

Licia:最全最實用的 JavaScript 工具庫

luxixing / 1361人閱讀



在業務開發過程中,我們經常會重復使用日期格式化cookie 操作模板瀏覽器判斷類型判斷等功能。為了避免不同項目之間進行復制粘貼,可以將這些常用的函數封裝到一起并發布 npm 包。在將近三年的前端開發工作中,筆者將自己平時用到的工具庫統統封裝到了一個項目中 Licia。目前所包含模塊已達三百個,基本可以滿足前端的日常工發需求。如果你對該項目感興趣,歡迎試用并幫忙持續改進:)

使用方法 一、安裝 npm 包

首先安裝 npm 包到本地。

npm i licia --save

安裝完之后,你就可以直接在項目中引用模塊了,就像使用 lodash 一樣。

var uuid = require("licia/uuid");

console.log(uuid()); // -> 0e3b84af-f911-4a55-b78a-cedf6f0bd815

該項目自帶打包工具 eustia,可以通過配置文件或命令行掃描源碼自動生成項目專用的工具庫。

npm i eustia -g





eustia build


PS: 之前做的手機調試工具 eruda 源碼里的 util.js 就是使用該工具生成的:)

三、使用在線工具生成 util 庫

你可以直接訪問 https://eustia.liriliri.io/builder.html 在輸入框輸入需要的工具函數(以逗號分隔),然后點擊下載 util.js 文件并將該文件放入項目中去即可。


因字數限制,這里只簡單列出函數及其功能介紹,詳細的用法請訪問 https://eustia.liriliri.io/module.html 查看。

$: jQuery like style dom manipulator.

$attr: Element attribute manipulation.

$class: Element class manipulations.

$css: Element css manipulation.

[$data](https://eustia.liriliri.io/module.html#dollar-data): Wrapper of $attr, adds data- prefix to keys.

$event: bind events to certain dom elements.

$insert: Insert html on different position.

$offset: Get the position of the element in document.

$property: Element property html, text, val getter and setter.

$remove: Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM.

$safeEls: Convert value into an array, if it"s a string, do querySelector.

$show: Show elements.

Blob: Use Blob when available, otherwise BlobBuilder.

Class: Create JavaScript class.

Color: Color converter.

Dispatcher: Flux dispatcher.

Emitter: Event emitter class which provides observer pattern.

Enum: Enum type implementation.

JsonTransformer: Json to json transformer.

LinkedList: Doubly-linked list implementation.

LocalStore: LocalStorage wrapper.

Logger: Simple logger with level filter.

MutationObserver: Safe MutationObserver, does nothing if MutationObserver is not supported.

Promise: Lightweight Promise implementation.

Queue: Queue data structure.

ReduceStore: Simplified redux like state container.

Select: Simple wrapper of querySelectorAll to make dom selection easier.

SessionStore: SessionStorage wrapper.

Stack: Stack data structure.

State: Simple state machine.

Store: Memory storage.

Tween: Tween engine for JavaScript animations.

Url: Simple url manipulator.

Validator: Object values validation.

abbrev: Calculate the set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings.

after: Create a function that invokes once it"s called n or more times.

ajax: Perform an asynchronous HTTP request.

allKeys: Retrieve all the names of object"s own and inherited properties.

arrToMap: Make an object map using array of strings.

atob: Use Buffer to emulate atob when running in node.

average: Get average value of given numbers.

base64: Basic base64 encoding and decoding.

before: Create a function that invokes less than n times.

bind: Create a function bound to a given object.

btoa: Use Buffer to emulate btoa when running in node.

bubbleSort: Bubble sort implementation.

callbackify: Convert a function that returns a Promise to a function following the error-first callback style.

camelCase: Convert string to "camelCase".

capitalize: Convert the first character to upper case and the remaining to lower case.

castPath: Cast value into a property path array.

centerAlign: Center align text in a string.

char: Return string representing a character whose Unicode code point is the given integer.

chunk: Split array into groups the length of given size.

clamp: Clamp number within the inclusive lower and upper bounds.

className: Utility for conditionally joining class names.

clone: Create a shallow-copied clone of the provided plain object.

cloneDeep: Recursively clone value.

cmpVersion: Compare version strings.

compact: Return a copy of the array with all falsy values removed.

compose: Compose a list of functions.

compressImg: Compress image using canvas.

concat: Concat multiple arrays into a single array.

contain: Check if the value is present in the list.

convertBase: Convert base of a number.

cookie: Simple api for handling browser cookies.

copy: Copy text to clipboard using document.execCommand.

createAssigner: Used to create extend, extendOwn and defaults.

createUrl: CreateObjectURL wrapper.

cssSupports: Check if browser supports a given CSS feature.

curry: Function currying.

dateFormat: Simple but extremely useful date format function.

debounce: Return a new debounced version of the passed function.

debug: A tiny JavaScript debugging utility.

decodeUriComponent: Better decodeURIComponent that does not throw if input is invalid.

defaults: Fill in undefined properties in object with the first value present in the following list of defaults objects.

define: Define a module, should be used along with use.

defineProp: Shortcut for Object.defineProperty(defineProperties).

delay: Invoke function after certain milliseconds.

delegate: Event delegation.

detectBrowser: Detect browser info using ua.

detectOs: Detect operating system using ua.

difference: Create an array of unique array values not included in the other given array.

dotCase: Convert string to "dotCase".

download: Trigger a file download on client side.

each: Iterate over elements of collection and invokes iteratee for each element.

easing: Easing functions adapted from http://jqueryui.com/

endWith: Check if string ends with the given target string.

escape: Escapes a string for insertion into HTML, replacing &, <, >, ", `, and " characters.

escapeJsStr: Escape string to be a valid JavaScript string literal between quotes.

escapeRegExp: Escape special chars to be used as literals in RegExp constructors.

evalCss: Load css into page.

evalJs: Execute js in given context.

every: Check if predicate return truthy for all elements.

extend: Copy all of the properties in the source objects over to the destination object.

extendDeep: Recursive object extending.

extendOwn: Like extend, but only copies own properties over to the destination object.

extractBlockCmts: Extract block comments from source code.

extractUrls: Extract urls from plain text.

fetch: Turn XMLHttpRequest into promise like.

fibonacci: Calculate fibonacci number.

fileSize: Turn bytes into human readable file size.

fill: Fill elements of array with value.

filter: Iterates over elements of collection, returning an array of all the values that pass a truth test.

find: Find the first value that passes a truth test in a collection.

findIdx: Return the first index where the predicate truth test passes.

findKey: Return the first key where the predicate truth test passes.

findLastIdx: Return the last index where the predicate truth test passes.

flatten: Recursively flatten an array.

fnParams: Get a function parameter"s names.

format: Format string in a printf-like format.

fraction: Convert number to fraction.

freeze: Shortcut for Object.freeze.

freezeDeep: Recursively use Object.freeze.

gcd: Compute the greatest common divisor using Euclid"s algorithm.

getUrlParam: Get url param.

has: Checks if key is a direct property.

hotkey: Capture keyboard input to trigger given events.

hslToRgb: Convert hsl to rgb.

identity: Return the first argument given.

idxOf: Get the index at which the first occurrence of value.

indent: Indent each line in a string.

inherits: Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.

insertionSort: Insertion sort implementation.

intersect: Compute the list of values that are the intersection of all the arrays.

intersectRange: Intersect two ranges.

invert: Create an object composed of the inverted keys and values of object.

isAbsoluteUrl: Check if an url is absolute.

isArgs: Check if value is classified as an arguments object.

isArr: Check if value is an Array object.

isArrBuffer: Check if value is an ArrayBuffer.

isArrLike: Check if value is array-like.

isBlob: Check if value is a Blob.

isBool: Check if value is a boolean primitive.

isBrowser: Check if running in a browser.

isBuffer: Check if value is a buffer.

isClose: Check if values are close(almost equal) to each other.

isDataUrl: Check if a string is a valid data url.

isDate: Check if value is classified as a Date object.

isEl: Check if value is a DOM element.

isEmail: Loosely validate an email address.

isEmpty: Check if value is an empty object or array.

isEqual: Performs an optimized deep comparison between the two objects, to determine if they should be considered equal.

isErr: Check if value is an error.

isEven: Check if number is even.

isFile: Check if value is a file.

isFinite: Check if value is a finite primitive number.

isFn: Check if value is a function.

isGeneratorFn: Check if value is a generator function.

isInt: Checks if value is classified as a Integer.

isJson: Check if value is a valid JSON.

isLeapYear: Check if a year is a leap year.

isMatch: Check if keys and values in src are contained in obj.

isMiniProgram: Check if running in wechat mini program.

isMobile: Check whether client is using a mobile browser using ua.

isNaN: Check if value is an NaN.

isNative: Check if value is a native function.

isNil: Check if value is null or undefined, the same as value == null.

isNode: Check if running in node.

isNull: Check if value is an Null.

isNum: Check if value is classified as a Number primitive or object.

isNumeric: Check if value is numeric.

isObj: Check if value is the language type of Object.

isOdd: Check if number is odd.

isPlainObj: Check if value is an object created by Object constructor.

isPrimitive: Check if value is string, number, boolean or null.

isPromise: Check if value looks like a promise.

isRegExp: Check if value is a regular expression.

isRelative: Check if path appears to be relative.

isRetina: Determine if running on a high DPR device or not.

isStr: Check if value is a string primitive.

isStream: Check if value is a Node.js stream.

isTypedArr: Check if value is a typed array.

isUndef: Check if value is undefined.

isUrl: Loosely validate an url.

isWindows: Check if platform is windows.

jsonp: A simple jsonp implementation.

kebabCase: Convert string to "kebabCase".

keyCode: Key codes and key names conversion.

keys: Create an array of the own enumerable property names of object.

last: Get the last element of array.

lazyRequire: Require modules lazily.

linkify: Hyperlink urls in a string.

loadCss: Inject link tag into page with given href value.

loadImg: Load image with given src.

loadJs: Inject script tag into page with given src value.

longest: Get the longest item in an array.

lowerCase: Convert string to lower case.

lpad: Pad string on the left side if it"s shorter than length.

ltrim: Remove chars or white-spaces from beginning of string.

map: Create an array of values by running each element in collection through iteratee.

mapObj: Map for objects.

matcher: Return a predicate function that checks if attrs are contained in an object.

max: Get maximum value of given numbers.

memStorage: Memory-backed implementation of the Web Storage API.

memoize: Memoize a given function by caching the computed result.

meta: Document meta manipulation, turn name and content into key value pairs.

methods: Return a sorted list of the names of every method in an object.

min: Get minimum value of given numbers.

mkdir: Recursively create directories.

moment: Tiny moment.js like implementation.

ms: Convert time string formats to milliseconds.

negate: Create a function that negates the result of the predicate function.

nextTick: Next tick for both node and browser.

noop: A no-operation function.

normalizePath: Normalize file path slashes.

now: Gets the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch.

objToStr: Alias of Object.prototype.toString.

omit: Opposite of pick.

once: Create a function that invokes once.

optimizeCb: Used for function context binding.

orientation: Screen orientation helper.

pad: Pad string on the left and right sides if it"s shorter than length.

pairs: Convert an object into a list of [key, value] pairs.

parallel: Run an array of functions in parallel.

parseArgs: Parse command line argument options, the same as minimist.

partial: Partially apply a function by filling in given arguments.

pascalCase: Convert string to "pascalCase".

perfNow: High resolution time up to microsecond precision.

pick: Return a filtered copy of an object.

pluck: Extract a list of property values.

precision: Find decimal precision of a given number.

prefix: Add vendor prefixes to a CSS attribute.

promisify: Convert callback based functions into Promises.

property: Return a function that will itself return the key property of any passed-in object.

query: Parse and stringify url query strings.

raf: Shortcut for requestAnimationFrame.

random: Produces a random number between min and max(inclusive).

randomBytes: Random bytes generator.

range: Create flexibly-numbered lists of integers.

ready: Invoke callback when dom is ready, similar to jQuery ready.

reduce: Turn a list of values into a single value.

reject: Opposite of filter.

remove: Remove all elements from array that predicate returns truthy for and return an array of the removed elements.

repeat: Repeat string n-times.

restArgs: This accumulates the arguments passed into an array, after a given index.

rgbToHsl: Convert rgb to hsl.

rmCookie: Loop through all possible path and domain to remove cookie.

rmdir: Recursively remove directories.

root: Root object reference, global in nodeJs, window in browser.

rpad: Pad string on the right side if it"s shorter than length.

rtrim: Remove chars or white-spaces from end of string.

safeCb: Create callback based on input value.

safeDel: Delete object property.

safeGet: Get object property, don"t throw undefined error.

safeSet: Set value at path of object.

safeStorage: Use storage safely in safari private browsing and older browsers.

sample: Sample random values from a collection.

scrollTo: Scroll to a target with animation.

selectionSort: Selection sort implementation.

shuffle: Randomize the order of the elements in a given array.

size: Get size of object, length of array like object or the number of keys.

slice: Create slice of source array or array-like object.

snakeCase: Convert string to "snakeCase".

some: Check if predicate return truthy for any element.

spaceCase: Convert string to "spaceCase".

splitCase: Split different string case to an array.

splitPath: Split path into device, dir, name and ext.

startWith: Check if string starts with the given target string.

strHash: String hash function using djb2.

stringify: JSON stringify with support for circular object, function etc.

stripAnsi: Strip ansi codes from a string.

stripCmt: Strip comments from source code.

stripColor: Strip ansi color codes from a string.

stripHtmlTag: Strip html tags from a string.

sum: Compute sum of given numbers.

template: Compile JavaScript template into function that can be evaluated for rendering.

throttle: Return a new throttled version of the passed function.

through: Tiny wrapper of stream Transform.

timeAgo: Format datetime with * time ago statement.

timeTaken: Get execution time of a function.

toArr: Convert value to an array.

toBool: Convert value to a boolean.

toDate: Convert value to a Date.

toEl: Convert html string to dom elements.

toInt: Convert value to an integer.

toNum: Convert value to a number.

toSrc: Convert function to its source code.

toStr: Convert value to a string.

topoSort: Topological sorting algorithm.

trigger: Trigger browser events.

trim: Remove chars or white-spaces from beginning end of string.

tryIt: Run function in a try catch.

type: Determine the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object.

ucs2: UCS-2 encoding and decoding.

unescape: Convert HTML entities back, the inverse of escape.

union: Create an array of unique values, in order, from all given arrays.

uniqId: Generate a globally-unique id.

unique: Create duplicate-free version of an array.

unzip: Opposite of zip.

upperCase: Convert string to upper case.

upperFirst: Convert the first character of string to upper case.

use: Use modules that is created by define.

utf8: UTF-8 encoding and decoding.

uuid: RFC4122 version 4 compliant uuid generator.

values: Create an array of the own enumerable property values of object.

viewportScale: Get viewport scale.

waterfall: Run an array of functions in series.

workerize: Move a stand-alone function to a worker thread.

wrap: Wrap the function inside a wrapper function, passing it as the first argument.

zip: Merge together the values of each of the arrays with the values at the corresponding position.




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