

Leetcode 1: Two Sum 加和

PascalXie / 1785人閱讀


Two Sum

Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.

Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,

Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9, return [0, 1].

UPDATE (2016/2/13):
The return format had been changed to zero-based indices. Please read the above updated description carefully.

難度: Easy.

就是說, 給一個整數(shù)數(shù)組(如[2, 7, 11, 15]), 給一個目標數(shù)字(如9), 從數(shù)組中找出相加為這個目標數(shù)字的兩個數(shù)的下標. 2+7=9, 就返回2,7的下標[0,1]. 只需要給出滿足條件的一對數(shù)字即可.

這個題想起來比較直接, 此處給出兩種解法, 這之后的題目中, 還有多個數(shù)字相加的相對較難的題目.

將數(shù)組排序, 以兩個游標從兩頭向中間逼近

如果和偏大, 就把右游標向左挪動

如果和偏小, 就把左游標向右挪動

最終返回正確的下標. 此算法時間復雜度是 O(nlogn).

public class Solution {
    public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {

        class Pair {
            int idx;
            int val;

        Pair[] pnums = new Pair[nums.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            pnums[i] = new Pair();
            pnums[i].idx = i;
            pnums[i].val = nums[i];

        Arrays.sort(pnums, new Comparator() {

            public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2) {
                if (o1.val > o2.val) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (o1.val < o2.val) {
                    return -1;
                } else {
                    return 0;


        int lp = 0;
        int rp = nums.length - 1;
        while (true) {
            int sum = pnums[lp].val + pnums[rp].val;
            if (sum == target) {
            } else if (sum > target) {
            } else {
        if (pnums[lp].idx < pnums[rp].idx) {
            return new int[] { pnums[lp].idx, pnums[rp].idx };
        } else {
            return new int[] { pnums[rp].idx, pnums[lp].idx };

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] a1 = { 3, 2, 4 };
        Solution s = new Solution();
        int[] ret = s.twoSum(a1, 6);
        System.out.println("" + ret[0] + " " + ret[1]);

使用一個map, 記錄值->下標的映射關系(重復的值其實覆蓋了沒關系).
循環(huán)看每個值, 對于值a, 從map中查找(target-a), 如果存在, 則輸出這兩個數(shù)值的下標即可.

由于使用HashMap, 算法的時間復雜度是O(n)

public class Solution2 {
    public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
        Map nmap = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            nmap.put(nums[i], i);

        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        for (; i < nums.length; i++) {
            if (nmap.containsKey(target - nums[i])) {
                j = nmap.get(target - nums[i]);
                if (i != j) {
        if (i < j) {
            return new int[] { i, j };
        } else {
            return new int[] { j, i };


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] a1 = { 3, 2, 4 };
        Solution2 s = new Solution2();
        int[] ret = s.twoSum(a1, 6);
        System.out.println("" + ret[0] + " " + ret[1]);




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