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     單CPU,一次只能運行一個程序 -- 多任務,一次同時運行多個任務 (問題是每個任務不能永遠占有資源或者CPU,不再使用資源或者CPU的程序需要釋放掉自己的資源) -- 多線程,每個任務都有多線程進行處理,每個執行著的線程都可以當做是一個CPU。(問題是 每個線程都執行相同的任務,因此同時讀和寫同一段內存,這會導致單線程不能出現的問題)
     舉個例子: 如果一個線程讀了一塊內存 同時發生了另一個線程寫到了這塊內存。那么第一個線程讀到的是什么? old value or the value just wriiten or a value mid between the two. 如果更多的線程同時寫到了這個內存,第一個線程讀到什么。
     Therefore it is important as a developer to know how to take the right precautions - meaning learning to control how threads access shared resources like memory, files, databases etc. That is one of the topics this Java concurrency tutorial addresses.




JVM 的內存模型 可以分為調用棧,堆,方法區,寄存器,本地方法棧;其中主要組成是前二。

同一進程中的多條線程將共享該進程中的全部系統資源,如虛擬地址空間,文件描述符和信號處理等等。但同一進程中的多個線程有各自的調用棧(call stack),自己的寄存器環境(register context),自己的線程本地存儲(thread-local storage)

每一個在JVM中運行的線程都有自己的調用棧call stack, 調用棧存儲著該線程調用了哪些方法以及這些方法的局部變量。每個棧只能查看自己的局部變量,無法查看其它棧的局部變量。


Objects on the heap can be accessed by all threads that have a reference to the object. When a thread has access to an object, it can also get access to that object"s member variables. If two threads call a method on the same object at the same time, they will both have access to the object"s member variables, but each thread will have its own copy of the local variables.

 advantage and disadvantage


* 更好的資源利用率
* 更精簡的程序設計(一個線程負責讀,一個線程負責寫,一個線程只做一個功能,這樣程序設計精簡多了)
* 更多響應的程序 (服務器監聽線程,處理線程的例子)


* 設計更復雜

Code executed by multiple threads accessing shared data need special attention. Thread interaction is far from always simple. Errors arising from incorrect thread synchronization can be very hard to detect, reproduce and fix.

* 上下文切換

When a CPU switches from executing one thread to executing another, the CPU needs to save the local data, program pointer etc. of the current thread, and load the local data, program pointer etc. of the next thread to execute. This switch is called a "context switch".

* 消耗資源



Creating and Starting java threads

start 和 run的區別說明

* start() 的作用是 啟動一個新線程(操作系統級別,有一個native方法start0() 啟動新線程),新線程會執行相應的run方法。
* run() 和普通的成員方法一樣,可以被重復調用。 多帶帶調用run() 會在當前線程中執行run() 并不會啟動新線程

創建一個線程Thread thread = new Thread(); thread.start() 即可

有兩種方式可以指定哪段代碼 一個線程會執行。

繼承Thread - Thread Subclass

java  public class MyThread extends Thread {

    public void run(){
       System.out.println("MyThread running");

To create and start the above thread you can do like this:

java  MyThread myThread = new MyThread();

覆蓋run方法 - Runnable Interface Implemention
第二種方式指定線程應該運行那端代碼 是創建一個類執行java.lang.Runnable接口

  public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {

    public void run(){
       System.out.println("MyRunnable running");

To have the run() method executed by a thread, pass an instance of MyRunnable to a Thread in its constructor. Here is how that is done:

Thread thread = new Thread(new MyRunnable());
Race Conditions and Critical Sections

The problems arise when multiple threads access the same resources.For instance the same memory (variables, arrays, or objects), systems (databases, web services etc.) or files. In fact, problems only arise if one or more of the threads write to these resources. It is safe to let multiple threads read the same resources, as long as the resources do not change.


The situation where two threads compete for the same resource, where the sequence in which the resource is accessed is significant, is called race conditions. A code section that leads to race conditions is called a critical section. In the previous example the method add() is a critical section, leading to race conditions. Race conditions can be avoided by proper thread synchronization in critical sections.

Thread Safety and Shared Resources

Code that is safe to call by multiple threads simultanously is called thread safe. If a piece of code is thread safe, then it contains no race conditions. Race condition only occur when multiple threads update shared resources. Therefore it is important to know what resources Java threads share when executing.

Java 不共享的資源有:

局部變量 Local varables
局部變量(方法內部變量)存儲在每個線程自己的棧里面,這意味著局部變量不會被多個線程共享。這也意味著所有局部變量都是線程安全的thread safe.

public void someMethod(){
  long threadSafeInt = 0;

Java 共享的資源有:

局部對象引用 Local Object References
引用本身是線程安全的,因為他的局部變量。但是引用所?指的對象object并非存儲在線程的局部棧的,而是存儲在共享堆里 shared heap。 每個線程在各自的方法內創建的局部對象,只要不作為返回值返回,其他線程訪問不到,不產生競爭就不會有安全問題


javapublic void someMethod(){
  LocalObject localObject = new LocalObject();

public void method2(LocalObject localObject){



public class NotThreadSafe{
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  public add(String text){

  如果兩個線程同時調用同一個 NotThreadSafe 實例的 add() 方法就會引起race condition。比如:

NotThreadSafe sharedInstance = new NotThreadSafe();
new Thread(new MyRunnable(sharedInstance)).start(); // 線程1
new Thread(new MyRunnable(sharedInstance)).start(); // 線程2
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable{
  NotThreadSafe instance = null;
  public MyRunnable(NotThreadSafe instance){
    this.instance = instance;
  public void run(){
    this.instance.add("some text");

然而如果兩個線程在不同的實例上面同時調用 add() 方法并不會引起靜態條件。下面是稍微修改之后的例子:

new Thread(new MyRunnable(new NotThreadSafe())).start();
new Thread(new MyRunnable(new NotThreadSafe())).start();

  現在這兩個線程都有自己的 NotThreadSafe 實例,所以它們對 add 方法的調用并不會妨礙對方,這段代碼沒有競態條件。所以即使一個對象不是線程安全的,仍可以找到一個方式來消除競態條件?!?br> 可以使用線程逃逸準則 Thread Control Escape Rule 來判斷是否代碼訪問的資源是線程安全的。






  • Java 并發學習筆記(二)

    摘要:請參看前一篇文章并發學習筆記一原子性可見性有序性問題六等待通知機制什么是等待通知機制當線程不滿足某個條件,則進入等待狀態如果線程滿足要求的某個條件后,則通知等待的線程重新執行。經極客時間并發編程實戰專欄內容學習整理 請參看前一篇文章:Java 并發學習筆記(一)——原子性、可見性、有序性問題 六、等待—通知機制 什么是等待通知—機制?當線程不滿足某個條件,則進入等待狀態;如果線程滿足要...

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  • 并發學習筆記 (4)

    摘要:不剝奪條件進程已獲得的資源,在末使用完之前,不能強行剝奪。如果能確保所有的線程都是按照相同的順序獲得鎖,那么死鎖就不會發生。按照順序加鎖是一種有效的死鎖預防機制。這種機制存在一個問題,在中不能對同步塊設置超時時間。 [tutorial site][1] 死鎖 deadlock 死鎖是指兩個或兩個以上的進程在執行過程中,因競爭資源而造成的一種互相等待的現在,若無外力作用,它們都無法推...

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  • 并發學習筆記 (6)

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