again, if we need more control over the API URLs we can simply drop down to using regular class-based views, and writing the URL conf explicitly.
Finally, we"re including default login and logout views for use with the browsable API. That"s optional, but useful if your API requires authentication and you want to use the browsable API.
SettingsWe"d also like to set a few global settings. We"d like to turn on pagination, and we want our API to only be accessible to admin users. The settings module will be in tutorial/settings.py
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... "rest_framework", ) REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser", ], "PAGE_SIZE": 10 }
Okay, we"re done.
Testing our APIWe"re now ready to test the API we"ve built. Let"s fire up the server from the command line.
$ python manage.py runserver
1.Directly through the browser, by going to the URL
ps: make sure to login using the control in the top right corner.
2.We can now access our API, both from the command-line, using tools like curl...
bash: curl -H "Accept: application/json; indent=4" -u admin:password123 { "count": 2, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "email": "admin@example.com", "groups": [], "url": "", "username": "admin" }, { "email": "tom@example.com", "groups": [ ], "url": "", "username": "tom" } ] }
3.Or using the httpie, command line tool...
$ http -a admin:password123
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... { "count": 2, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "email": "admin@example.com", "groups": [], "url": "http://localhost:8000/users/1/", "username": "paul" }, { "email": "tom@example.com", "groups": [ ], "url": "", "username": "tom" } ] }
If you want to get a more in depth understanding of how REST framework fits together head on over to the tutorial, or start browsing the API guide.
摘要:微信支付統(tǒng)一下單接口,有一個叫的參數(shù),作用我就照搬官方文檔異步接收微信支付結(jié)果通知的回調(diào)地址,通知必須為外網(wǎng)可訪問的,不能攜帶參數(shù)。 最近在做一個小程序,小程序有涉及到微信支付,說來慚愧,還是第一次自己動手去做微信支付這一塊的實現(xiàn),所以過程中遇到了很多人都會踩的坑(例如mmp的微信支付各種key各種id要在哪里找,很難找),這次使用django來開發(fā),接口部分用django-rest-...
摘要:微信支付統(tǒng)一下單接口,有一個叫的參數(shù),作用我就照搬官方文檔異步接收微信支付結(jié)果通知的回調(diào)地址,通知必須為外網(wǎng)可訪問的,不能攜帶參數(shù)。 最近在做一個小程序,小程序有涉及到微信支付,說來慚愧,還是第一次自己動手去做微信支付這一塊的實現(xiàn),所以過程中遇到了很多人都會踩的坑(例如mmp的微信支付各種key各種id要在哪里找,很難找),這次使用django來開發(fā),接口部分用django-rest-...
摘要:微信支付統(tǒng)一下單接口,有一個叫的參數(shù),作用我就照搬官方文檔異步接收微信支付結(jié)果通知的回調(diào)地址,通知必須為外網(wǎng)可訪問的,不能攜帶參數(shù)。 最近在做一個小程序,小程序有涉及到微信支付,說來慚愧,還是第一次自己動手去做微信支付這一塊的實現(xiàn),所以過程中遇到了很多人都會踩的坑(例如mmp的微信支付各種key各種id要在哪里找,很難找),這次使用django來開發(fā),接口部分用django-rest-...
摘要:拒絕重復勞動保存如下代碼為放到模塊統(tǒng)計目錄下生成接口完畢代碼生成過程出錯執(zhí)行命令在模塊目錄下執(zhí)行模型單詞模型說明其中模型單詞為托峰命名法 拒絕重復勞動. 保存如下代碼為codeGen.py,放到模塊統(tǒng)計目錄下 import sys name = sys.argv[1] verbose = sys.argv[2] def underscore(str): return .j...
摘要:本文主要是用來記錄自己學習的過程。其中可能會有很多自己的錯誤理解。這里主要會用到的知識有百度百科阮一峰理解架構(gòu)其余請自行百度。所有的全局設置都放在的字典中。使用標準的權(quán)限,未認證的用戶只讀權(quán)限不要忘記將添加到你的中。 本文主要是用來記錄自己學習django-rest-framework的過程。其中可能會有很多自己的錯誤理解。 這里主要會用到的知識有 1. [django](https:...
摘要:本文主要是用來記錄自己學習的過程。其中可能會有很多自己的錯誤理解。這里主要會用到的知識有百度百科阮一峰理解架構(gòu)其余請自行百度。所有的全局設置都放在的字典中。使用標準的權(quán)限,未認證的用戶只讀權(quán)限不要忘記將添加到你的中。 本文主要是用來記錄自己學習django-rest-framework的過程。其中可能會有很多自己的錯誤理解。 這里主要會用到的知識有 1. [django](https:...
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