471. Encode String with Shortest Length
dpi表示s[i, j]最短的壓縮結果,subproblem里面枚舉切分點k,分別得到dpi和dpk+1求和,找到長度最短的。
這道題關鍵是找sub = abcabc這種可壓縮的情況,其中sub = s[i,j]。方法比較巧妙,用sub+sub = abcabcabcabc,找第二個s在s+s里出現的位置,如果不是len(sub),則說明sub有重復,那么就要壓縮這個sub,重復次數是len(sub) / indexOf(sub, 1),重復的string用的是之前壓縮過的dpi,index = indexOf(sub, 1)。
public class Solution { public String encode(String s) { int n = s.length(); String[][] dp = new String[n][n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) dp[i][i] = "" + s.charAt(i); // j - i for(int len = 1; len < n; len++) { for(int i = 0; i + len < n; i++) { int j = i + len; // enumerate seperate k for(int k = i; k < j; k++) { int left = dp[i][k].length(); int right = dp[k+1][j].length(); // update shortest encoded string within (i, j) if(dp[i][j] == null || left + right < dp[i][j].length()) { dp[i][j] = dp[i][k] + dp[k+1][j]; } } // update string within (i, j), encode abcabc String sub = s.substring(i, j + 1); int index = (sub + sub).indexOf(sub, 1); if(index < sub.length()) { sub = (sub.length() / index) + "[" + dp[i][i+index-1] + "]"; } if(dp[i][j] == null || dp[i][j].length() > sub.length()) { dp[i][j] = sub; } } } return dp[0][n-1]; } }
Encode String with Shortest Length 題目鏈接:https://leetcode.com/problems...
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