"navlist": { "itemclick":function(el, record, opt){ //可以通過如下方式獲取點擊節點的數據。 var nodeData = record.node.data; } }
Ext.define("luter.controller.MainController", { extend: "Ext.app.Controller", views: ["main.ViewPort"], stores: ["NavTreeStore"], init: function (application) { var me = this; this.control({ "viewport": {//監聽viewport的初始化事件,可以做點其他事情在這里,如有必要,記得viewport定義里的alias么? "beforerender": function () { console.log("viewport begin render at:" + new Date()); }, "afterrender": function () { console.log("viewport render finished at:" + new Date()); }, }, "syscontentpanel": { "afterrender": function (view) { console.log("syscontentpanel rendered at:" + new Date()); } }, "navlist": { "itemclick": function (el, record, opt) { var nodeData = record.node.data;//當前點擊節點的數據 var tabpanel = Ext.getCmp("systabpanel");//中間tabpanel var tabcount = tabpanel.items.getCount();//當前tabpanel已經打開幾個tab了。 var maxTabCount = 5;//最大打開的tab個數 if (tabcount && tabcount > 5) { showFailMesg({ title: "為了更好的使用,最多允許打開5個頁面", msg: "您打開的頁面過多,請關掉一些!" }); return false; } if (nodeData.leaf) {//是打開新模塊,否則是展開樹節點 var moduleID = nodeData.module_id;//找到控制器ID,定義在tree的數據里modole_id if (!moduleID || moduleID == "") { showFailMesg({ title: "創建模塊失敗.", msg: "模塊加載錯誤,模塊id為空,創建模塊失敗" }); return false; } console.log("to add module with id:" + moduleID); //開始加載控制器 try { //嘗試加載這個控制器,這個過程就是按需ajax加載js文件的過程。 //如果這個模塊被加載過,則不會重復加載。 var module = luterapp.getController(moduleID); } catch (error) { showFailMesg({ msg: "根據模塊ID:" + moduleID + "創建模塊失敗。" + "左側菜單樹對應的測試數據:app/testdata/menu.json
可能的原因 :
1、該模塊當前沒有實現." + "
2、模塊文件名稱與模塊名稱不一致,請檢查" + "Error: " + error + "" }); return false; } finally { } //判斷模塊是否加載下來,因為是ajax加載,所以還是判斷一下比較好 if (!module) { showFailMesg({ msg: "B:load module fail,the module object is null." + "
maybe :the module is Not available now." }); return false; } //加載到之后,默認去獲取控制器里views:[]數組里的第一個作為主視圖 var viewName = module.views[0]; console.log("will create a tab with view ,id:" + viewName); var view = module.getView(viewName); console.log("get the view el:" + view); if (!view) { showFailMesg({ msg: "Sorry ,to get the module view fail..." }); return false; } //判斷一下這個視圖是不是已經加載到tabpanel里去了 var tabid = me.getTabId(moduleID); console.log("will create a tab with id:" + tabid); var notab = tabpanel.getComponent(tabid); var viewEL = view.create(); if (!viewEL) { showFailMesg({ msg: "Sorry ,to get the module viewEL fail..." }); return false; } if (!notab && null == notab) {//不存在新建 //不管是啥,都放到一個panel里面。 notab = tabpanel.add(Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", { tooltip: nodeData.text + ":" + nodeData.qtip, id: tabid, // tab的唯一id title: nodeData.text, // tab的標題 layout: "fit", // 填充布局,它不會讓load進來的東西改變大小 border: false, // 無邊框 closable: true, // 有關閉選項卡按鈕 iconCls: nodeData.iconCls, listeners: { // 偵聽tab頁被激活里觸發的動作 scope: this, destroy: function () { console.log("tab :" + tabid + ",has been destroyed") } }, items: [view.create()] })); //新建之后focus tabpanel.setActiveTab(notab); } else {//如果這個tab已經存在了,則focus到這個tab tabpanel.setActiveTab(notab); } } else { //如果leaf =false,則說明這不是一個最底層節點,是目錄,展開。 console.log("tree node expand") } } } }); }, //這個方法從tab id里分離出控制器名稱 getTabId: function (mid) { var winid = mid; var c = winid.split("."); winid = c.pop(); return winid + "-tab"; } });
一般情況下,這個菜單數據是保存在后端的,通過權限判斷加載用戶可訪問的資源形成樹結構返回給前端使用。leaf標明了這是一個目錄還是一個模塊,module_id對應的是控制器的路徑。 比如下面這個測試數據中。 "leaf": true, "module_id": "sys.UserController", 在app.js中,我們配置了appFolder:‘app/luter’, leaf標明了這是一個控制器模塊,點擊后會去觸發控制器加載動作。 所以這個模塊的實際路徑(也就是js文件)就是:${appFolder}/controller/${module_id}.js 即:app/luter/controller/sys.UserController.js
[ { "id": "111", "text": "系統管理", "href": null, "leaf": false, "iconCls": "fa fa-home", "module_id": "no sign", "qtip": "這個地方顯示鼠標懸停提示", "children": [ { "id": "11111", "text": "用戶管理", "href": null, "leaf": true, "iconCls": "fa fa-user", "module_id": "sys.UserController", "qtip": "系統用戶管理", "children": [] } ] } ]
導航菜單與tabpanel 聯動完成,下面弄個控制器實驗一下效果,以新建一個系統管理分類下的用戶管理模塊功能為例:
用戶管理控制器 :app/luter/controller/sys/UserController.jsExt.define("luter.controller.sys.UserController", { extend: "Ext.app.Controller", stores: ["UserStore"], //用戶store views: ["sys.user.User"], //主view ,tab里會加載第一個視圖。 init: function () { this.control({ "userlistview": { "beforerender": function (view) { console.log("beforerender list...... "); }, "afterrender": function (view) { console.log("afterrender list...... "); // this.getUserStoreStore().load();//如果UserStore里沒設置autoLoad: true,就可以在這里加載用戶數據 } } }); } });用戶模型Model:app/luter/model/UserModel.js
Ext.define("luter.model.UserModel", { extend: "Ext.data.Model", fields: [ {name: "id", type: "string"}, {name: "username", type: "string"}, {name: "gender", type: "string"}, {name: "real_name", type: "string"} ] });用戶Store:app/luter/store/UserStore.js
Ext.define("luter.store.UserStore", { extend: "Ext.data.Store", autoLoad: true,//自動加載數據 model: "luter.model.UserModel",//使用的模型 pageSize: 15,//每頁數據多少 proxy: { type: "ajax",//ajax獲取數據 actionMethods: { create: "POST", read: "POST", update: "POST", destroy: "POST" }, api: { read: "app/testdata/user.json"http://從這個地方獲取數據,當然,這里用測試數據 }, reader: {//返回數據解析器 type: "json", root: "root",//用戶列表數據在這個字段下 successProperty: "success",//成功與失敗的標志位是這個字段 totalProperty: "total"http://記錄總數在這個字段 }, listeners: { exception: function (proxy, response, operation, eOpts) { DealAjaxResponse(response);//監聽ajax異常提示錯誤 } } }, remoteSort: true,//服務器端排序 sortOnLoad: true,//加載就排序 sorters: {//拿ID排序 property: "id", direction: "DESC" } });用戶管理模塊主視圖:app/luter/model/view/sys/user/User.js
Ext.define("luter.view.sys.user.User", { extend: "Ext.panel.Panel", alias: "widget.userview", layout: "fit", requires: ["luter.view.sys.user.UserList"],//引入用戶列表模塊 border: false, initComponent: function () { var me = this; me.items = [{ xtype: "userlistview", layout: "fit" }] me.callParent(arguments); } });用戶列表視圖:app/luter/model/view/sys/user/UserList.js
Ext.define("luter.view.sys.user.UserList", { extend: "Ext.grid.Panel", alias: "widget.userlistview",//其他地方就可以這么用:xtype:‘userlistview’ requires: [], store: "UserStore",//用到的store itemId: "userGrid",//自己的itemid columnLines: true,//是否顯示表格線 viewConfig: { emptyText: "暫無數據"http://store沒數據的時候顯示這個 }, initComponent: function () { var me = this; me.columns = [{ xtype: "rownumberer", text: "序號", width: 60 }, { header: "操作", xtype: "actioncolumn", width: 60, sortable: false, items: [{ text: "刪除", iconCls: "icon-delete", tooltip: "刪除這條記錄", handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) { var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); if (!record) { toast({ msg: "請選中一條要刪除的記錄" }) } else { showConfirmMesg({ message: "確定刪除這條記錄?", fn: function (btn) { if (btn === "yes") { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: "sys/user/delete", method: "POST", params: { id: record.get("id") }, success: function (response, options) { DealAjaxResponse(response); Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup("User").load(); }, failure: function (response, options) { DealAjaxResponse(response); } }); } else { return false; } } }) } } }] }, { header: baseConfig.model.user.id, dataIndex: "id", hidden: false, flex: 1 }, { header: baseConfig.model.user.username, dataIndex: "username", flex: 1 }, { header: baseConfig.model.user.real_name, dataIndex: "real_name", flex: 1 } ] me.bbar = Ext.create("Ext.PagingToolbar", { store: me.store, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: "當前數據 {0} - {1} 總數: {2}", emptyMsg: "沒數據顯示", plugins: [new Ext.create("luter.ux.grid.PagingToolbarResizer", { options: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100] })] }) me.dockedItems = [{ xtype: "toolbar", items: [{ text: "添加", iconCls: baseConfig.appicon.add, tooltip: "添加", handler: function () { var win = Ext.create("luter.view.sys.user.UserAdd"); win.loadView(); win.show(); } }] }] me.listeners = { "itemdblclick": function (table, record, html, row, event, opt) { if (record) { var id = record.get("id"); var view = Ext.create("luter.view.sys.user.UserEdit", {title: "編輯數據"}); view.loadView(); loadFormDataFromDb(view, "sys/user/view?id=" + id); } else { showFailMesg({ msg: "加載信息失敗,請確認。" }) } } } me.plugins = [] me.callParent(arguments); } }); //這里的baseConfig定義在公共配置文件config.js中,如下:公共配置參數定義文件:app/luter/config.js
/** * icon_prefix font字體前綴定義 * baseConfig 全局配置 */ var icon_prefix = " fa blue-color ", baseConfig = { /** * 全局常量定義 */ cons: { noimage: "app/resource/images/noimage.jpg", /** * 靜態服務器的地址 */ static_server: "" }, /** * 渲染器,對Boolean類型的表格列的顯示內容進行渲染 */ renders: { trueText: "", falseText: "", cancel: "" }, /** * 圖標定義 */ appicon: { home: icon_prefix + "fa-home", add: icon_prefix + "fa-plus", update: icon_prefix + "fa-edit", trash: icon_prefix + "fa-trash", delete: icon_prefix + "fa-remove red-color", set_wallpaper: icon_prefix + "fa-image", setting: icon_prefix + "fa-gears", desktop: icon_prefix + "fa-desktop", pailie: icon_prefix + "fa-cubes", logout: icon_prefix + "fa-power-off", avatar: icon_prefix + "fa-photo", key: icon_prefix + "fa-key", user: icon_prefix + "fa-user", refresh: icon_prefix + "fa-refresh blue-color", close: icon_prefix + "fa-close", male: icon_prefix + "fa-male", female: icon_prefix + "fa-female", role: icon_prefix + "fa-users", user_add: icon_prefix + "fa-user-plus", undo: icon_prefix + "fa-undo", search: icon_prefix + "fa-search", reset: icon_prefix + "fa-retweet", yes: icon_prefix + "fa-check green-color", no: icon_prefix + "fa-close red-color", list_ol: icon_prefix + " fa-list-ol", list_alt: icon_prefix + " fa-list-alt", ban: icon_prefix + "fa-ban", log: icon_prefix + "fa-tty", printer: icon_prefix + "fa-print", fax: icon_prefix + "fa-fax", download: icon_prefix + "fa-cloud-download", upload: icon_prefix + "fa-cloud-upload", comment: icon_prefix + " fa-commenting-o", credit: icon_prefix + "fa fa-gift" }, /** * 模型定義 */ model: { /** * 系統用戶模型 */ user: { id: "ID", username: "用戶名", real_name: "真實姓名" } } };
{ "total": 33, "root": [ { "id": "aaa", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "ccc", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "ffffd", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "eee", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" }, { "id": "fff", "username": "user", "real_name": "用戶" } ], "success": true }
摘要:結構實踐三完善基本頁面一般經典的后臺管理系統,都是左側菜單右側結構布局。不免俗,咱也這么實現定義左側導航菜單新建采用的組件構建一個導航菜單為了顯示圖標,引入字體圖標,在引入引入定義導航菜單數據功能菜單展開節點。 extjs-mvc結構實踐(三):完善基本頁面2 一般經典的后臺管理系統,都是左側菜單右側tabs結構布局。不免俗,咱也這么實現! 定義左側導航菜單 新建:app/luter/...
摘要:上篇實現了基本的代碼架構,控制器動態加載功能以及一個基礎的頁面布局,本節開始,將陸續完善這個頁面。頁面底部區域,主要顯示版權信息等,也可以顯示個時間啥的。。。頭部和底部定義完畢后,需要在中引入對應位置。 上篇實現了基本的代碼架構,控制器動態加載功能以及一個基礎的頁面布局,本節開始,將陸續完善這個頁面。 目標 如前所述,我們的頁面包含這么幾個區域: header: UI頂部區域,顯示系...
摘要:接著來,上一篇搭建了基本的項目骨架,到最后,其實啥也沒看見。。。目標全屏顯示左側導航菜單,右側標簽頁切換操作內容區域。一般模型與你后臺返回的數據結構一一對應。給其他組件提供一致接口使用數據。整個構成一個所謂的。 接著來,上一篇搭建了基本的項目骨架,到最后,其實啥也沒看見。。。書接上回,開始寫UI效果。 目標 全屏顯示、左側導航菜單,右側標簽頁切換操作內容區域。包含header和foo...
摘要:今天開始,一點點記錄一下使用搭建一個基礎結構的過程。沒辦法,記性差這種結構的前端,主要是面向后臺信息管理系統,可以最大限度的規范前端代碼結構和數據結構。 今天開始,一點點記錄一下使用extjs6.2.0搭建一個基礎MVC結構的過程。沒辦法,記性差:)這種結構的UI前端,主要是面向后臺信息管理系統,可以最大限度的規范前端代碼結構和數據結構。做網站 或者手機端,這種方式全引入了extjs,...
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