本文翻譯自:Chrome Launcher
原文更新時間:July 21,2017
從 Node 輕鬆啟動 Google Chrome。
禁用了許多 Chrome 服務,他們對於自動化情景是無用的。
自動定位 Chrome 二進制文件的位置進行啟動。
每次啟動都使用一個新的 Chrome profile,並在kill()中清除它。
綁定Ctrl-C(默認的)終止該 Chrome 進程。
安裝yarn add chrome-launcher # or with npm: npm install chrome-launcherAPI .launch([opts])
{ // (optional) remote debugging port number to use. If provided port is already busy, launch() will reject // Default: an available port is autoselected port: number; // (optional) Additional flags to pass to Chrome, for example: ["--headless", "--disable-gpu"] // See all flags here: http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ // Do note, many flags are set by default: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/master/chrome-launcher/flags.ts chromeFlags: Array啟動 chrome 后的接口; // (optional) Close the Chrome process on `Ctrl-C` // Default: true handleSIGINT: boolean; // (optional) Explicit path of intended Chrome binary // If the `CHROME_PATH` env variable is set, that will be used // Usage of `LIGHTHOUSE_CHROMIUM_PATH` env variable is deprecated // By default, any detected Chrome Canary or Chrome (stable) will be launched chromePath: string; // (optional) Chrome profile path to use // By default, a fresh Chrome profile will be created userDataDir: string; // (optional) Starting URL to open the browser with // Default: `about:blank` startingUrl: string; // (optional) Logging level: verbose, info, error, silent // Default: "info" logLevel: string; // (optional) Enable extension loading // Default: false enableExtensions: boolean };
.launch().then(chrome => ...
// The remote debugging port exposed by the launched chrome chrome.port: number; // Method kill Chrome (and cleanup the profile folder) chrome.kill: () => Promise<{}>; // The process id chrome.pid: number;Examples 啟動 chrome
const chromeLauncher = require("chrome-launcher"); chromeLauncher.launch({ startingUrl: "https://google.com" }).then(chrome => { console.log(`Chrome debugging port running on ${chrome.port}`); });持續集成
在一個想 Travis 這樣的 CI 環境,可能沒有安裝 Chrome。如果你想要使用chrome-launcher,你可以使用 Lighthouse 的download-chrome.sh安裝 Chrome。
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/v2.1.0/lighthouse-core/scripts/download-chrome.sh | bash
language: node_js install: - yarn install before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - export LIGHTHOUSE_CHROMIUM_PATH="$(pwd)/chrome-linux/chrome" - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/v2.1.0/lighthouse-core/scripts/download-chrome.sh | bash
摘要:確切位置因平臺而異。如果以編程方式使用,這個頁面也是一個強大的調試工具,能看到所有原始的協議命令通過連線,於瀏覽器進行通信。警告協議可以做很多有趣的事,但作為入門選項他令人沮喪。目前,提供了比協議高級別的。 本文翻譯自:Getting Started with Headless Chrome原文更新時間:July 28,2017作者:Eric Bidelman(Engineer @ G...
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摘要:該支持下列事件當到的連接已建立時觸發。取得該調試協議描述符。在關閉請求收到響應后執行,他將獲得下列參數一個對象,指明成功狀態當缺省時,將返回一個對象。當缺省時,將返回一個對象,並且狀態取決于屬性。 本文翻譯自:chrome-remote-interface原文更新時間:July 21,2017譯者:Pandorym Chrome 調試協議 的接口,他提供一個使用 JavaScript ...
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