-- React Redux 數據流
action & actionCreatoraction creator 就是函數而已,負責構建一個 action (是的,action creator 這個名字已經很明顯了)并返回它。通過幾行簡單的代碼就可以解釋清楚了!
const actionCreator = function () { return { type : "AN_ACTION" } }
一般約定 action 是一個擁有 type 屬性的對象。
console.log(actionCreator()) // { type: "AN_ACTION" }reducer
Reducer 函數只是一個純函數,它接收應用程序的當前狀態以及發生的 action,然后返回修改后的新狀態(或者有人稱之為歸并后的狀態)。Reducer 函數是 action 的訂閱者。
const reducer = function (state = {}, action) { console.log("reducer was called with state", state, "and action", action); return state; }Store
不用擔心,Redux 會幫你把action和reducer連接起來。
我們把 Redux實例稱為 store 并用以下方式創建:
import { createStore } from "redux" const store_0 = createStore(() => {})
注意:在createStore時,需要給它傳入一個 reducer 函數。
每當一個action發生時,Redux都能調用這個函數。往 createStore 傳 Reducer 的過程就是給 Redux綁定 action處理函數(也就是Reducer)的過程。
接下來,試著在 Reducer 中打印一些 log
const reducer = function (...args) { console.log("Reducer was called with args", args) } const store_1 = createStore(reducer) // 輸出:Reducer was called with args [ undefined, { type: "@@redux/INIT" } ]
我們沒有dispatch(分發)任何action,但是reducer被調用了!這是由于初始化應用state的時候,Redux dispatch 了一個初始化的 action ({ type: "@@redux/INIT" })。reducer的入參為(state, action)。state還沒有被初始化,自然為undefined。
import { createStore } from "redux" const reducer_2 = function (state = {}, action) { console.log("reducer_2 was called with state", state, "and action", action) return state; } const store_2 = createStore(reducer_2) // 輸出: reducer_2 was called with state {} and action { type: "@@redux/INIT" } console.log("store_2 state after initialization:", store_2.getState()) // 輸出: store_2 state after initialization: {}
如何dispatch action?
// 接以上代碼 const anAction = { type : "AN_ACTION" } store_2.dispatch(anAction); // 輸出:reducer_2 was called with state {} and action { type: "AN_ACTION" }combineReducers
const userReducer = function (state = {}, action) { console.log("userReducer was called with state", state, "and action", action) switch (action.type) { // etc. default: return state; } } const itemsReducer = function (state = [], action) { console.log("itemsReducer was called with state", state, "and action", action) switch (action.type) { // etc. default: return state; } } import { createStore, combineReducers } from "redux" const reducer = combineReducers({ user : userReducer, items : itemsReducer }) // 輸出: // userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: "@@redux/INIT" } // userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: "@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_9.r.k.r.i.c.n.m.i" } // itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: "@@redux/INIT" } // itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: "@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_4.f.i.z.l.3.7.s.y.v.i" } var store_0 = createStore(reducer) // 輸出: // userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: "@@redux/INIT" } // itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: "@@redux/INIT" } console.log("store_0 state after initialization:", store_0.getState()) // 輸出: // store_0 state after initialization: { user: {}, items: [] }回過頭來看看文章開頭的數據流向圖
import { connect } from "react-redux" const containerComponent = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(presentationalComponent)
摘要:大多的初學者都會使用中間件來處理異步請求,其理解簡單使用方便具體使用可參考官方文檔。源碼的源碼非常簡潔,出去空格一共只有行,這行中如果不算上則只有行。官方文檔中的一節講解的非常好,也確實幫我理解了中間件的工作原理,非常推薦閱讀。 總覺得文章也應該是有生命力的,歡迎關注我的Github上的博客,這里的文章會依據我本人的見識,逐步更新。 大多redux的初學者都會使用redux-thunk...
摘要:用法源碼由在年創建的科技術語。我們除去源碼校驗函數部分,從最終返回的大的來看。這個返回值無法被識別。洋蔥模型我們來看源碼源碼每個都以作為參數進行注入,返回一個新的鏈。改變原始組數,是一種副作用。 @(Redux)[|用法|源碼] Redux 由Dan Abramov在2015年創建的科技術語。是受2014年Facebook的Flux架構以及函數式編程語言Elm啟發。很快,Redux因其...
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