1、在面試的時候碰到一個 問題,就是讓寫一張表中有id和name 兩個字段,查詢出name重復的所有數據,現在列下:
select * from xi a where (a.username) in (select username from xi group by username having count(*) > 1)
select count(username) as "重復次數",username from xi group by username having count(*)>1 order by username desc
3、一下為 查看別人的 結果,現列下:查詢及刪除重復記錄的方法大全
select * from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1)
delete from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId )>1)
另外,MySQL中使用上面的SQL會報錯:You can"t specify target table "XXX" for update in FROM clause,不能在修改表的同時去查詢同一張表,因此可以像下面的語句一樣,將查詢結果命名為一張臨時表來作為修改表數據的條件,以規避上述錯誤。
delete from user where user_id in( (select user_id from (select c.* from cab_user c where c.extra_id in (select a.extra_id from user a group by a.extra_id having count(a.extra_id) > 1) and c.user_id not in (select min(b.user_id) from user b group by b.extra_id having count(b.extra_id )>1) ) d ) )
select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)
delete from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)
select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)
Select Name,Count(*) From A Group By Name Having Count(*) > 1
Select Name,sex,Count(*) From A Group By Name,sex Having Count(*) > 1
方法一declare @max integer,@id integerdeclare cur_rows cursor local for select 主字段,count(*) from 表名 group by 主字段 having count(*) >; 1open cur_rowsfetch cur_rows into @id,@maxwhile @@fetch_status=0beginselect @max = @max -1set rowcount @maxdelete from 表名 where 主字段 = @idfetch cur_rows into @id,@maxendclose cur_rowsset rowcount 0
1、對于第一種重復,比較容易解決,使用select distinct * from tableName 就可以得到無重復記錄的結果集。 如果該表需要刪除重復的記錄(重復記錄保留1條),可以按以下方法刪除select distinct * into #Tmp from tableNamedrop table tableNameselect * into tableName from #Tmpdrop table #Tmp 發生這種重復的原因是表設計不周產生的,增加唯一索引列即可解決。
2、這類重復問題通常要求保留重復記錄中的第一條記錄,操作方法如下 假設有重復的字段為Name,Address,要求得到這兩個字段唯一的結果集select identity(int,1,1) as autoID, * into #Tmp from tableNameselect min(autoID) as autoID into #Tmp2 from #Tmp group by Name,autoIDselect * from #Tmp where autoID in(select autoID from #tmp2) 最后一個select即得到了Name,Address不重復的結果集(但多了一個autoID字段,實際寫時可以寫在select子句中省去此列)
select * from tablename where id in (select id from tablenamegroup by idhaving count(id) > 1)
摘要:小時極速入門二公眾號智能制造社區有對制造業感興趣的可以關注我,了解更多。在實際中,內聯結和左聯結應該是使用最多的,我幾乎沒用到過右連接與全外聯結。包含訂單號訂單類型工序號工序名稱工序狀態物料號工位號一張物料表,存儲訂單工序用到的物料。 1 小時 SQL 極速入門(二) 公眾號:【智能制造社區】有對制造業感興趣的可以關注我,了解更多。 上篇我們說了 SQL 的基本語法,掌握了這些基本語法...
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