

編程技巧:重構if...else if...else...

Scorpion / 942人閱讀






 * 初始化函數
 * if...else if... 的情況較為簡單
 * @return undefined
function init () {
    // 是否回答過題目 1-回答過, 通過 2-回答過, 沒有通過 3-沒有回答過
    let isAnswer
    // 是否是老用戶 1-老用戶 2-新用戶
    let isOldUser

    if (isAnswer === 1) {
        // ...
    } else if (isAnswer === 2) {
        // ...
    } else if (isAnswer === 3) {
        // ...

    if (isOldUser === 1) {
        // ...
    } else if (isOldUser === 2) {
        // ...
 * 初始化函數
 * if...else if... 嵌套的情況
 * @return undefined
function init () {
    if (isAnswer === 1) {
        if (isOldUser === 1) {
            // ...
        } else if (isOldUser === 2) {
            // ...
    } else if (isAnswer === 2) {
        if (isOldUser === 1) {
            // ...
        } else if (isOldUser === 2) {
            // ...
    } else if (isAnswer === 3) {
        if (isOldUser === 1) {
            // ...
        } else if (isOldUser === 2) {
            // ...
解決辦法1: 查找表, 職責鏈查找表
// 可以解決if...else if...簡單的問題
const rules = {
    isAnswer1 () {
        return code
    isAnswer2 () {
        return code
    isAnswer3 () {
        return code

function determineAction (type) {
    if (isAnswer === 1) {
        return "isAnswer1"
    } else if (isAnswer === 2) {
        return "isAnswer2"
    } else if (isAnswer === 3) {
        return "isAnswer3"

function init () {
    let key = determineAction(isAnswer)
    return rules[key]
// 面對if...else if...else 嵌套的復雜情況

const rules = [
        match (an, old) {
            if (an === 1) {
                return true

        action (an, old) {
            if (old === 1) {
                // ...
            } else if (old === 2) {
                // ...
        match (an, old) {
            if (an === 2) {
                return true

        action (an, old) {
            if (old === 1) {
                // ...
            } else if (old === 2) {
                // ...
        match (an, old) {
            if (an === 3) {
                return true

        action (an, old) {
            if (old === 1) {
                // ...
            } else if (old === 2) {
                // ...

function init (an, old) {
    for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
        // 如果返回true
        if (rules[i].match(an, old)) {
            rules[i].action(an, old)

init(isAnswer, isOldUser)


解決辦法2: 面向切面的編程(AOP)
// 可以解決if...else if...簡單的問題
Function.prototype.after = function (nextFn) {
    let self = this
    return function (...rest) {
        let code = self(...rest)
        if (code === "next") {
            return nextFn(...rest)
        return code

// 重構原函數

function isAnswer1 (type) {
    if (type === 1) {
        return code
    return "next"

function isAnswer2 () {
    if (type === 2) {
        return code
    return "next"

function isAnswer3 () {
    if (type === 3) {
        return code
    return "next"

let isAnswerFn = isAnswer1.after(isAnswer2).after(isAnswer3)

// 面對if...else if...else 嵌套的復雜情況

function isAnswer1 (an, old) {
    if (an === 1) {
        return isOldUserFn1(an, old)
    return "next"

function isAnswer2 (an, old) {
    if (an === 2) {
        return isOldUserFn2(an, old)
    return "next"

function isAnswer3 (an, old) {
    if (an === 3) {
        return isOldUserFn3(an, old)
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 1 isOldUser == 1 的情況
function isAnswer1IsOldUser1 (an, old) {
    if (old === 1) {
        return code
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 1 isOldUser == 2 的情況
function isAnswer1IsOldUser2 (an, old) {
    if (old === 2) {
        return code
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 2 isOldUser == 1 的情況
function isAnswer2IsOldUser1 (an, old) {
    if (old === 1) {
        return code
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 2 isOldUser == 2 的情況
function isAnswer2IsOldUser2 (an, old) {
    if (old === 2) {
        return code
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 3 isOldUser == 1 的情況
function isAnswer3IsOldUser1 (an, old) {
    if (old === 1) {
        return code
    return "next"

 * isAnswer == 3 isOldUser == 2 的情況
function isAnswer3IsOldUser2 (an, old) {
    if (old === 2) {
        return code
    return "next"

let isAnswerFn = isAnswer1.after(isAnswer2).after(isAnswer3)

// 三條職責鏈
let isOldUserFn1 = isAnswer1IsOldUser1.after(isAnswer1IsOldUser2)
let isOldUserFn2 = isAnswer2IsOldUser1.after(isAnswer2IsOldUser2)
let isOldUserFn3 = isAnswer3IsOldUser1.after(isAnswer3IsOldUser2)

isAnswerFn(isAnswer, isOldUser)
解決辦法3: 函數式編程




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