雖然ES6規范不是最近才發布,但我認為很多開發人員仍然不太熟悉。 主要原因是在規范發布之后,Web瀏覽器的支持可能很差。 目前,規范發布已經超過2年了,現在很多瀏覽器對ES6支持良好。 即使您(或您的客戶)不使用最新版本的Web瀏覽器,也可以使用轉換器(如Babel),在應用程序的構建過程中將ES6轉換為ES5。 這意味著要向前邁出一步,學習ES6。
在本文中,我將盡量簡單地介紹最有用的功能。 在本教程之后,您將擁有基本技能,并能夠將其應用于實際項目中。 不要將其視為指南或文件。 我的目標是鼓勵你深入挖掘并熟悉ES6。
1. const和let關鍵字const使您能夠定義常量(最終變量!)。 let讓你定義變量。 這很棒,但是JavaScript中沒有變量嗎? 是有的,但是由var聲明的變量具有函數范圍,并被提升到頂部。 這意味著在聲明之前可以使用一個變量。 讓變量和常量具有塊范圍(由{}包圍),在聲明之前不能使用。
function f() { var x = 1 let y = 2 const z = 3 { var x = 100 let y = 200 const z = 300 console.log("x in block scope is", x) console.log("y in block scope is", y) console.log("z in block scope is", z) } console.log("x outside of block scope is", x) console.log("y outside of block scope is", y) console.log("z outside of block scope is", z) } f()
x in block scope is 100 y in block scope is 200 z in block scope is 300 x outside of block scope is 100 y outside of block scope is 2 z outside of block scope is 32. 數組輔助方法
出現了新的很酷的功能,這有助于在很多情況下使用JS Array。 您實現了多少次的邏輯,如:過濾,檢查是否有任何或所有元素符合條件,或者元素轉換? 是不是很多種情景下都有用過? 現在語言本身自帶這些很好用的功能。 在我看來,這是最有價值的功能:
var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] function print(val) { console.log(val) } colors.forEach(print)
red green bluemap
創建一個包含相同數量元素的新數組,但是由傳入的函數返回元素。 它只是將每個數組元素轉換成別的東西。
var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] function capitalize(val) { return val.toUpperCase() } var capitalizedColors = colors.map(capitalize) console.log(capitalizedColors)
創建一個包含原始數組子集的新數組。 新數組包含的這些元素通過由傳入的函數實現的測試,該函數應該返回true或false。
var values = [1, 60, 34, 30, 20, 5] function lessThan20(val) { return val < 20 } var valuesLessThan20 = values.filter(lessThan20) console.log(valuesLessThan20)
var people = [ {name: "Jack", age: 50}, {name: "Michael", age: 9}, {name: "John", age: 40}, {name: "Ann", age: 19}, {name: "Elisabeth", age: 16} ] function teenager(person) { return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20 } var firstTeenager = people.find(teenager) console.log("First found teenager:", firstTeenager.name)
First found teenager: Annevery
var people = [ {name: "Jack", age: 50}, {name: "Michael", age: 9}, {name: "John", age: 40}, {name: "Ann", age: 19}, {name: "Elisabeth", age: 16} ] function teenager(person) { return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20 } var everyoneIsTeenager = people.every(teenager) console.log("Everyone is teenager: ", everyoneIsTeenager)
Everyone is teenager: falsesome
var people = [ {name: "Jack", age: 50}, {name: "Michael", age: 9}, {name: "John", age: 40}, {name: "Ann", age: 19}, {name: "Elisabeth", age: 16} ] function teenager(person) { return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20 } var thereAreTeenagers = people.some(teenager) console.log("There are teenagers:", thereAreTeenagers)
There are teenagers: truereduce
方法接收一個函數作為累加器(accumulator),數組中的每個值(從左到右)開始縮減,最終為一個值。 累加器的初始值應作為reduce函數的第二個參數提供。
var array = [1, 2, 3, 4] function sum(acc, value) { return acc + value } function product(acc, value) { return acc * value } var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0) var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce(product, 1) console.log("Sum of", array, "is", sumOfArrayElements) console.log("Product of", array, "is", productOfArrayElements)
Sum of [1,2,3,4] is 10 Product of [1,2,3,4] is 243.箭頭函數
執行非常簡單的函數(如上述的Sum或Product)需要編寫大量的模版。 有什么解決辦法嗎? 是的,可以嘗試箭頭函數!
var array = [1, 2, 3, 4] const sum = (acc, value) => acc + value const product = (acc, value) => acc * value var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0) var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce(product, 1)
箭頭函數也可以內聯。 它真的簡化了代碼:
var array = [1, 2, 3, 4] var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0) var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce((acc, value) => acc * value, 1)
var array = [1, 2, 3, 4] const sum = (acc, value) => { const result = acc + value console.log(acc, " plus ", value, " is ", result) return result } var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0)4. 類
哪個Java開發人員在切換到JS項目時不會錯過類? 誰不喜歡顯式繼承,像Java語言,而不是為原型繼承編寫魔術代碼? 這引起了一些JS開發者反對,因為在ES6中已經引入了類。 他們不改變繼承的概念。 它們只是原型繼承的語法糖。
class Point { constructor(x, y) { this.x = x this.y = y } toString() { return "[X=" + this.x + ", Y=" + this.y + "]" } } class ColorPoint extends Point { static default() { return new ColorPoint(0, 0, "black") } constructor(x, y, color) { super(x, y) this.color = color } toString() { return "[X=" + this.x + ", Y=" + this.y + ", color=" + this.color + "]" } } console.log("The first point is " + new Point(2, 10)) console.log("The second point is " + new ColorPoint(2, 10, "green"))
The first point is [X=2, Y=10] The second point is [X=2, Y=10, color=green] The default color point is [X=0, Y=0, color=black]5.對象功能增強
對象功能已被增強。 現在我們可以更容易地:
const color = "red" const point = { x: 5, y: 10, color, toString() { return "X=" + this.x + ", Y=" + this.y + ", color=" + this.color }, [ "prop_" + 42 ]: 42 } console.log("The point is " + point) console.log("The dynamic property is " + point.prop_42)
The point is X=5, Y=10, color=red The dynamic property is 426. 模板字符串
誰喜歡寫大字符串和變量連接? 我相信我們中只有少數人喜歡。 誰討厭閱讀這樣的代碼? 我確定大家都是,ES6引入了非常易于使用的字符串模板和變量的占位符。
function hello(firstName, lastName) { return `Good morning ${firstName} ${lastName}! How are you?` } console.log(hello("Jan", "Kowalski"))
Good morning Jan Kowalski! How are you?
7. 默認函數參數你不喜歡提供所有可能的函數參數? 使用默認值。
function sort(arr = [], direction = "ascending") { console.log("I"m going to sort the array", arr, direction) } sort([1, 2, 3]) sort([1, 2, 3], "descending")
I"m going to sort the array [1,2,3] ascending I"m going to sort the array [1,2,3] descending8. rest參數和擴展運算符 擴展
示例 - 制作數組的淺拷貝:
var array = ["red", "blue", "green"] var copyOfArray = [...array] console.log("Copy of", array, "is", copyOfArray) console.log("Are", array, "and", copyOfArray, "same?", array === copyOfArray)
Copy of ["red","blue","green"] is ["red","blue","green"] Are ["red","blue","green"] and ["red","blue","green"] same? false
示例 - 合并數組:
var defaultColors = ["red", "blue", "green"] var userDefinedColors = ["yellow", "orange"] var mergedColors = [...defaultColors, ...userDefinedColors] console.log("Merged colors", mergedColors)
Merged colors ["red","blue","green","yellow","orange"]rest參數
您要將前幾個函數參數綁定到變量,其他變量作為數組綁定到單個變量嗎? 現在你可以很容易地做到這一點。
function printColors(first, second, third, ...others) { console.log("Top three colors are " + first + ", " + second + " and " + third + ". Others are: " + others) } printColors("yellow", "blue", "orange", "white", "black")
Top three colors are yellow, blue and orange. Others are: white,black9. 解構賦值 數組
function printFirstAndSecondElement([first, second]) { console.log("First element is " + first + ", second is " + second) } function printSecondAndFourthElement([, second, , fourth]) { console.log("Second element is " + second + ", fourth is " + fourth) } var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] printFirstAndSecondElement(array) printSecondAndFourthElement(array)
First element is 1, second is 2 Second element is 2, fourth is 4對象
function printBasicInfo({firstName, secondName, profession}) { console.log(firstName + " " + secondName + " - " + profession) } var person = { firstName: "John", secondName: "Smith", age: 33, children: 3, profession: "teacher" } printBasicInfo(person)
John Smith - teacher10. Promises
Promises承諾(是的,我知道這聽起來很奇怪),你將會得到延期或長期運行任務的未來結果。 承諾有兩個渠道:第一個為結果,第二個為潛在的錯誤。 要獲取結果,您將回調函數作為“then”函數參數。 要處理錯誤,您將回調函數提供為“catch”函數參數。
function asyncFunc() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { const result = Math.random(); result > 0.5 ? resolve(result) : reject("Oppps....I cannot calculate") }, 1) }); } for (let i=0; i<10; i++) { asyncFunc() .then(result => console.log("Result is: " + result)) .catch(result => console.log("Error: " + result)) }
Result is: 0.7930997430022211 Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate Result is: 0.6412258210597288 Result is: 0.7890325910244533 Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate Result is: 0.8619834683310168 Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate Result is: 0.8258410427354488總結
我希望你喜歡這篇文章。 如果您想要一些練習,您可以使用沙箱進行學習過程:https://es6console.com/。 如果您需要更多信息,可以在這里找到
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