class Glyph { void draw() { print("Glyph.draw()"); } Glyph() { print("Glyph() before draw()"); draw(); print("Glyph() after draw()"); } } class RoundGlyph extends Glyph { private int radius = 1; RoundGlyph(int r) { radius = r; print("RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = " + radius); } void draw() { print("RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = " + radius); } } public class PolyConstructors { public static void main(String[] args) { new RoundGlyph(5); } } /* Output: Glyph() before draw() RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = 0 Glyph() after draw() RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = 5 *///:~
根據Thinking in Java的描述:
package c07.po; interface CanFight { void fight(); } interface CanClimb { void canClimb(); } interface CanSwim { void swim(); } interface CanFly { void fly(); } class ActionCharacter { public void fight() { } } class Hero extends ActionCharacter implements CanFight, CanSwim, CanFly,CanClimb { @Override public void fly() { } @Override public void swim() { } @Override public void canClimb() { } } public class Adventure { public static void t(CanFight x) { x.fight(); } public static void u(CanSwim x) { x.swim(); } public static void v(CanFly x) { x.fly(); } public static void w(ActionCharacter x) { x.fight(); } public static void c(CanClimb c) { c.canClimb(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Hero h = new Hero(); t(h); // Treat it as a CanFight u(h); // Treat it as a CanSwim v(h); // Treat it as a CanFly w(h); // Treat it as an ActionCharacter c(h); // Treat it as a CanClimb } }
package c07.po; interface Monster { void menace(); } interface DangerousMonster extends Monster { void destroy(); } interface Lethal { void kill(); } class DragonZilla implements DangerousMonster { public void menace() { } public void destroy() { } } interface Vampire extends DangerousMonster, Lethal { void drinkBlood(); } class VeryBadVampire implements Vampire { public void menace() { } public void destroy() { } public void kill() { } public void drinkBlood() { } } public class HorrorShow { static void u(Monster b) { b.menace(); } static void v(DangerousMonster d) { d.menace(); d.destroy(); } static void w(Lethal l) { l.kill(); } public static void main(String[] args) { DangerousMonster barney = new DragonZilla(); u(barney); v(barney); Vampire vlad = new VeryBadVampire(); u(vlad); v(vlad); w(vlad); } } // /:~組合接口時的命名沖突
public interface F1 { void f(); String g(); } public interface F2 { void f(int i ); int g(int g); } public interface F3 { int f(); } public class F1F2 implements F1, F2 { /** * 接口F1的方法void f() 與接口F2的方法void f(int i ) 名稱相同但是參數列表不同,所以可以形成重載overload * 這是可行的,也就是不同接口兩個方法同名但是參數列表不同 */ @Override public void f(int i) { } @Override public void f() { } /** * 接口F1的String g()和接口F2的int g(int g)只有方法名稱相同,參數和返回值都不同,不形成重載 */ @Override public int g(int g) { return 0; } @Override public String g() { return null; } } public class F1F3 implements F1,F3 {//The type F1F3 must implement the inherited abstract method F3.f() /**ERROR * The return type is incompatible with F3.f() 接口F1的void f()方法與接口F3的方法int f()參數列表和名稱完全相同,只有返回值不同,不能形成重載,但是也無法通過 編譯,編譯器無法分別兩個同名同參的方法 所以類F1F3是無法同時兼容接口F1和F3的 當然這種蛋疼的事情還是很少遇見的。 @Override public void f() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } */ @Override public String g() { return null; } }
What is method signature in java?
The term "method signature" has an exact meaning in Java and is explicitly defined in the Java Language Specification.
The signature of a method consists of the method name and the parameter list (type and number). It DOES NOT include the return type or modifiers such as access modifiers (public, protected,
For example, you cannot have two methods with the same name and parameter list that differs only in that one is static and the other is not, or that differ in that one returns void and the other returns a non-void value.
The use of generics resulted in the addition of the term subsignature, which is documented in the latest Java Language Specification
8.4.2. Method Signature
Two methods or constructors, M and N, have the same signature if they have the same name, the same type parameters (if any) (§8.4.4), and, after adapting the formal parameter types of N to the the type parameters of M, the same formal parameter types.
The signature of a method m1 is a subsignature of the signature of a method m2 if either:
m2 has the same signature as m1, or
the signature of m1 is the same as the erasure (§4.6) of the signature of m2.
Two method signatures m1 and m2 are override-equivalent iff either m1 is a subsignature of m2 or m2 is a subsignature of m1.
It is a compile-time error to declare two methods with override-equivalent signatures in a class.
class Point { int x, y; abstract void move(int dx, int dy); void move(int dx, int dy) { x += dx; y += dy; } } /** This program causes a compile-time error because it declares two move methods with the same (and hence, override-equivalent) signature. This is an error even though one of the declarations is abstract. **/
The notion of subsignature is designed to express a relationship between two methods whose signatures are not identical, but in which one may override the other. Specifically, it allows a method whose signature does not use generic types to override any generified version of that method. This is important so that library designers may freely generify methods independently of clients that define subclasses or subinterfaces of the library.
class CollectionConverter { List toList(Collection c) {...} } class Overrider extends CollectionConverter { List toList(Collection c) {...} } /** Now, assume this code was written before the introduction of generics, and now the author of class CollectionConverter decides to generify the code, thus: **/ class CollectionConverter {接口中的域List toList(Collection c) {...} } /** Without special dispensation, Overrider.toList would no longer override CollectionConverter.toList. Instead, the code would be illegal. This would significantly inhibit the use of generics, since library writers would hesitate to migrate existing code. **/
放入接口中的任何域都都自動是static 和final的,所以接口是一種便捷的用來創建常量的工具。在JavaSE5之前,這是產生enum類型的唯一途徑
public class Value { private String str; public Value(String str){ this.str = str; System.out.println(this.str); } } public interface InterFaceA { public Value v1 = new Value("v1"); Value v2 = new Value("v2"); void printValue(); } public class TC { public static Value v1TC = new Value("v1TC"); public static Value v2TC= new Value("v2TC"); } public class ImplA extends TC implements InterFaceA{ public ImplA(){ System.out.println("ImplA構造函數來啦"); } @Override public void printValue() { System.out.println(v1); System.out.println(v2); } } package c07.ta; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; public class TestClient { /** * 直接訪問接口常量,會引起接口常量的初始化(全部常量) */ @Test public void test1() throws Exception { Value v1 = ImplA.v1; //輸出 : v1 v2 } /** * 只初始化接口子類,只會先初始化父類的靜態常量,再初始化子類 * 并不會進行接口的初始化,也不會有接口靜態常量的初始化 */ @Test public void test2() throws Exception { ImplA implA = new ImplA(); /*輸出: * v1TC v2TC ImplA構造函數來啦 */ } /** *初始化接口子類,并且調用子類實現接口的方法,會引起接口的初始化,那么接口的靜態常量也就初始化了 */ @Test public void test3() throws Exception { ImplA implA = new ImplA(); implA.printValue(); /*輸出: v1TC v2TC ImplA構造函數來啦 v1 v2 c07.ta.Value@18fe7c3 c07.ta.Value@b8df17 */ } }
author zhaob
time : 2014-09-14 16:57
摘要:為了方便廣大的開發者,特此統計了網上諸多的免費,為您收集免費的接口服務,做一個的搬運工,以后會每月定時更新新的接口。將長段中文切詞分開。 為了方便廣大的開發者,特此統計了網上諸多的免費API,為您收集免費的接口服務,做一個api的搬運工,以后會每月定時更新新的接口。有些接口來自第三方,在第三方注冊就可以成為他們的會員,免費使用他們的部分接口。 百度AccessToken:針對HTTP ...
摘要:接口測試形式單個接口測試包含性能測試和通過接口調用進行場景測試。充分來說就是接口測試相對容易實現自動化持續集成。 本文你將了解到 1、接口測試基本概念,包含什么是接口,什么是接口測試,為什么要做接口測試2、接口測試用例設計3、怎樣不用寫代碼,也能快速的根據開發的API文檔完成接口自動化測試腳本 注:如果你對接口基本概念和接口測試用例已熟悉,可以直接跳過,其實看一遍也無防,就當作 溫故知...
摘要:接口的對象可以利用子類對象的向上轉型進行實例化賦值。接口文件保存在結尾的文件中,文件名使用接口名。接口相應的字節碼文件必須在與包名稱相匹配的目錄結構中。接口不能包含成員變量,除了全局常量定義。 概念 接口,在JAVA編程語言中是一個引用類型,是抽象方法的集合,接口通常以interface來聲明。一個類通過繼承接口的方式,從而來繼承接口的抽象方法。 接口中只能包含抽象方法和全局常量。 接...
摘要:接口和內部類為我們提供了一種將接口與實現分離的更加結構化的方法。 接口和內部類為我們提供了一種將接口與實現分離的更加結構化的方法。 1.抽象類和抽象方法 抽象類,是普通的類與接口之間的一種中庸之道. 抽象方法:僅有聲明而沒有方法體. 抽象類:包含抽象方法的類.如果一個類包含一個或多個抽象方法,該類必須被限定為抽象的. 如果從一個抽象類繼承,并想創建該新類的對象,那么久必須為基類中的所...
摘要:子類繼承抽象類,并具體實現方法。抽象類的使用區別于具體類,抽象類無法直接創建抽象類對象,但是可以聲明抽象類的變量,引用抽象類對應具體子類對象。接口優于抽象類中討論到一條規則接口優于抽象類。接口聲明能力,抽象類提供默認實現全部或部分方法。 接口 類,強調數據類型(自定義)的概念,在一些情況下,并不能反映對象以及對象操作的本質。有時我們關注的并非對象的類型,而是對象的能力。 接口聲明一組功...
摘要:面向對象基本原則單一職責原則與接口隔離原則面向對象基本原則單一職責原則與接口隔離原則面向對象基本原則里式代換原則與依賴倒置原則面向對象基本原則最少知道原則與開閉原則一單一職責原則單一職責原則簡介單一職責原則的英文名稱是,簡稱。 面向對象基本原則(1)- 單一職責原則與接口隔離原則 面向對象基本原則(1)- 單一職責原則與接口隔離原則面向對象基本原則(2)- 里式代換原則與依賴倒置原則面...
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