Given an integer array with no duplicates. A maximum tree building on this array is defined as follow:
The root is the maximum number in the array.
The left subtree is the maximum tree constructed from left part subarray divided by the maximum number.
The right subtree is the maximum tree constructed from right part subarray divided by the maximum number.
Construct the maximum tree by the given array and output the root node of this tree.
Example 1:
Input: [3,2,1,6,0,5]
Output: return the tree root node representing the following tree:
6 / 3 5 / 2 0 1Note
The size of the given array will be in the range [1,1000].
Solutionclass Solution { public TreeNode constructMaximumBinaryTree(int[] nums) { return constructSubMaxTree(nums, 0, nums.length-1); } public TreeNode constructSubMaxTree(int[] nums, int start, int end) { if (nums == null || nums.length == 0 || start > end) return null; int maxIndex = findMaxIndex(nums, start, end); TreeNode root = new TreeNode(nums[maxIndex]); root.left = constructSubMaxTree(nums, start, maxIndex-1); root.right = constructSubMaxTree(nums, maxIndex+1, end); return root; } public int findMaxIndex(int[] nums, int start, int end) { int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE, maxIndex = 0; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (nums[i] > max) { max = nums[i]; maxIndex = i; } } return maxIndex; } }
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