微信號 & QQ:862251340
這篇教程是翻譯Peter Roelants寫的神經網絡教程,作者已經授權翻譯,這是原文。
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets, cross_validation, metrics from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter, ListedColormap import itertools import collections手寫數字集
# load the data from scikit-learn. digits = datasets.load_digits() # Load the targets. # Note that the targets are stored as digits, these need to be # converted to one-hot-encoding for the output sofmax layer. T = np.zeros((digits.target.shape[0],10)) T[np.arange(len(T)), digits.target] += 1 # Divide the data into a train and test set. X_train, X_test, T_train, T_test = cross_validation.train_test_split( digits.data, T, test_size=0.4) # Divide the test set into a validation set and final test set. X_validation, X_test, T_validation, T_test = cross_validation.train_test_split( X_test, T_test, test_size=0.5)
# Plot an example of each image. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1), dpi=100) for i in range(10): ax = fig.add_subplot(1,10,i+1) ax.matshow(digits.images[i], cmap="binary") ax.axis("off") plt.show()網絡層的泛化
我們利用Python classes構造了三個層:
# Define the non-linear functions used def logistic(z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) def logistic_deriv(y): # Derivative of logistic function return np.multiply(y, (1 - y)) def softmax(z): return np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z), axis=1, keepdims=True)
# Define the layers used in this model class Layer(object): """Base class for the different layers. Defines base methods and documentation of methods.""" def get_params_iter(self): """Return an iterator over the parameters (if any). The iterator has the same order as get_params_grad. The elements returned by the iterator are editable in-place.""" return [] def get_params_grad(self, X, output_grad): """Return a list of gradients over the parameters. The list has the same order as the get_params_iter iterator. X is the input. output_grad is the gradient at the output of this layer. """ return [] def get_output(self, X): """Perform the forward step linear transformation. X is the input.""" pass def get_input_grad(self, Y, output_grad=None, T=None): """Return the gradient at the inputs of this layer. Y is the pre-computed output of this layer (not needed in this case). output_grad is the gradient at the output of this layer (gradient at input of next layer). Output layer uses targets T to compute the gradient based on the output error instead of output_grad""" pass
class LinearLayer(Layer): """The linear layer performs a linear transformation to its input.""" def __init__(self, n_in, n_out): """Initialize hidden layer parameters. n_in is the number of input variables. n_out is the number of output variables.""" self.W = np.random.randn(n_in, n_out) * 0.1 self.b = np.zeros(n_out) def get_params_iter(self): """Return an iterator over the parameters.""" return itertools.chain(np.nditer(self.W, op_flags=["readwrite"]), np.nditer(self.b, op_flags=["readwrite"])) def get_output(self, X): """Perform the forward step linear transformation.""" return X.dot(self.W) + self.b def get_params_grad(self, X, output_grad): """Return a list of gradients over the parameters.""" JW = X.T.dot(output_grad) Jb = np.sum(output_grad, axis=0) return [g for g in itertools.chain(np.nditer(JW), np.nditer(Jb))] def get_input_grad(self, Y, output_grad): """Return the gradient at the inputs of this layer.""" return output_grad.dot(self.W.T)
class LogisticLayer(Layer): """The logistic layer applies the logistic function to its inputs.""" def get_output(self, X): """Perform the forward step transformation.""" return logistic(X) def get_input_grad(self, Y, output_grad): """Return the gradient at the inputs of this layer.""" return np.multiply(logistic_deriv(Y), output_grad)
class SoftmaxOutputLayer(Layer): """The softmax output layer computes the classification propabilities at the output.""" def get_output(self, X): """Perform the forward step transformation.""" return softmax(X) def get_input_grad(self, Y, T): """Return the gradient at the inputs of this layer.""" return (Y - T) / Y.shape[0] def get_cost(self, Y, T): """Return the cost at the output of this output layer.""" return - np.multiply(T, np.log(Y)).sum() / Y.shape[0]樣本模型
# Define a sample model to be trained on the data hidden_neurons_1 = 20 # Number of neurons in the first hidden-layer hidden_neurons_2 = 20 # Number of neurons in the second hidden-layer # Create the model layers = [] # Define a list of layers # Add first hidden layer layers.append(LinearLayer(X_train.shape[1], hidden_neurons_1)) layers.append(LogisticLayer()) # Add second hidden layer layers.append(LinearLayer(hidden_neurons_1, hidden_neurons_2)) layers.append(LogisticLayer()) # Add output layer layers.append(LinearLayer(hidden_neurons_2, T_train.shape[1])) layers.append(SoftmaxOutputLayer())BP算法
# Define the forward propagation step as a method. def forward_step(input_samples, layers): """ Compute and return the forward activation of each layer in layers. Input: input_samples: A matrix of input samples (each row is an input vector) layers: A list of Layers Output: A list of activations where the activation at each index i+1 corresponds to the activation of layer i in layers. activations[0] contains the input samples. """ activations = [input_samples] # List of layer activations # Compute the forward activations for each layer starting from the first X = input_samples for layer in layers: Y = layer.get_output(X) # Get the output of the current layer activations.append(Y) # Store the output for future processing X = activations[-1] # Set the current input as the activations of the previous layer return activations # Return the activations of each layer反向傳播過程
# Define the backward propagation step as a method def backward_step(activations, targets, layers): """ Perform the backpropagation step over all the layers and return the parameter gradients. Input: activations: A list of forward step activations where the activation at each index i+1 corresponds to the activation of layer i in layers. activations[0] contains the input samples. targets: The output targets of the output layer. layers: A list of Layers corresponding that generated the outputs in activations. Output: A list of parameter gradients where the gradients at each index corresponds to the parameters gradients of the layer at the same index in layers. """ param_grads = collections.deque() # List of parameter gradients for each layer output_grad = None # The error gradient at the output of the current layer # Propagate the error backwards through all the layers. # Use reversed to iterate backwards over the list of layers. for layer in reversed(layers): Y = activations.pop() # Get the activations of the last layer on the stack # Compute the error at the output layer. # The output layer error is calculated different then hidden layer error. if output_grad is None: input_grad = layer.get_input_grad(Y, targets) else: # output_grad is not None (layer is not output layer) input_grad = layer.get_input_grad(Y, output_grad) # Get the input of this layer (activations of the previous layer) X = activations[-1] # Compute the layer parameter gradients used to update the parameters grads = layer.get_params_grad(X, output_grad) param_grads.appendleft(grads) # Compute gradient at output of previous layer (input of current layer): output_grad = input_grad return list(param_grads) # Return the parameter gradients梯度檢查
# Perform gradient checking nb_samples_gradientcheck = 10 # Test the gradients on a subset of the data X_temp = X_train[0:nb_samples_gradientcheck,:] T_temp = T_train[0:nb_samples_gradientcheck,:] # Get the parameter gradients with backpropagation activations = forward_step(X_temp, layers) param_grads = backward_step(activations, T_temp, layers) # Set the small change to compute the numerical gradient eps = 0.0001 # Compute the numerical gradients of the parameters in all layers. for idx in range(len(layers)): layer = layers[idx] layer_backprop_grads = param_grads[idx] # Compute the numerical gradient for each parameter in the layer for p_idx, param in enumerate(layer.get_params_iter()): grad_backprop = layer_backprop_grads[p_idx] # + eps param += eps plus_cost = layers[-1].get_cost(forward_step(X_temp, layers)[-1], T_temp) # - eps param -= 2 * eps min_cost = layers[-1].get_cost(forward_step(X_temp, layers)[-1], T_temp) # reset param value param += eps # calculate numerical gradient grad_num = (plus_cost - min_cost)/(2*eps) # Raise error if the numerical grade is not close to the backprop gradient if not np.isclose(grad_num, grad_backprop): raise ValueError("Numerical gradient of {:.6f} is not close to the backpropagation gradient of {:.6f}!".format(float(grad_num), float(grad_backprop))) print("No gradient errors found")
No gradient errors found
# Create the minibatches batch_size = 25 # Approximately 25 samples per batch nb_of_batches = X_train.shape[0] / batch_size # Number of batches # Create batches (X,Y) from the training set XT_batches = zip( np.array_split(X_train, nb_of_batches, axis=0), # X samples np.array_split(T_train, nb_of_batches, axis=0)) # Y targets
# Define a method to update the parameters def update_params(layers, param_grads, learning_rate): """ Function to update the parameters of the given layers with the given gradients by gradient descent with the given learning rate. """ for layer, layer_backprop_grads in zip(layers, param_grads): for param, grad in itertools.izip(layer.get_params_iter(), layer_backprop_grads): # The parameter returned by the iterator point to the memory space of # the original layer and can thus be modified inplace. param -= learning_rate * grad # Update each parameter
# Perform backpropagation # initalize some lists to store the cost for future analysis minibatch_costs = [] training_costs = [] validation_costs = [] max_nb_of_iterations = 300 # Train for a maximum of 300 iterations learning_rate = 0.1 # Gradient descent learning rate # Train for the maximum number of iterations for iteration in range(max_nb_of_iterations): for X, T in XT_batches: # For each minibatch sub-iteration activations = forward_step(X, layers) # Get the activations minibatch_cost = layers[-1].get_cost(activations[-1], T) # Get cost minibatch_costs.append(minibatch_cost) param_grads = backward_step(activations, T, layers) # Get the gradients update_params(layers, param_grads, learning_rate) # Update the parameters # Get full training cost for future analysis (plots) activations = forward_step(X_train, layers) train_cost = layers[-1].get_cost(activations[-1], T_train) training_costs.append(train_cost) # Get full validation cost activations = forward_step(X_validation, layers) validation_cost = layers[-1].get_cost(activations[-1], T_validation) validation_costs.append(validation_cost) if len(validation_costs) > 3: # Stop training if the cost on the validation set doesn"t decrease # for 3 iterations if validation_costs[-1] >= validation_costs[-2] >= validation_costs[-3]: break nb_of_iterations = iteration + 1 # The number of iterations that have been executed
minibatch_x_inds = np.linspace(0, nb_of_iterations, num=nb_of_iterations*nb_of_batches) iteration_x_inds = np.linspace(1, nb_of_iterations, num=nb_of_iterations) # Plot the cost over the iterations plt.plot(minibatch_x_inds, minibatch_costs, "k-", linewidth=0.5, label="cost minibatches") plt.plot(iteration_x_inds, training_costs, "r-", linewidth=2, label="cost full training set") plt.plot(iteration_x_inds, validation_costs, "b-", linewidth=3, label="cost validation set") # Add labels to the plot plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel("$xi$", fontsize=15) plt.title("Decrease of cost over backprop iteration") plt.legend() x1,x2,y1,y2 = plt.axis() plt.axis((0,nb_of_iterations,0,2.5)) plt.grid() plt.show()模型在測試集上面的性能
# Get results of test data y_true = np.argmax(T_test, axis=1) # Get the target outputs activations = forward_step(X_test, layers) # Get activation of test samples y_pred = np.argmax(activations[-1], axis=1) # Get the predictions made by the network test_accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) # Test set accuracy print("The accuracy on the test set is {:.2f}".format(test_accuracy))
The accuracy on the test set is 0.96
# Show confusion table conf_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=None) # Get confustion matrix # Plot the confusion table class_names = ["${:d}$".format(x) for x in range(0, 10)] # Digit class names fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Show class labels on each axis ax.xaxis.tick_top() major_ticks = range(0,10) minor_ticks = [x + 0.5 for x in range(0, 10)] ax.xaxis.set_ticks(major_ticks, minor=False) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(major_ticks, minor=False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(class_names, minor=False, fontsize=15) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(class_names, minor=False, fontsize=15) # Set plot labels ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax.set_xlabel("Predicted label") ax.set_ylabel("True label") fig.suptitle("Confusion table", y=1.03, fontsize=15) # Show a grid to seperate digits ax.grid(b=True, which=u"minor") # Color each grid cell according to the number classes predicted ax.imshow(conf_matrix, interpolation="nearest", cmap="binary") # Show the number of samples in each cell for x in xrange(conf_matrix.shape[0]): for y in xrange(conf_matrix.shape[1]): color = "w" if x == y else "k" ax.text(x, y, conf_matrix[y,x], ha="center", va="center", color=color) plt.show()
微信號 & QQ:862251340
CoderPai 是一個專注于算法實戰的平臺,從基礎的算法到人工智能算法都有設計。如果你對算法實戰感興趣,請快快關注我們吧。加入AI實戰微信群,AI實戰QQ群,ACM算法微信群,ACM算法QQ群。長按或者掃描如下二維碼,關注 “CoderPai” 微信號(coderpai)
摘要:對于多分類問題,我們使用函數來處理多項式回歸。概率方程表示輸出根據函數得到的值。最大似然估計可以寫成因為對于給定的參數,去產生和,根據聯合概率我們又能將似然函數改寫成。 作者:chen_h微信號 & QQ:862251340微信公眾號:coderpai簡書地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/abc... 這篇教程是翻譯Peter Roelants寫的神經網絡教程...
摘要:神經網絡的模型結構為,其中是輸入參數,是權重,是預測結果。損失函數我們定義為對于損失函數的優化,我們采用梯度下降,這個方法是神經網絡中常見的優化方法。函數實現了神經網絡模型,函數實現了損失函數。 作者:chen_h微信號 & QQ:862251340微信公眾號:coderpai簡書地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/0da... 這篇教程是翻譯Peter Roe...
摘要:對于多分類問題,我們可以使用多項回歸,該方法也被稱之為函數。函數的交叉熵損失函數的推導損失函數對于的導數求解如下上式已經求解了當和的兩種情況。最終的結果為,這個求導結果和函數的交叉熵損失函數求導是一樣的,再次證明函數是函數的一個擴展板。 作者:chen_h微信號 & QQ:862251340微信公眾號:coderpai簡書地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/8eb...
摘要:那么,概率將是神經網絡輸出的,即。函數實現了函數,函數實現了損失函數,實現了神經網絡的輸出結果,實現了神經網絡的預測結果。 作者:chen_h微信號 & QQ:862251340微信公眾號:coderpai簡書地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/d94... 這篇教程是翻譯Peter Roelants寫的神經網絡教程,作者已經授權翻譯,這是原文。 該教程將介紹如...
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