本文基于Android 6.0的源碼,來分析documentsUI模塊。
原本基于7.1源碼看了兩天,但是Android 7.1與6.0中documentsUI模塊差異很大,且更加復雜,因此重新基于6.0的源碼分析。
documentsUI是Android系統中存儲訪問框架(Storage Access Framework,SAF)的一部分。
Android 4.4(API 級別 19)引入了存儲訪問框架 (SAF)。SAF 讓用戶能夠在其所有首選文檔存儲提供程序中方便地瀏覽并打開文檔、圖像以及其他文件。 用戶可以通過易用的標準UI,以統一方式在所有應用和提供程序中瀏覽文件和訪問最近使用的文件。
在介紹documentUI之前,需要介紹存儲訪問框架,在Android 4.4(API 級別 19),Google引入了存儲訪問框架 (SAF),讓用戶能夠在其所有首選文檔存儲提供程序中方便地瀏覽并打開文檔、圖像以及其他文件。 用戶可以通過易用的標準 UI,以統一方式在所有應用和提供程序中瀏覽文件和訪問最近使用的文件。
云存儲服務或本地存儲服務可以通過實現封裝其服務的 DocumentsProvider 參與此生態系統。只需幾行代碼,便可將需要訪問提供程序文檔的客戶端應用與 SAF 集成。
SAF 包括以下內容:
文檔提供程序 — 一種內容提供程序,允許存儲服務(如 Google Drive)顯示其管理的文件。 文檔提供程序作為 DocumentsProvider 類的子類實現。文檔提供程序的架構基于傳統文件層次結構,但其實際數據存儲方式由您決定。Android 平臺包括若干內置文檔提供程序,如 Downloads、Images 和 Videos。
客戶端應用 — 一種自定義應用,它調用 ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT 和/或 ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT Intent 并接收文檔提供程序返回的文件;
選取器 — 一種系統 UI,允許用戶訪問所有滿足客戶端應用搜索條件的文檔提供程序內的文檔。
控制流文檔提供程序數據模型基于傳統文件層次結構。 通過DocumentsProvider API訪問數據,可以按照自己喜好的任何方式存儲數據。例如,可以使用基于標記的云存儲來存儲數據。
如上圖所示,在 SAF 中,提供程序和客戶端并不直接交互。
交互在應用(在本示例中為照片應用)觸發 Intent ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT 或ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT 后開始。Intent 可能包括進一步細化條件的過濾器 — 例如,“為我提供所有 MIME 類型為‘圖像’的可打開文件”;
Intent 觸發后,系統選取器將檢索每個已注冊的提供程序,并向用戶顯示匹配的內容根目錄;
選取器會為用戶提供一個標準的文檔訪問界面,但底層文檔提供程序可能與其差異很大。 例如,圖 2 顯示了一個 Google Drive 提供程序、一個 USB 提供程序和一個云提供程序。
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT); // Filter to only show results that can be "opened", such as a file (as opposed to a list of contacts or timezones) intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); // Filter to show only images, using the image MIME data type. intent.setType("image/*"); startActivityForResult(intent, READ_REQUEST_CODE);
內容提供程序如需使得的自己的應用程序通過documentsUI向用戶展示文件,可編寫文檔提供程序,通過 SAF 提供自己的文件。
1. 入口: DocumentsActivity布局文件是DrawerLayout,左邊是側滑菜單,右邊是內容顯示
內容顯示區域由一個自定義view DocumentsToolBar和DirectoryContainerView組成。
在 onCreate 方法中
if (mState.action == ACTION_CREATE) { final String mimeType = getIntent().getType(); final String title = getIntent().getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE); SaveFragment.show(getFragmentManager(), mimeType, title); } else if (mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_TREE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_COPY_DESTINATION) { PickFragment.show(getFragmentManager()); } if (mState.action == ACTION_GET_CONTENT) { final Intent moreApps = new Intent(getIntent()); moreApps.setComponent(null); moreApps.setPackage(null); RootsFragment.show(getFragmentManager(), moreApps); } else if (mState.action == ACTION_OPEN || mState.action == ACTION_CREATE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_TREE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_COPY_DESTINATION) { RootsFragment.show(getFragmentManager(), null); }
2. RootsFragmentpublic static void show(FragmentManager fm, Intent includeApps) { final Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putParcelable(EXTRA_INCLUDE_APPS, includeApps); final RootsFragment fragment = new RootsFragment(); fragment.setArguments(args); final FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); ft.replace(R.id.container_roots, fragment); ft.commitAllowingStateLoss(); }
show方法顯示出RootsFragment自己,RootsFragment就是側滑菜單部分,在 RootsFragment 的 onCreateView 方法中,加載出的view就是一個listview,如下圖:
listview中顯示的是能響應該打開文件Itent的文檔提供者和第三方應用,在 onActivityCreated方法中,使用Loard機制加載出listview要顯示的數據
mCallbacks = new LoaderCallbacks>() { @Override public Loader > onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { return new RootsLoader(context, roots, state); } @Override public void onLoadFinished( Loader > loader, Collection result) { if (!isAdded()) return; final Intent includeApps = getArguments().getParcelable(EXTRA_INCLUDE_APPS); mAdapter = new RootsAdapter(context, result, includeApps); mList.setAdapter(mAdapter); onCurrentRootChanged(); } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader > loader) { mAdapter = null; mList.setAdapter(null); } };
RootsAdapterprivate static class RootsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter- { public RootsAdapter(Context context, Collection
roots, Intent includeApps) { super(context, 0); RootItem recents = null; RootItem images = null; RootItem videos = null; RootItem audio = null; RootItem downloads = null; final List clouds = Lists.newArrayList(); final List locals = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RootInfo root : roots) { if (root.isRecents()) { recents = new RootItem(root); } else if (root.isExternalStorage()) { locals.add(root); } else if (root.isDownloads()) { downloads = new RootItem(root); } else if (root.isImages()) { images = new RootItem(root); } else if (root.isVideos()) { videos = new RootItem(root); } else if (root.isAudio()) { audio = new RootItem(root); } else { clouds.add(root); } } final RootComparator comp = new RootComparator(); Collections.sort(clouds, comp); Collections.sort(locals, comp); if (recents != null) add(recents); for (RootInfo cloud : clouds) { add(new RootItem(cloud)); } if (images != null) add(images); if (videos != null) add(videos); if (audio != null) add(audio); if (downloads != null) add(downloads); for (RootInfo local : locals) { add(new RootItem(local)); } if (includeApps != null) { final PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); final List infos = pm.queryIntentActivities( includeApps, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); final List apps = Lists.newArrayList(); // Omit ourselves from the list for (ResolveInfo info : infos) { if (!context.getPackageName().equals(info.activityInfo.packageName)) { apps.add(new AppItem(info)); } } if (apps.size() > 0) { add(new SpacerItem()); for (Item item : apps) { add(item); } } } } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final Item item = getItem(position); return item.getView(convertView, parent); } @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() { return false; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(int position) { return getItemViewType(position) != 1; } @Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { final Item item = getItem(position); if (item instanceof RootItem || item instanceof AppItem) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } @Override public int getViewTypeCount() { return 2; } }
private OnItemClickListener mItemListener = new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Item item = mAdapter.getItem(position); if (item instanceof RootItem) { BaseActivity activity = BaseActivity.get(RootsFragment.this); activity.onRootPicked(((RootItem) item).root); } else if (item instanceof AppItem) { DocumentsActivity activity = DocumentsActivity.get(RootsFragment.this); activity.onAppPicked(((AppItem) item).info); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown root: " + item); } } }; private OnItemLongClickListener mItemLongClickListener = new OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView> parent, View view, int position, long id) { final Item item = mAdapter.getItem(position); if (item instanceof AppItem) { showAppDetails(((AppItem) item).info); return true; } else { return false; } } };
當點擊的是RootItem時,調用DocumentsActivity的 onRootPicked( )方法,該方法繼承自BaseActivity。
void onRootPicked(RootInfo root) { State state = getDisplayState(); // Clear entire backstack and start in new root state.stack.root = root; state.stack.clear(); state.stackTouched = true; mSearchManager.update(root); // Recents is always in memory, so we just load it directly. // Otherwise we delegate loading data from disk to a task // to ensure a responsive ui. if (mRoots.isRecentsRoot(root)) { onCurrentDirectoryChanged(ANIM_SIDE); } else { new PickRootTask(root).executeOnExecutor(getCurrentExecutor()); } }
這里判斷是否點擊的是“最近”菜單,如果是則直接加載,如果不是則執行new PickRootTask(root).executeOnExecutor(getCurrentExecutor())加載相應item的內容,最后也是進入onCurrentDirectoryChanged中
final void onCurrentDirectoryChanged(int anim) { onDirectoryChanged(anim); //更新文檔內容顯示 final RootsFragment roots = RootsFragment.get(getFragmentManager()); if (roots != null) { roots.onCurrentRootChanged();//更新側滑菜單點擊狀態 } updateActionBar(); invalidateOptionsMenu(); }
abstract void onDirectoryChanged(int anim);
@Override void onDirectoryChanged(int anim) { final FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); final RootInfo root = getCurrentRoot(); final DocumentInfo cwd = getCurrentDirectory(); mDirectoryContainer.setDrawDisappearingFirst(anim == ANIM_DOWN); if (cwd == null) { // No directory means recents if (mState.action == ACTION_CREATE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_TREE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_COPY_DESTINATION) { RecentsCreateFragment.show(fm); } else { DirectoryFragment.showRecentsOpen(fm, anim); // Start recents in grid when requesting visual things final boolean visualMimes = MimePredicate.mimeMatches( MimePredicate.VISUAL_MIMES, mState.acceptMimes); mState.userMode = visualMimes ? State.MODE_GRID : State.MODE_LIST; mState.derivedMode = mState.userMode; } } else { if (mState.currentSearch != null) { // Ongoing search DirectoryFragment.showSearch(fm, root, mState.currentSearch, anim); } else { // Normal boring directory DirectoryFragment.showNormal(fm, root, cwd, anim); } } // Forget any replacement target if (mState.action == ACTION_CREATE) { final SaveFragment save = SaveFragment.get(fm); if (save != null) { save.setReplaceTarget(null); } } if (mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_TREE || mState.action == ACTION_OPEN_COPY_DESTINATION) { final PickFragment pick = PickFragment.get(fm); if (pick != null) { pick.setPickTarget(mState.action, cwd); } } }
private static void show(FragmentManager fm, int type, RootInfo root, DocumentInfo doc, String query, int anim) { final Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt(EXTRA_TYPE, type); args.putParcelable(EXTRA_ROOT, root); args.putParcelable(EXTRA_DOC, doc); args.putString(EXTRA_QUERY, query); final FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); ...... final DirectoryFragment fragment = new DirectoryFragment(); fragment.setArguments(args); ft.replace(R.id.container_directory, fragment); ft.commitAllowingStateLoss(); }
mCallbacks = new LoaderCallbacks() { @Override public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { final String query = getArguments().getString(EXTRA_QUERY); Uri contentsUri; switch (mType) { case TYPE_NORMAL: contentsUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUri( doc.authority, doc.documentId); if (state.action == ACTION_MANAGE) { contentsUri = DocumentsContract.setManageMode(contentsUri); } return new DirectoryLoader( context, mType, root, doc, contentsUri, state.userSortOrder); case TYPE_SEARCH: contentsUri = DocumentsContract.buildSearchDocumentsUri( root.authority, root.rootId, query); if (state.action == ACTION_MANAGE) { contentsUri = DocumentsContract.setManageMode(contentsUri); } return new DirectoryLoader( context, mType, root, doc, contentsUri, state.userSortOrder); case TYPE_RECENT_OPEN: final RootsCache roots = DocumentsApplication.getRootsCache(context); return new RecentLoader(context, roots, state); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + mType); } } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, DirectoryResult result) { if (result == null || result.exception != null) { // onBackPressed does a fragment transaction, which can"t be done inside // onLoadFinished mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Activity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null) { activity.onBackPressed(); } } }); return; } if (!isAdded()) return; mAdapter.swapResult(result); // Push latest state up to UI // TODO: if mode change was racing with us, don"t overwrite it if (result.mode != MODE_UNKNOWN) { state.derivedMode = result.mode; } state.derivedSortOrder = result.sortOrder; ((BaseActivity) context).onStateChanged(); updateDisplayState(); // When launched into empty recents, show drawer if (mType == TYPE_RECENT_OPEN && mAdapter.isEmpty() && !state.stackTouched && context instanceof DocumentsActivity) { ((DocumentsActivity) context).setRootsDrawerOpen(true); } // Restore any previous instance state final SparseArray container = state.dirState.remove(mStateKey); if (container != null && !getArguments().getBoolean(EXTRA_IGNORE_STATE, false)) { getView().restoreHierarchyState(container); } else if (mLastSortOrder != state.derivedSortOrder) { mListView.smoothScrollToPosition(0); mGridView.smoothScrollToPosition(0); } mLastSortOrder = state.derivedSortOrder; } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { mAdapter.swapResult(null); } };
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