Design a class which receives a list of words in the constructor, and implements a method that takes two words word1 and word2 and return the shortest distance between these two words in the list. Your method will be called repeatedly many times with different parameters.
Assume that words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"].
Input: word1 = “coding”, word2 = “practice”
Output: 3
Input: word1 = "makes", word2 = "coding"
Output: 1
You may assume that word1 does not equal to word2, and word1 and word2 are both in the list.
class WordDistance { private Map> map; public WordDistance(String[] words) { map = new HashMap >(); for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { String word = words[i]; if (!map.containsKey(word)) map.put(word, new ArrayList<>()); map.get(word).add(i); } } public int shortest(String word1, String word2) { List list1 = map.get(word1); List list2 = map.get(word2); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < list1.size() && j < list2.size()) { int index1 = list1.get(i), index2 = list2.get(j); if (index1 < index2) { min = Math.min(min, index2 - index1); i++; } else { min = Math.min(min, index1 - index2); j++; } } return min; } }
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Problem Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list. word1 and word2 may be the same and they represent two individual words i...
Problem Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list. Example:Assume that words = [practice, makes, perfect, coding, makes]. In...
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