關于 Spring JdbcTemplate 的一些總結 一個小問題的思考 起因
當前項目中一直使用的都是 SpringData JPA ,即 public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository
考慮到 SpringData JPA 確實有一定的局限性,在部分查詢中使用到了 JdbcTemplate 進行復雜查詢操作;
由于本人16年也曾使用過 JdbcTemplate,古語溫故而知新,所以做此總結梳理。
public class xxx{ xxx method(){ ... List個人愚見list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new WishDTO()); ... } } @Data public class WishDTO implements RowMapper , Serializable { String xxx; Long xxx; Date xxx; BigDecimal xxx; @Override public WishDTO mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) { WishDTO dto = new WishDTO(); Field[] fields = dto.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { try { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(dto, rs.getObject(field.getName())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return dto; } }
個人感覺讓 WishDTO 再實現實現一遍 RowMapper 有點麻煩,畢竟 WishDTO 實體類的所有字段都是需要賦值的,并沒有定制化需求。
所以想著有沒有更好地寫法,然后就翻了一下 jdbcTemplate 的方法,找到了一個自認為滿足自己這個需求的方法:
publicList queryForList(String sql, Class elementType)
即 將代碼改為:
public class xxx{ xxx method(){ ... Listlist = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, WishDTO.class); ... } } @Data public class WishDTO implements Serializable { String xxx; Long xxx; Date xxx; BigDecimal xxx; }
一切看起來都很完美,但執行卻報錯了:Incorrect column count: expected 1, actual 13
publicList queryForList(String sql, Class elementType) throws DataAccessException { return query(sql, getSingleColumnRowMapper(elementType)); }
protectedRowMapper getSingleColumnRowMapper(Class requiredType) { return new SingleColumnRowMapper<>(requiredType); }
現在我們可以看一下 SingleColumnRowMapper 類的描述:
/** * {@link RowMapper} implementation that converts a single column into a single * result value per row. Expects to operate on a {@code java.sql.ResultSet} * that just contains a single column. * *The type of the result value for each row can be specified. The value * for the single column will be extracted from the {@code ResultSet} * and converted into the specified target type. */
其實從類名也可以看出,這是一個 RowMapper 的 簡單實現,且僅能接收一個字段的數據,如 String.class 和 Integer.class 等基礎類型;
解決方案使用 BeanPropertyRowMapper 進行封裝 ;
即 將代碼改為:
public class xxx{ xxx method(){ ... Listlist = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper (WishDTO.class)); ... } } @Data public class WishDTO implements Serializable { String xxx; Long xxx; Date xxx; BigDecimal xxx; }
接下來看一下 BeanPropertyRowMapper 的類描述:
/** * {@link RowMapper} implementation that converts a row into a new instance * of the specified mapped target class. The mapped target class must be a * top-level class and it must have a default or no-arg constructor. * *Column values are mapped based on matching the column name as obtained from result set * meta-data to public setters for the corresponding properties. The names are matched either * directly or by transforming a name separating the parts with underscores to the same name * using "camel" case. * *
Mapping is provided for fields in the target class for many common types, e.g.: * String, boolean, Boolean, byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long, * float, Float, double, Double, BigDecimal, {@code java.util.Date}, etc. * *
To facilitate mapping between columns and fields that don"t have matching names, * try using column aliases in the SQL statement like "select fname as first_name from customer". * *
For "null" values read from the database, we will attempt to call the setter, but in the case of * Java primitives, this causes a TypeMismatchException. This class can be configured (using the * primitivesDefaultedForNullValue property) to trap this exception and use the primitives default value. * Be aware that if you use the values from the generated bean to update the database the primitive value * will have been set to the primitive"s default value instead of null. * *
Please note that this class is designed to provide convenience rather than high performance. * For best performance, consider using a custom {@link RowMapper} implementation. */
其作用就是講一個Bean class 轉化成相對應的 Bean RowMapper 實現類。
Queryint rowCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor", Integer.class); int countOfActorsNamedJoe = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor where first_name = ?", Integer.class, "Joe"); String lastName = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select last_name from t_actor where id = ?", new Object[]{1212L}, String.class); Actor actor = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?", new Object[]{1212L}, new RowMapperUpdating (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE)() { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } }); List actors = this.jdbcTemplate.query( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor", new RowMapper () { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } }); --- public List findAllActors() { return this.jdbcTemplate.query( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor", new ActorMapper()); } private static final class ActorMapper implements RowMapper { public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName(rs.getString("first_name")); actor.setLastName(rs.getString("last_name")); return actor; } }
this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into t_actor (first_name, last_name) values (?, ?)", "Leonor", "Watling"); this.jdbcTemplate.update( "update t_actor set last_name = ? where id = ?", "Banjo", 5276L); this.jdbcTemplate.update( "delete from actor where id = ?", Long.valueOf(actorId));Other
this.jdbcTemplate.execute("create table mytable (id integer, name varchar(100))");NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
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