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原文: https://www.linkedin.com/wuko...

翻譯: 麥芽面包




在我的經驗里,我發現有三種重要的要素可以讓領袖在組織內發展他們想要的文化。這三個要素回答了核心問題: 1)我們為什么存在? 2)我們是誰? 3)我們如何一起工作? 這里有一個很重要的一點是有一個很好的組織文化不代表沒有分歧, 問題或緊張氣氛。他確實表示會有一種穩定的基礎來保證在團隊和組織中的沖突與緊張是健康的。


Simon Sinek說到人們不會對你做什么買單,但會為你為什么做而買單。對于雇員和你的工作文化也是一樣的。沒有一個強有力的“為什么”,你的人會盡力的調整自己的目標。那天我與一個年輕的領袖聊天然后他問到如何讓他們團隊目標對齊。我問他他的商業目的是什么,然而他只講了創造利潤。經常,領袖們沒有完成需要的“心靈探索”來為他們的存在創造一個鼓舞人心和引人入勝的目的。沒有一個強壯的為什么,對于如何創造一個強壯和深思熟慮的文化會很難。Dan Pink的一個研究結果表明個人的一個核心動機是渴望成為更好的自己(與鼓舞人心的組織目的相關聯)。


一個最重要的文化要素就是價值觀。每個人都有他們重視的東西,對于組織也沒有不同。核心是確定這個組織內共同的價值觀并每天以這些價值觀作為指導。Tony Hsieh講到核心價值觀并不只是公司辦公室里會議室墻上的一個海報,也是一個領導者會為之作為雇傭與解雇的標準。一種可以幫助簡歷并保持一種深思熟慮的文化的方式,是雇傭是同時考察技能與價值觀。在你的雇傭流程里加入價值觀相關的問題是創建一種刻意的文化的第一步。在組織內有一套核心的價值觀可以幫助領導者做決策,并且雇員在工作時可以根據一致的價值觀做事。






Culture has become a hot topic in the business and consulting world. Everyone gets excited when you mention the topic and wants to hear the latest thinking on how to make their culture better.

Here’s the thing though; every organization, group, club, or tribe will have a culture. The question is; will they have a default culture or a deliberate culture? The difference is one of planning and vision.

Culture happens. Whether you are intentional about it or not, your organization will have a culture. What I tend to hear most often from leaders is that the culture they want and the culture they have are two very different things. This most often occurs because the leader has not been deliberate in developing the desired culture and probably doesn’t have a good feel for how to actually create a culture that embodies what they want.

In my experience and research, I’ve found three critical components to culture that a leader can actively work on to develop the culture they want exemplified in their organization. These three components answer the critical questions; 1) Why do we exist?, 2) Who are we?, and 3) How do we work together? It is important to mention here that having a good organizational culture doesn’t mean that there won’t be disagreements, problems, or creative tension. It does mean that there will be better alignment and that there is a foundation to ensure that the inherent conflicts and tensions that arise in teams and organizations are healthy.

Noble Cause or Purpose (Why?):

Simon Sinek talks about people not buying what you do, but buying why you do it. The same thing applies to employees and your workplace culture. Without a strong ‘why’, your people will struggle to align themselves and give their best. I was speaking with a young leader the other day and he asked how to get his team aligned. I asked him what his business’ purpose was and he only talked about making profits. Often, the leader hasn’t done the required ‘soul searching’ to come up with an inspiring and compelling purpose for their existence. Without a strong why, it is hard to build a strong and deliberate culture. Dan Pink’s research shows that one of the key motivators for individuals is the desire to be part of something bigger than themselves (connection with an inspiring organizational purpose).

Shared Core Values (Who?):

One of the most important cultural components is values. Every person has specific things they value and it’s no different for organizations. The key is to determine what the core shared values of the organization are and then live those values every day. Tony Hsieh talks about core values being more than just a poster on a conference room wall in the corporate offices, but being something that a leader is willing to hire and fire for. One thing that can help build and keep a deliberate culture, is hiring for values as well as competence. Adding values based questions into your hiring process is a good step in the creation of an intentional culture. Having a firmly held set of core values within an organization also helps with decision making as leaders and employees look at their work through the lens of the values to ensure that there is always alignment.

Aligned Work Processes (How?):

Creating work processes that are aligned and designed for effectiveness and efficiency will pay huge dividends in the culture. Many times, we find that the systems and processes within the organization are pitted directly against the desired culture. Leader’s need to ask themselves if the systems make it easy for people to do the right thing or behave the right way. Often, we find processes in place that make it easier for team members to do the wrong thing than to uphold the values or align with the mission.

As a leader, two of your key responsibilities are to create and maintain the desired culture and to help your team do their best work. Workplace cultures that are hostile, misaligned, or otherwise suck make it hard for the team within the organization to do great work.

Part of your leadership revolution has to be understanding your role in the culture you desire and doing the hard work of making it a reality.


交流Email: zhukunrong@yeah.net




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