import {PickerController} from "ionic-angular"; import {Component, EventEmitter, Output, Input} from "@angular/core"; import {areasList} from "../../datasource/areas"; @Component({ selector: "areas-select", templateUrl: "areasSelect.com.html", }) export class AreasSelect { constructor(protected Picker: PickerController) { } private picker; private provinceCol = 0; // 省列 private cityCol = 0; // 市列 private regionCol = 0; // 區列 private pickerColumnCmps; // picker縱列數據實例 private isOpen = false; // 是否被創建 private pickerCmp; // picker 實例 private value = ""; // 選中后的數據 @Input() citiesData = areasList; // 地區數據(默認為areas.ts的數據) @Input() cancelText = "關閉"; // 關閉按鈕文本 @Input() doneText = "完成"; // 完成按鈕文本 @Input() separator = ""; // 數據銜接模式 @Input() level = 3; // 等級設置 最高為三級 /** * 關閉時觸發的事件 * 沒有值返回 * @type {EventEmitter} */ @Output() cancel: EventEmitter= new EventEmitter(); // 關閉事件 /** * 完成時觸發的事件 * 返回值為obj * obj = {data: object,value: string} data為對應的省市區和編碼 * @type {EventEmitter} */ @Output() done: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // 完成事件 /** * 打開地區選擇器 * 基本思路 * 1.創建picker * 2. 先把數據處理成省市區分開的數組 * 3. 將數據以列的形式給到picker * 4. 設置數據顯示樣式(picker) * 5. 生成picker */ private open() { let pickerOptions = { buttons: [ { text: this.cancelText, role: "cancel", handler:() => { this.cancel.emit(null); } }, { text: this.doneText, handler: (data) =>{ this.onChange(data); this.done.emit({ data: data, value: this.value }); } } ] }; this.picker = this.Picker.create(pickerOptions); this.generate();// 加載 this.validate(this.picker); // 渲染 this.picker.ionChange.subscribe(() => { this.validate(this.picker); }); // 生成 this.picker.present(pickerOptions).then(() => { this.pickerCmp = this.picker.instance; this.pickerColumnCmps = this.pickerCmp._cols.toArray(); this.pickerColumnCmps.forEach(function (col) { return col.lastIndex = -1; }); }); this.isOpen = true; this.picker.onDidDismiss(function () { this.isOpen = false; }); } /** 對數據進行處理,并移交給picker * */ private generate() { let values = this.value.toString().split(this.separator); // Add province data to picker let provinceCol = { name: "province", options: this.citiesData.map(function (province) { return {text: province.name, value: province.code, disabled: false}; }), selectedIndex: 0 }; let provinceIndex = this.citiesData.findIndex(function (option) { return option.name == values[0]; }); provinceIndex = provinceIndex === -1 ? 0 : provinceIndex; provinceCol.selectedIndex = provinceIndex; this.picker.addColumn(provinceCol); // Add city data to picker let cityColData = this.citiesData[provinceCol.selectedIndex].children; let cityCol; if (this.level >= 2) { cityCol = { name: "city", options: cityColData.map(function (city) { return {text: city.name, value: city.code, disabled: false}; }), selectedIndex: 0 }; let cityIndex = cityColData.findIndex(function (option) { return option.name == values[1]; }); cityIndex = cityIndex === -1 ? 0 : cityIndex; cityCol.selectedIndex = cityIndex; this.picker.addColumn(cityCol); } // Add region data to picker let regionData, regionCol; if (this.level === 3) { regionData = this.citiesData[provinceCol.selectedIndex].children[cityCol.selectedIndex].children; regionCol = { name: "region", options: regionData.map(function (city) { return {text: city.name, value: city.code, disabled: false}; }), selectedIndex: 0 }; let regionIndex = regionData.findIndex(function (option) { return option.name == values[2]; }); regionIndex = regionIndex === -1 ? 0 : regionIndex; regionCol.selectedIndex = regionIndex; this.picker.addColumn(regionCol); } this.divyColumns(this.picker); } /**設置數據顯示樣式 * @param picker */ private divyColumns(picker) { let pickerColumns = this.picker.getColumns(); // 獲取列數據 let columns = []; pickerColumns.forEach(function (col, i) { columns.push(0); col.options.forEach(function (opt) { if (opt && opt.text && opt.text.length > columns[i]) { columns[i] = opt.text.length; } }); }); if (columns.length === 2) { let width = Math.max(columns[0], columns[1]); pickerColumns[0].align = "right"; pickerColumns[1].align = "left"; pickerColumns[0].optionsWidth = pickerColumns[1].optionsWidth = width * 17 + "px"; } else if (columns.length === 3) { let width = Math.max(columns[0], columns[2]); pickerColumns[0].align = "right"; pickerColumns[1].columnWidth = columns[1] * 33 + "px"; pickerColumns[0].optionsWidth = pickerColumns[2].optionsWidth = width * 17 + "px"; pickerColumns[2].align = "left"; } } /** * 驗證數據 * @param picker */ private validate(picker) { let _this = this; let columns = picker.getColumns(); let provinceCol = columns[0]; let cityCol = columns[1]; let regionCol = columns[2]; if (cityCol && this.provinceCol != provinceCol.selectedIndex) { cityCol.selectedIndex = 0; let cityColData = this.citiesData[provinceCol.selectedIndex].children; cityCol.options = cityColData.map(function (city) { return {text: city.name, value: city.code, disabled: false}; }); if (this.pickerColumnCmps && cityCol.options.length > 0) { setTimeout(function () { return _this.pickerColumnCmps[1].setSelected(0, 100); }, 0); } } if (regionCol && (this.cityCol != cityCol.selectedIndex || this.provinceCol != provinceCol.selectedIndex)) { let regionData = this.citiesData[provinceCol.selectedIndex].children[cityCol.selectedIndex].children; regionCol.selectedIndex = 0; regionCol.options = regionData.map(function (city) { return {text: city.name, value: city.code, disabled: false}; }); if (this.pickerColumnCmps && regionCol.options.length > 0) { setTimeout(function () { return _this.pickerColumnCmps[2].setSelected(0, 100); }, 0); } } this.provinceCol = provinceCol.selectedIndex; this.cityCol = cityCol ? cityCol.selectedIndex : 0; this.regionCol = regionCol ? regionCol.selectedIndex : 0; } /** * 設置value * @param newData */ private setValue(newData) { if (newData === null || newData === undefined) { this.value = ""; } else { this.value = newData; } } /** * 獲取value值 * @returns {string} */ private getValue() { return this.value; } /** * 改變value值的顯示 * @param val */ private onChange(val) { this.setValue(this.getString(val)); } /** * 獲取當前選擇的地區數據 * @param newData * @returns {string} */ private getString(newData) { if (newData["city"]) { if (newData["region"]) { return "" + newData["province"].text + this.separator + (newData["city"].text || "") + this.separator + (newData["region"].text || ""); } return "" + newData["province"].text + this.separator + (newData["city"].text || ""); } return "" + newData["province"].text; } }
import {Component, ElementRef, Injector, ViewChild} from "@angular/core"; import {BasePage} from "../base.page"; @Component({ templateUrl: "test.page.html", styles: [] }) export class TestPage extends BasePage { constructor(protected rt: ElementRef, protected ij: Injector) { super(rt, ij); } @ViewChild("areasSelect") areasSelect; showAreasSelect() { this.areasSelect.open(); } done(data) { this.showAlert(JSON.stringify(data)); } closeSelect() { this.showAlert("you click close"); } }
摘要:參照更新你的文件刪除文件夾和文件參照更新文件重命名并重新定位到移動文件從到比如等等將你定義的屬性移動到文件修正你的圖片路徑例如之前是現在應該是組件內與模版相關的變量,修改關鍵字為。 ps:參照官方文檔進行整理。填了一些坑供參考 :) 基于Angular2的正式發布,Ionic2也進入了RC版本。但是因為結構和語法變動,使得從beta到RC不能平滑升級。 官方給出了2種升級方式:1.創建...
摘要:的特性和性能是的超集,用于幫助的開發。注解提供了連接元數據和功能的工具。通過在庫中提供基本信息可以調用函數或創建類的實例來檢查相關元數據,從而簡化了對象實例的構建。停用它會響應跳出舊控制器的成功事件。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVSqTU?w=850&h=460); 在Web應用開發領域,Angular被認為是最好的開源JavaScri...
摘要:在引起狀態變化的時刻,框架自動觸發臟檢查,也可以手動執行臟檢查,直接操作更新視圖。最后,說了這么多,大家在具體選型時還是要首先分析自己的需求和現狀,然后再做選擇。 作為一個軟件開發者,最大的挑戰就是在不斷涌現的新技術中進行取舍,持續學習是從事這一行業的必備技能。在這個領域里,技術更新最快地又非前端莫屬了。各種框架的出現、版本的更新此起彼伏,呈現出一派欣欣向榮之景。 在項目中必不可少的便...
摘要:在引起狀態變化的時刻,框架自動觸發臟檢查,也可以手動執行臟檢查,直接操作更新視圖。最后,說了這么多,大家在具體選型時還是要首先分析自己的需求和現狀,然后再做選擇。 作為一個軟件開發者,最大的挑戰就是在不斷涌現的新技術中進行取舍,持續學習是從事這一行業的必備技能。在這個領域里,技術更新最快地又非前端莫屬了。各種框架的出現、版本的更新此起彼伏,呈現出一派欣欣向榮之景。 在項目中必不可少的便...
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