2016.5.1 00:38:12
類型系統 什么是靜態類型?為什么它們很有用?根據Picrce的說法:“類型系統是一個可以根據代碼段計算出來的值對它們進行分類,然后通過語法的手段來自動檢測程序錯誤的系統。”
f: R -> N
有了這些類型標識,編譯器現在可以 靜態地(在編譯期)判斷這個程序是正確的。
支持(局部)類型推導,這就是你為什么不需要寫val i: Int = 12: Int
支持存在向量(existential quantification),給一些沒有名稱的類型定義一些操作
支持視圖。 給定的值從一個類型到其他類型的“可轉換性”
scala> 2 :: 1 :: "bar" :: "foo" :: Nil res5: List[Any] = List(2, 1, bar, foo)
scala> res5.head res6: Any = 2
scala> def drop1[A](l: List[A]) = l.tail drop1: [A](l: List[A])List[A] scala> drop1(List(1,2,3)) res1: List[Int] = List(2, 3)多態是scala里的一等公民
函數式語言里比較經典的類型推導的方法是 Hindlry-Milner,并且它是在ML里首先使用的。
scala> { x => x } :7: error: missing parameter type { x => x }
# fun x -> x;; - : "a -> "a =
scala> def id[T](x: T) = x id: [T](x: T)T scala> val x = id(322) x: Int = 322 scala> val x = id("hey") x: java.lang.String = hey scala> val x = id(Array(1,2,3,4)) x: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
含義 | Scala中的標記 | |
covariant(協變) | C[T’]是C[T]的子類 | [+T] |
contravariant(逆變) | C[T]是C[T’]子類 | [-T] |
invariant(不變) | C[T]和C[T’]不相關 | [T] |
scala> class Contravariant[-A] defined class Contravariant scala> val cv: Contravariant[String] = new Contravariant[AnyRef] cv: Contravariant[AnyRef] = Contravariant@49fa7ba scala> val fail: Contravariant[AnyRef] = new Contravariant[String] :6: error: type mismatch; found : Contravariant[String] required: Contravariant[AnyRef] val fail: Contravariant[AnyRef] = new Contravariant[String]量化(Quantification)
scala> def count[A](l: List[A]) = l.size count: [A](List[A])Int
scala> def count(l: List[_]) = l.size count: (List[_])Int什么是類型推導
Map> m = new HashMap >();
是啊, 這簡直太長了,我們不禁感嘆,這編譯器也太愚蠢了.幾乎一半字符都是重復的!
針對泛型定義和實例太過繁瑣的問題,在java 7 中引入了鉆石運算符. 神奇的Coin項目,滿足了你的心愿.
于是,你在java 7之后可以這樣寫了:
Map> m = new HashMap();
鉆石運算符通常用于簡化創建帶有泛型對象的代碼,可以避免運行時 的異常,并且它不再要求程序員在編碼時顯示書寫冗余的類型參數。實際上,編譯器在進行詞法解析時會自動推導類型,自動為代碼進行補全,并且編譯的字節碼與 以前無異。
當時在提案中,這個問題叫"Improved Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation",縮寫ITIGIX聽起來怪怪的,但是為啥叫鉆石算法? 世界上, 哪有那么多為什么.
Scala正是因為做了類型推導, 讓Coders感覺仿佛在寫動態語言的代碼.
def dropWhile[A](list: List[A], f: A => Boolean): List[A]
val mylist: List[Int] = List(1,2,3,4,5) val listDropped = dropWhile( mylist, (x: Int) => x < 4 )
我們用大腦可以輕易判斷, 當list: List[A] 中的類型A在mylist聲明的時候已經指定了Int, 那么很明顯, 在第二個參數中,我們的x也必是Int.
很幸運Scala設計者們早已考慮到這一點,Scala編譯器可以推導這種情況.但是你得按照Scala的規范限制來寫你的dropWhile函數的簽名(柯里化的): dropWhile( mylist )( f )
def dropWhile[A] ( list: List[A] ) ( f: A => Boolean ) : List[A] = list match { case Cons(h,t) if f(h) => dropWhile(t)(f) case _ => list }
val mylist: List[Int] = List(1,2,3,4,5) val droppedList = dropWhile( mylist ) ( x => x < 4 )
注意, x參數沒有指定Int類型, 因為編譯器直接通過mylist的泛型信息Int推導出x的類型也是Int.
類型推導是一門博大的學問,背后有繁冗的理論, 這在編譯器設計開發的時候需要解決的問題.
Scala | Haskell,ML |
局部的(local)、基于流的(flow-based)類型推斷 | 全局化的Hindley-Milner類型推斷 |
在《Programming in Scala》一書中提到基于流的類型推斷有它的局限性,但是對于面向對象的分支類型處理比Hindley-Mlner更加優雅。
類型推導算法類型推導(Type Inference)是現代高級語言中一個越來越常見的特性。其實,這個特性在函數式語言
/* * http://dysphoria.net/code/hindley-milner/HindleyMilner.scala * Andrew Forrest * * Implementation of basic polymorphic type-checking for a simple language. * Based heavily on Nikita Borisov’s Perl implementation at * http://web.archive.org/web/20050420002559/www.cs.berkeley.edu/~nikitab/courses/cs263/hm.html * which in turn is based on the paper by Luca Cardelli at * http://lucacardelli.name/Papers/BasicTypechecking.pdf * * If you run it with "scala HindleyMilner.scala" it will attempt to report the types * for a few example expressions. (It uses UTF-8 for output, so you may need to set your * terminal accordingly.) * * Changes * June 30, 2011 by Liang Kun(liangkun(AT)baidu.com) * 1. Modify to enhance readability * 2. Extend to Support if expression in syntax * * * * Do with it what you will. :) */ /** Syntax definition. This is a simple lambda calculous syntax. * Expression ::= Identifier * | Constant * | "if" Expression "then" Expression "else" Expression * | "lambda(" Identifier ") " Expression * | Expression "(" Expression ")" * | "let" Identifier "=" Expression "in" Expression * | "letrec" Identifier "=" Expression "in" Expression * | "(" Expression ")" * See the examples below in main function. */ sealed abstract class Expression case class Identifier(name: String) extends Expression { override def toString = name } case class Constant(value: String) extends Expression { override def toString = value } case class If(condition: Expression, then: Expression, other: Expression) extends Expression { override def toString = "(if " + condition + " then " + then + " else " + other + ")" } case class Lambda(argument: Identifier, body: Expression) extends Expression { override def toString = "(lambda " + argument + " → " + body + ")" } case class Apply(function: Expression, argument: Expression) extends Expression { override def toString = "(" + function + " " + argument + ")" } case class Let(binding: Identifier, definition: Expression, body: Expression) extends Expression { override def toString = "(let " + binding + " = " + definition + " in " + body + ")" } case class Letrec(binding: Identifier, definition: Expression, body: Expression) extends Expression { override def toString = "(letrec " + binding + " = " + definition + " in " + body + ")" } /** Exceptions may happened */ class TypeError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) class ParseError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) /** Type inference system */ object TypeSystem { type Env = Map[Identifier, Type] val EmptyEnv: Map[Identifier, Type] = Map.empty // type variable and type operator sealed abstract class Type case class Variable(id: Int) extends Type { var instance: Option[Type] = None lazy val name = nextUniqueName() override def toString = instance match { case Some(t) => t.toString case None => name } } case class Operator(name: String, args: Seq[Type]) extends Type { override def toString = { if (args.length == 0) name else if (args.length == 2) "[" + args(0) + " " + name + " " + args(1) + "]" else args.mkString(name + "[", ", ", "]") } } // builtin types, types can be extended by environment def Function(from: Type, to: Type) = Operator("→", Array(from, to)) val Integer = Operator("Integer", Array[Type]()) val Boolean = Operator("Boolean", Array[Type]()) protected var _nextVariableName = "α"; protected def nextUniqueName() = { val result = _nextVariableName _nextVariableName = (_nextVariableName.toInt + 1).toChar result.toString } protected var _nextVariableId = 0 def newVariable(): Variable = { val result = _nextVariableId _nextVariableId += 1 Variable(result) } // main entry point def analyze(expr: Expression, env: Env): Type = analyze(expr, env, Set.empty) def analyze(expr: Expression, env: Env, nongeneric: Set[Variable]): Type = expr match { case i: Identifier => getIdentifierType(i, env, nongeneric) case Constant(value) => getConstantType(value) case If(cond, then, other) => { val condType = analyze(cond, env, nongeneric) val thenType = analyze(then, env, nongeneric) val otherType = analyze(other, env, nongeneric) unify(condType, Boolean) unify(thenType, otherType) thenType } case Apply(func, arg) => { val funcType = analyze(func, env, nongeneric) val argType = analyze(arg, env, nongeneric) val resultType = newVariable() unify(Function(argType, resultType), funcType) resultType } case Lambda(arg, body) => { val argType = newVariable() val resultType = analyze(body, env + (arg -> argType), nongeneric + argType) Function(argType, resultType) } case Let(binding, definition, body) => { val definitionType = analyze(definition, env, nongeneric) val newEnv = env + (binding -> definitionType) analyze(body, newEnv, nongeneric) } case Letrec(binding, definition, body) => { val newType = newVariable() val newEnv = env + (binding -> newType) val definitionType = analyze(definition, newEnv, nongeneric + newType) unify(newType, definitionType) analyze(body, newEnv, nongeneric) } } protected def getIdentifierType(id: Identifier, env: Env, nongeneric: Set[Variable]): Type = { if (env.contains(id)) fresh(env(id), nongeneric) else throw new ParseError("Undefined symbol: " + id) } protected def getConstantType(value: String): Type = { if(isIntegerLiteral(value)) Integer else throw new ParseError("Undefined symbol: " + value) } protected def fresh(t: Type, nongeneric: Set[Variable]) = { import scala.collection.mutable val mappings = new mutable.HashMap[Variable, Variable] def freshrec(tp: Type): Type = { prune(tp) match { case v: Variable => if (isgeneric(v, nongeneric)) mappings.getOrElseUpdate(v, newVariable()) else v case Operator(name, args) => Operator(name, args.map(freshrec(_))) } } freshrec(t) } protected def unify(t1: Type, t2: Type) { val type1 = prune(t1) val type2 = prune(t2) (type1, type2) match { case (a: Variable, b) => if (a != b) { if (occursintype(a, b)) throw new TypeError("Recursive unification") a.instance = Some(b) } case (a: Operator, b: Variable) => unify(b, a) case (a: Operator, b: Operator) => { if (a.name != b.name || a.args.length != b.args.length) throw new TypeError("Type mismatch: " + a + " ≠ " + b) for(i <- 0 until a.args.length) unify(a.args(i), b.args(i)) } } } // Returns the currently defining instance of t. // As a side effect, collapses the list of type instances. protected def prune(t: Type): Type = t match { case v: Variable if v.instance.isDefined => { val inst = prune(v.instance.get) v.instance = Some(inst) inst } case _ => t } // Note: must be called with v "pre-pruned" protected def isgeneric(v: Variable, nongeneric: Set[Variable]) = !(occursin(v, nongeneric)) // Note: must be called with v "pre-pruned" protected def occursintype(v: Variable, type2: Type): Boolean = { prune(type2) match { case `v` => true case Operator(name, args) => occursin(v, args) case _ => false } } protected def occursin(t: Variable, list: Iterable[Type]) = list exists (t2 => occursintype(t, t2)) protected val checkDigits = "^(d+)$".r protected def isIntegerLiteral(name: String) = checkDigits.findFirstIn(name).isDefined } /** Demo program */ object HindleyMilner { def main(args: Array[String]){ Console.setOut(new java.io.PrintStream(Console.out, true, "utf-8")) // extends the system with a new type[pair] and some builtin functions val left = TypeSystem.newVariable() val right = TypeSystem.newVariable() val pairType = TypeSystem.Operator("×", Array(left, right)) val myenv: TypeSystem.Env = TypeSystem.EmptyEnv ++ Array( Identifier("pair") -> TypeSystem.Function(left, TypeSystem.Function(right, pairType)), Identifier("true") -> TypeSystem.Boolean, Identifier("false")-> TypeSystem.Boolean, Identifier("zero") -> TypeSystem.Function(TypeSystem.Integer, TypeSystem.Boolean), Identifier("pred") -> TypeSystem.Function(TypeSystem.Integer, TypeSystem.Integer), Identifier("times")-> TypeSystem.Function(TypeSystem.Integer, TypeSystem.Function(TypeSystem.Integer, TypeSystem.Integer)) ) // example expressions val pair = Apply( Apply( Identifier("pair"), Apply(Identifier("f"), Constant("4")) ), Apply(Identifier("f"), Identifier("true")) ) val examples = Array[Expression]( // factorial Letrec(Identifier("factorial"), // letrec factorial = Lambda(Identifier("n"), // lambda n => If( Apply(Identifier("zero"), Identifier("n")), Constant("1"), Apply( Apply(Identifier("times"), Identifier("n")), Apply( Identifier("factorial"), Apply(Identifier("pred"), Identifier("n")) ) ) ) ), // in Apply(Identifier("factorial"), Constant("5")) ), // Should fail: // fn x => (pair(x(3) (x(true)))) Lambda(Identifier("x"), Apply( Apply(Identifier("pair"), Apply(Identifier("x"), Constant("3")) ), Apply(Identifier("x"), Identifier("true")) ) ), // pair(f(3), f(true)) Apply( Apply(Identifier("pair"), Apply(Identifier("f"), Constant("4"))), Apply(Identifier("f"), Identifier("true")) ), // letrec f = (fn x => x) in ((pair (f 4)) (f true)) Let(Identifier("f"), Lambda(Identifier("x"), Identifier("x")), pair), // Should fail: // fn f => f f Lambda(Identifier("f"), Apply(Identifier("f"), Identifier("f"))), // let g = fn f => 5 in g g Let( Identifier("g"), Lambda(Identifier("f"), Constant("5")), Apply(Identifier("g"), Identifier("g")) ), // example that demonstrates generic and non-generic variables: // fn g => let f = fn x => g in pair (f 3, f true) Lambda(Identifier("g"), Let(Identifier("f"), Lambda(Identifier("x"), Identifier("g")), Apply( Apply(Identifier("pair"), Apply(Identifier("f"), Constant("3")) ), Apply(Identifier("f"), Identifier("true")) ) ) ), // Function composition // fn f (fn g (fn arg (f g arg))) Lambda( Identifier("f"), Lambda( Identifier("g"), Lambda( Identifier("arg"), Apply(Identifier("g"), Apply(Identifier("f"), Identifier("arg"))) ) ) ) ) for(eg <- examples){ tryexp(myenv, eg) } } def tryexp(env: TypeSystem.Env, expr: Expression) { try { val t = TypeSystem.analyze(expr, env) print(t) }catch{ case t: ParseError => print(t.getMessage) case t: TypeError => print(t.getMessage) } println(": " + expr) } } HindleyMilner.main(argv)
Haskell寫的一個 合一算法的簡單實現:
module Main where import Data.List (intersperse) import Control.Monad -- utils -- mapFst :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c) mapFst f (a, c) = (f a, c) -- types -- type Name = String data Term = Var Name | App Name [Term] -- 表示一個替換關系 type Sub = (Term, Name) -- implementation -- -- 檢查變量 Name 是否出現在 Term 中 occurs :: Name -> Term -> Bool occurs x t = case t of (Var y) -> x==y (App _ ts) -> and . map (occurs x) $ ts -- 使用 Sub 對 Term 進行替換 sub :: Sub -> Term -> Term sub (t1, y) t@(Var a) | a==y = t1 | otherwise = t sub s (App f ts) = App f $ map (sub s) ts -- 使用 Sub 列表對 Term 進行替換 subs :: [Sub] -> Term -> Term subs ss t = foldl (flip sub) t ss -- 把兩個替換列表組合起來,同時用新加入的替換對其中所有 Term 進行替換 compose :: [Sub] -> [Sub] -> [Sub] compose [] s1 = s1 compose (s:ss) s1 = compose ss $ s : iter s s1 where iter :: Sub -> [Sub] -> [Sub] iter s ss = map (mapFst (sub s)) ss -- 合一函數 unify :: Term -> Term -> Maybe [Sub] unify t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of (Var x, Var y) -> if x==y then Just [] else Just [(t1, y)] (Var x, App _ _) -> if occurs x t2 then Nothing else Just [(t2, x)] (App _ _, Var x) -> if occurs x t1 then Nothing else Just [(t1, x)] (App n1 ts1, App n2 ts2) -> if n1/=n2 then Nothing else unify_args ts1 ts2 where unify_args [] [] = Just [] unify_args _ [] = Nothing unify_args [] _ = Nothing unify_args (t1:ts1) (t2:ts2) = do u <- unify t1 t2 let update = map (subs u) u1 <- unify_args (update ts1) (update ts2) return (u1 `compose` u) -- display -- instance Show Term where show (Var s) = s show (App name ts) = name++"("++(concat . intersperse "," $ (map show ts))++")" showSub (t, s) = s ++ " -> " ++ show t -- test cases -- a = Var "a" b = Var "b" c = Var "c" d = Var "d" x = Var "x" y = Var "y" z = Var "z" f = App "f" g = App "g" j = App "j" test t1 t2 = do putStrLn $ show t1 ++ " <==> " ++ show t2 case unify t1 t2 of Nothing -> putStrLn "unify fail" Just u -> putStrLn $ concat . intersperse " " $ map showSub u testcases = [(j [x,y,z], j [f [y,y], f [z,z], f [a,a]]) ,(x, f [x]) ,(f [x], y) ,(f [a, f [b, c], g [b, a, c]], f [a, a, x]) ,(f [d, d, x], f [a, f [b, c], f [b, a, c]]) ] main = forM testcases (uncurry test)
摘要:第一節函數式范式什么是函數式編程函數式編程英語或稱函數程序設計,又稱泛函編程,是一種編程范型,它將電腦運算視為數學上的函數計算,并且避免使用程序狀態以及易變對象。 第一節 函數式范式 1. 什么是函數式編程 函數式編程(英語:functional programming)或稱函數程序設計,又稱泛函編程,是一種編程范型,它將電腦運算視為數學上的函數計算,并且避免使用程序狀態以及易變對...
摘要:純函數式狀態隨機數生成器很明顯,原有的函數不是引用透明的,這意味著它難以被測試組合并行化。售貨機在輸出糖果時忽略所有輸入本章知識點惰性求值函數式狀態 第二節?惰性求值與函數式狀態 在下面的代碼中我們對List數據進行了一些處理 List(1,2,3,4).map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(_ * 3) 考慮一下這段程序是如何求值的,如果我們跟蹤一下...
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摘要:函數式編程與面向對象編程表達式函數柯里化高階函數之劍什么是表達式例子定義表達式是一個匿名函數,表達式基于數學中的演算得名,直接對應于其中的抽象,是一個匿名函數,即沒有函數名的函數。 函數式編程與面向對象編程[1]: Lambda表達式 函數柯里化 高階函數.md 之劍 2016.5.2 11:19:09 什么是lambda表達式 例子 For example, in Lisp the...
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