-- What i can"t create, i don"t understant
promise具有狀態state(status),狀態分為pending, fulfilled(我比較喜歡叫做resolved), rejected。初始為pending,一旦狀態改變,不能再更改為其它狀態。當promise為fulfilled時,具有value;當promise為rejected時,具有reason;value和reason都是一旦確定,不能改變的。
// 總所周知,Promise傳入一個executor,有兩個參數resolve, reject,用來改變promise的狀態 function Promise(executor) { this.status = "pending" this.value = void 0 // 為了方便把value和reason合并 const resolve = function() {} const reject = function() {} executor(resolve, reject) }
function Promise(executor) { this.status = "pending" this.value = void 0 // 為了方便把value和reason合并 const resolve = value => { this.value = value this.status = "resolved" } const reject = reason => { this.value = reason this.status = "rejected" } executor(resolve, reject) }
function Promise(executor) { this.status = "pending" this.value = void 0 // 為了方便把value和reason合并 this.resolveListeners = [] this.rejectListeners = [] // 通知狀態改變 const notify(target, val) => { target === "resolved" ? this.resolveListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) : this.rejectListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) } const resolve = value => { this.value = value this.status = "resolved" notify("resolved", value) } const reject = reason => { this.value = reason this.status = "rejected" notify("rejected", reason) } executor(resolve, reject) }
function Promise(executor) { if (typeof executor !== "function") { throw new Error("Promise executor must be fucntion") } let status = "pending" // 閉包形成私有屬性 let value = void 0 ...... // 使用status代替this.value const resolve = val => { value = val status = "resolved" notify("resolved", val) } const reject = reason => { value = reason status = "rejected" notify("rejected", reason) } // 通過getter和setter設置只讀屬性 Object.defineProperty(this, "status", { get() { return status }, set() { console.warn("status is read-only") } }) Object.defineProperty(this, "value", { get() { return value }, set() { console.warn("value is read-only") } })
第二個問題,避免多次調用resolve、reject時改變value,而且標準里( it must not be called more than once)也有規定,then注冊的回調只能執行一次。
const resolve = val => { if (status !== "pending") return // 避免多次運行 value = val status = "resolved" notify("resolved", val) }
const resolve = val => { if (val instanceof Promise) { return val.then(resolve, reject) } // 異步執行 setTimeout(() => { if (status !== "pending") return status = "resolved" value = val notify("resolved", val) }, 0) }
function Promise(executor) { if (typeof executor !== "function") { throw new Error("Promise executor must be fucntion") } let status = "pending" let value = void 0 const notify = (target, val) => { target === "resolved" ? this.resolveListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) : this.rejectListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) } const resolve = val => { if (val instanceof Promise) { return val.then(resolve, reject) } setTimeout(() => { if (status !== "pending") return status = "resolved" value = val notify("resolved", val) }, 0) } const reject = reason => { setTimeout(() => { if (status !== "pending") return status = "rejected" value = reason notify("rejected", reason) }, 0) } this.resolveListeners = [] this.rejectListeners = [] Object.defineProperty(this, "status", { get() { return status }, set() { console.warn("status is read-only") } }) Object.defineProperty(this, "value", { get() { return value }, set() { console.warn("value is read-only") } }) try { executor(resolve, reject) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }
Promise.prototype.then = function (resCb, rejCb) { this.resolveListeners.push(resCb) this.rejectListeners.push(rejCb) return new Promise() }
Promise.prototype.then = function (resCb, rejCb) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { this.resolveListeners.push((val) => { try { const x = resCb(val) res(x) // 以resCb的返回值為value來resolve } catch (e) { rej(e) // 如果出錯,返回的promise以異常為reason來reject } }) this.rejectListeners.push((val) => { try { const x = rejCb(val) res(x) // 注意這里也是res而不是rej哦 } catch (e) { rej(e) // 如果出錯,返回的promise以異常為reason來reject } }) }) }
this.resolveListeners.push((val) => { try { const x = resCb(val) if (x instanceof Promise) { x.then(res, rej) // adopt promise x } else { res(x) } } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) this.rejectListeners.push((val) => { try { const x = resCb(val) if (x instanceof Promise) { x.then(res, rej) // adopt promise x } else { res(x) } } catch (e) { rej(e) } })
new Promise(rs => rs(5)) .then() .then(console.log)
this.resolveListeners.push((val) => { if (typeof resCb !== "function") { res(val) return } try { const x = resCb(val) if (x instanceof Promise) { x.then(res, rej) // adopt promise x } else { res(x) } } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) // rejectListeners也是相同的邏輯
如果調用then時, promise的狀態已經確定,相應的回調直接運行
// 注意這里需要異步 if (status === "resolved") setTimeout(() => resolveCb(value), 0) if (status === "rejected") setTimeout(() => rejectCb(value), 0)
// resolveCb和rejectCb是相同的邏輯,封裝成一個函數 const thenCallBack = (cb, res, rej, target, val) => { if (typeof cb !== "function") { target === "resolve" ? res(val) : rej(val) return } try { const x = cb(val) if (x instanceof Promise) { x.then(res, rej) // adopt promise x } else { res(x) } } catch (e) { rej(e) } } Promise.prototype.then = function (resCb, rejCb) { const status = this.status const value = this.value let thenPromise thenPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { /** * 這里不能使用bind來實現柯里畫,規范里規定了: * 2.2.5: onFulfilled and onRejected must be called as functions (i.e. with no this value)) */ const resolveCb = val => { thenCallBack(resCb, res, rej, "resolve", val) } const rejectCb = val => { thenCallBack(rejCb, res, rej, "reject", val) } if (status === "pending") { this.resolveListeners.push(resolveCb) this.rejectListeners.push(rejectCb) } if (status === "resolved") setTimeout(() => resolveCb(value), 0) if (status === "rejected") setTimeout(() => rejectCb(value), 0) }) return thenPromise }不同的Promise實現可以互相調用
new MyPromise(rs => rs(5)) .then(val => { return Promise.resolve(5) // 原生Promise }) .then(val => { return new Bluebird(r => r(5)) // Bluebird的promise })
關于這個,規范里定義了一個叫做The Promise Resolution Procedure的過程,我們需要做的就是把規范翻譯一遍,并替代代碼中判斷promise的地方
const resolveThenable = (promise, x, resolve, reject) => { if (x === promise) { return reject(new TypeError("chain call found")) } if (x instanceof Promise) { return x.then(v => { resolveThenable(promise, v, resolve, reject) }, reject) } if (x === null || (typeof x !== "object" && typeof x !== "function")) { return resolve(x) } let called = false try { // 這里有一個有意思的技巧。標準里解釋了,如果then是一個getter,那么通過賦值可以保證getter只被觸發一次,避免副作用 const then = x.then if (typeof then !== "function") { return resolve(x) } then.call(x, v => { if (called) return called = true resolveThenable(promise, v, resolve, reject) }, r => { if (called) return called = true reject(r) }) } catch (e) { if (called) return reject(e) } }
function Promise(executor) { if (typeof executor !== "function") { throw new Error("Promise executor must be fucntion") } let status = "pending" let value = void 0 const notify = (target, val) => { target === "resolved" ? this.resolveListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) : this.rejectListeners.forEach(cb => cb(val)) } const resolve = val => { if (val instanceof Promise) { return val.then(resolve, reject) } setTimeout(() => { if (status !== "pending") return status = "resolved" value = val notify("resolved", val) }, 0) } const reject = reason => { setTimeout(() => { if (status !== "pending") return status = "rejected" value = reason notify("rejected", reason) }, 0) } this.resolveListeners = [] this.rejectListeners = [] Object.defineProperty(this, "status", { get() { return status }, set() { console.warn("status is read-only") } }) Object.defineProperty(this, "value", { get() { return value }, set() { console.warn("value is read-only") } }) try { executor(resolve, reject) } catch (e) { reject(e) } } const thenCallBack = (cb, res, rej, target, promise, val) => { if (typeof cb !== "function") { target === "resolve" ? res(val) : rej(val) return } try { const x = cb(val) resolveThenable(promise, x, res, rej) } catch (e) { rej(e) } } const resolveThenable = (promise, x, resolve, reject) => { if (x === promise) { return reject(new TypeError("chain call found")) } if (x instanceof Promise) { return x.then(v => { resolveThenable(promise, v, resolve, reject) }, reject) } if (x === null || (typeof x !== "object" && typeof x !== "function")) { return resolve(x) } let called = false try { // 這里有一個有意思的技巧。標準里解釋了,如果then是一個getter,那么通過賦值可以保證getter只被觸發一次,避免副作用 const then = x.then if (typeof then !== "function") { return resolve(x) } then.call(x, v => { if (called) return called = true resolveThenable(promise, v, resolve, reject) }, r => { if (called) return called = true reject(r) }) } catch (e) { if (called) return reject(e) } } Promise.prototype.then = function (resCb, rejCb) { const status = this.status const value = this.value let thenPromise thenPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { const resolveCb = val => { thenCallBack(resCb, res, rej, "resolve", thenPromise, val) } const rejectCb = val => { thenCallBack(rejCb, res, rej, "reject", thenPromise, val) } if (status === "pending") { this.resolveListeners.push(resolveCb) this.rejectListeners.push(rejectCb) } if (status === "resolved") setTimeout(() => resolveCb(value), 0) if (status === "rejected") setTimeout(() => rejectCb(value), 0) }) return thenPromise }
promise.then(rs, rj)和promise.then(rs).catch(rj)是有區別的,區別在于當rs出錯時,后一種方法可以進行錯誤處理。
摘要:今天我們來自己手寫一個符合規范的庫。是異步編程的一種解決方案,比傳統的解決方案回調函數和事件更合理和更強大。我們可以看到,其實就是一個構造函數。所以說我們的數組里存的是一個一個的的回調函數,也就是一個一個。 今天我們來自己手寫一個符合PromiseA+規范的Promise庫。大家是不是很激動呢?? showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV6t4Z?...
摘要:在將來的其他規范中可能會涉及這些沒有提及的內容。它禁止被觸發多次。如果到了狀態,那么所有的回調函數都必須按照他們原有的順序進行調用執行。 概述 自從準備晉級之后,就拖更了很久了,既然晉級弄完了,那么也恢復更新了。 在面試別人的過程中,發現基本上沒有人對整個Promise完全了解,因此希望通過這篇文章來幫助大家了解下Promise的全貌。本文的主要內容是Promise/A+規范的譯文,主...
摘要:前端開發中的中的中,是一個構造函數,通過它創建一個錯誤對象。是核心對象,表示調用一個時發生的異常。將回調函數包裹一層接下來可以將統一進行處理。中的錯誤捕獲在以前,可以使用來處理捕獲的錯誤。研究結果在這里中的錯誤捕獲的源碼中,在關 本文首發于公眾號:符合預期的CoyPan 寫在前面 在前端項目中,由于JavaScript本身是一個弱類型語言,加上瀏覽器環境的復雜性,網絡問題等等,很容易...
摘要:結果證明,對于以上瀏覽器,在生產環境使用是可行的。后面可以跟對象,表示等待才會繼續向下執行,如果被或拋出異常則會被外面的捕獲。,,都是現在和未來解決異步的標準做法,可以完美搭配使用。這也是使用標準一大好處。只允許外部傳入成功或失敗后的回調。 showImg(https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/948896/10188666/bc9a53...
摘要:換句話說該靜態函數返回個處于狀態的對象。等價于構造函數的靜態函數,創建一個對象并以值作為參數調用句柄函數。等價于介紹構造函數的靜態函數,參數是對象組成的可迭代數據集合。 一、概述 ES2015 Promise函數是對PromiseA+標準的實現,并且嚴格遵守該標準。 二、APIs 2.1 創建Promise對象 Promise構造函數的參數是個包含兩個參數的函數,并且該函數的參數分別對...
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