@(Java知識點總結)[Java, 注解]
@Override定義在java.lang.Override 中,此注釋只適用于修飾方法,表示一個方法聲明打算重寫父類的另一個方法聲明。
public class Demo01 { @Override public String toString() { return ""; } }
import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a * method declaration in a supertype. If a method is annotated with * this annotation type compilers are required to generate an error * message unless at least one of the following conditions hold: * *
public class Demo01 { @Deprecated public static void test1(){ } public static void main(String[] args) { test1(); } }
import java.lang.annotation.*; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; /** * A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers * are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, * or because a better alternative exists. Compilers warn when a * deprecated program element is used or overridden in non-deprecated code. * * @author Neal Gafter * @since 1.5 * @jls @Deprecated */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(value={CONSTRUCTOR, FIELD, LOCAL_VARIABLE, METHOD, PACKAGE, PARAMETER, TYPE}) public @interface Deprecated { }@SuppressWarings
與前兩個注釋有所不同, 你需要添加一個參數才能正確使用 ,這些參數值是已經定義好了的,我們選擇性的使用就好了,參數如下:
參數 | 說明 |
deprecation | 使用了過時的類或方法的警告 |
unchecked | 執行了未檢查的轉換時的警告,如使用集合時未指定泛型 |
fallthrough | 當在switch語句使用時發生case穿透 |
path | 在類路徑、源文件路徑等中有不存在路徑的警告 |
serial | 當在可序列化的類上缺少serialVersionUID定義時的警告 |
finally | 任何finally子句不能完成時的警告 |
all | 關于以上所有情況的警告 |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @SuppressWarnings(value={"unchecked","deprecation"})
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Demo01 { @SuppressWarnings("all") public static void test2(){ List list = new ArrayList(); }
package java.lang; import java.lang.annotation.*; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; /** * Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the * annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated * element). Note that the set of warnings suppressed in a given element is * a superset of the warnings suppressed in all containing elements. For * example, if you annotate a class to suppress one warning and annotate a * method to suppress another, both warnings will be suppressed in the method. * *As a matter of style, programmers should always use this annotation * on the most deeply nested element where it is effective. If you want to * suppress a warning in a particular method, you should annotate that * method rather than its class. * * @author Josh Bloch * @since 1.5 * @jls 4.8 Raw Types * @jls 4.12.2 Variables of Reference Type * @jls 5.1.9 Unchecked Conversion * @jls 5.5.2 Checked Casts and Unchecked Casts * @jls @SuppressWarnings */ @Target({TYPE, FIELD, METHOD, PARAMETER, CONSTRUCTOR, LOCAL_VARIABLE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface SuppressWarnings { /** * The set of warnings that are to be suppressed by the compiler in the * annotated element. Duplicate names are permitted. The second and * successive occurrences of a name are ignored. The presence of * unrecognized warning names is not an error: Compilers must * ignore any warning names they do not recognize. They are, however, * free to emit a warning if an annotation contains an unrecognized * warning name. * *
The string {@code "unchecked"} is used to suppress * unchecked warnings. Compiler vendors should document the * additional warning names they support in conjunction with this * annotation type. They are encouraged to cooperate to ensure * that the same names work across multiple compilers. * @return the set of warnings to be suppressed */ String[] value(); }
摘要:注解有以下幾個知識點元數據注解的分類內置注解自定義注解注解處理器本文先介紹前面個知識點元數據注解的分類內置注解自定義注解。注解相當于是一種嵌入在程序中的元數據,可以使用注解解析工具或編譯器對其進行解析,也可以指定注解在編譯期或運行期有效。 大家好,我是樂字節的小樂,上次說過了Java多態的6大特性|樂字節,接下來我們來看看Java編程里的注解。showImg(https://segme...
摘要:知識點總結注解解析注解知識點總結注解通過反射獲取類函數或成員上的運行時注解信息,從而實現動態控制程序運行的邏輯。 Java知識點總結(注解-解析注解) @(Java知識點總結)[Java, 注解] 通過反射獲取類、函數或成員上的運行時注解信息,從而實現動態控制程序運行的邏輯。 使用注解步驟: 定義注解 類中使用注解 解析注解 示例: import java.lang.annotat...
摘要:編程思想第版這本書要常讀,初學者可以快速概覽,中等程序員可以深入看看,老鳥還可以用之回顧的體系。以下視頻整理自慕課網工程師路徑相關免費課程。 我自己總結的Java學習的系統知識點以及面試問題,目前已經開源,會一直完善下去,歡迎建議和指導歡迎Star: https://github.com/Snailclimb/Java-Guide 筆者建議初學者學習Java的方式:看書+視頻+實踐(初...
摘要:我們定義注解元素時,經常使用空字符串作為默認值。也經常使用負數比如表示不存在的含義示例既可以修飾方法,也可以修飾類運行時使用關鍵字定義注解成員以無參無異常方式聲明。方法的名稱就是參數的名稱可以使用為成員指定一個默認值浙江大學清華大學張三 Java知識點總結(注解-自定義注解) @(Java知識點總結)[Java, 注解] 使用@interface自定義注解時,自動繼承了java.lan...
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